Reviews For Julia
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Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 06 2013 1:51 PM Title: Chapter 49: Booby Trap

*Too convulsed with laughter to review intelligently.*

Author's Response:

*stares blankly onward, hoping this means the chapter was done well*

Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 06 2013 1:13 PM Title: Chapter 49: Booby Trap

Ha loved that chapter. Not only is it very hot but the thought of Julia being ostracized for that moaning display is hilarious and beautifully written might I add. I can't wait to see what Jake does next.


Author's Response:

thanks for the review man

Reviewer: Waldo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 12 2013 1:18 AM Title: Chapter 48: Flesh Sin

Jeez... story is brutal. I like it though. It's a more realistic take on what would actually happen in this situation. Like kind of exploring what the character and mental state of people would have to be for a) the perpetrator (julia) and b) the victims. 


Someone mentioned comic relief and another questioned Jack's sexuality... I'd say after the chapter with Beth getting viciously murdered, any chance of comic relief at this point would feel forced and out of place. As for questioning Jack... Um... I can't imagine any reasonable human being finding any sexual satisfaction in the acts he's being forced to do, especially considering he is the only one that can affect the outcome of his friends' lives. I'd say, his actions are perfectly normal. It would be odd if he didn't react in such ways and kinda paint him as being a bit psychotic too. Which actually brings up a good point. If you're going for a darker ending... Could be that none of them get out of this and Jack kind of loses a bit of grip on his sanity and is forever captive to Julia.


PS: Deleted my previous comment because I forgot to rate and put it on the wrong chapter. =P


Author's Response:

thanks for reading/reviewing. i'm glad that you like the tone i'm using here, and that you get my reasoning with avoiding explicitly comedic stuff.  as i continued writing this and found it getting bleaker and bleaker i decided my best bet was to just go all in and make it a darkly depressing slog of giantess content.  while i don't want to give away the ending, it's probably no secret based on the previous chapters that the conclusion won't be the prettiest thing

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 23 2013 1:45 PM Title: Chapter 48: Flesh Sin

OK: I'll comment. This chapter was surprisingly poignant. Due, of course, to _JULIA_ being that way (however briefly)! By this point, though, we--me and the other readers--know all too well that it won't last. That Julia's newest period of lucidity will vanish like a popped soap bubble. That being said; how about a chapter or two of comic relief? Like, say, Jack somehow falls out of the bra and gets found by a bunch of cheerleaders. You could return to the white-knuckle drama by having Julia "rescue" him by shrinking them!*

*Just a thought

Author's Response:

thanks for reviewing.  it's an interesting idea, although one of the main things I'm going for in this story is 100% total isolation with Julia and the tinies.  however, as Julia's good mood comes to an end, I ironically do plan on bringing back in a little more of the levity that made earlier chapters less dark, since Jack's got a mission now

Reviewer: Gtsboy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 22 2013 9:54 PM Title: Act I: Prisoner, Chapter 1: Good Morning

Gah, this scrolling through chapters on my iPod hurts my thumb :p but it's definitely worth it. Great story!

Author's Response:

glad to hear it's worth the pain; thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Javert Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 22 2013 8:07 PM Title: Chapter 48: Flesh Sin

Another great chapter.  Julia's a fantastic character and truly, deeply psychotic.  I love her.


One criticism:  Is this dude gay?  Does he think he'll win an award for piety?  He's got a good thing going...

Author's Response:

thanks for reading. i would imagine he's going less for piety and more for what will prevent his actual girlfriend from getting smashed

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 22 2013 8:01 PM Title: Chapter 48: Flesh Sin

Another excellent chapter that leads me to the awaiting climax whenever it shall come.

Author's Response:

thanks for the review

Reviewer: zephilia Signed [Report This]
Date: January 22 2013 6:48 PM Title: Chapter 48: Flesh Sin

Great chapter, will our hero have a chance to escape or will Julia use him? At least the punishment is over ... for now. Cannot wait for the Next chapter.

Author's Response:

probably more towards the second option, but I won't rule anything out...

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 22 2013 4:59 PM Title: Act I: Prisoner, Chapter 1: Good Morning

Man, with how things are now, your going to have your work cut out for you to figure out a way to give these little guys a chance against Julia. Its seems pretty hopeless from where Im standing.

Author's Response:

excellent, if things are feeling hopeless right now, i've done my job well  ;)

Reviewer: zephilia Signed [Report This]
Date: January 11 2013 8:49 PM Title: Chapter 47: Dream Girls

Love the new chapter, but I hope more giantess action is in store soon.

Author's Response:

thanks!  julia will be back to normal next chapter

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 08 2013 2:58 PM Title: Chapter 47: Dream Girls

Waiter? I need more ICE water!!

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 07 2013 8:40 PM Title: Chapter 47: Dream Girls

A wonderful mysterious chapter that will no doubt leave me thinking till the next update or the answer is resolved.


Great to see this back.

Author's Response:

mystery was definitely the intent there!

Reviewer: thewiking2000 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 07 2013 7:12 PM Title: Chapter 47: Dream Girls

Another great chapter! I actually like the trippy dreams, even though I miss her ususal maneating self;)

Author's Response:

her maneating self will be back next chapter, i just thought it would be fun to throw in some abstraction to the mix. thanks for reading/reviewing!

Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 07 2013 5:57 PM Title: Chapter 47: Dream Girls

Great to see this story back with yet another stellar chapter. I'm quite a fan of these type of dream sequence 'thingys' wish it was a little more phychedelic, was still pretty cool though.
Hope to see more from you.


Author's Response:

thanks for reviewing! i considered making it a little crazier and further from reality but i figured some readers are already wary of the lack of direct giantess content in the chapter, so i sort of compromised with this.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 07 2013 4:01 PM Title: Act I: Prisoner, Chapter 1: Good Morning

Man, I am not putting too much hope on a happy ending, because it doesn't seem like its possible at this point. But at least some sort of bittersweet ending, I just dont wanna see Julia win, she pisses me off so much! I guess your a good enough writter when a villan can make someone angry.

Author's Response:

thanks for the review!  i'm glad i can get you to feel angry at Julia; that's definitely the intent.  while i can't quite say the ending will be all sunshine and roses, with as much build-up as i've given here, you're going to see Julia's captives give her a run for her money before the story ends

Reviewer: Gtsboy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 04 2012 8:43 PM Title: Act I: Prisoner, Chapter 1: Good Morning

I know that you'll say no (unfortunately) but maybe, hopefully, possibly just work on finishing Julia before your other stories? It's my favourite of your many great stories! :)

Author's Response:

thanks for the review; i'm glad you enjoy it so much. the main problem with just plowing through and finishing the story is that the sheer mass of this thing and its various dangling plotlines can be a little overhwhelming, so when I write it, I've really got to just get in the zone and pound out the chapters in large chunks, something which my schedule unfortunately rarely allows. i will return to it soon though

Reviewer: Dudemanguy Signed [Report This]
Date: December 02 2012 12:25 PM Title: Act I: Prisoner, Chapter 1: Good Morning

Well, Julia is a cruel. Her fate to me... Chinese water torture while bleeding out never able to die but experiencing extreme pain every second of everyday. Forever. Also, she is having her guts pulled out every minute causing even more pain. And finally, all this and then be stepped on by the people she tortured. But can never die. She is the worst person ever...of all time. XD

Author's Response:

thanks for reading. i'm sure Julia's prisoners would agree with your plan

Reviewer: zephilia Signed [Report This]
Date: November 27 2012 12:36 AM Title: Chapter 46: Grub

Great story, is it finished or is there more?

Author's Response:

there's definitely more

Reviewer: Javert Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 25 2012 9:09 PM Title: Chapter 46: Grub

Great story.  I'd love it even more if she won in the end, of course.  But your writing never ceases to impress.  Keep up the good work!

Author's Response:

thanks for the review

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 21 2012 11:10 PM Title: Chapter 46: Grub


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