Reviews For The Freshman
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Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: September 18 2011 12:39 PM Title: Chapter 5: Bio Buddy

So what happened to the other girls? I'm guessing they could just suddenly jump in and say: "Why are you talking to her?" or something along the lines of that. Gonna hopefully have the first chapter sequal to the "A Day in the Life of Stephen" up the end of the week if you're interested. Still doing some planning but I reckon I have something good (decent).

Author's Response:

hehe nothing slips by you, does it?  this is second period; it's a different class than before, it was just coincidence that he has this same girl in 2 classes, so the 3 we met in the last chapter are probably in some other class.  and i will definitely take a peek at your new story.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 18 2011 11:37 AM Title: Chapter 5: Bio Buddy

That was touchingly cute. :-)

Author's Response:

thanks. i was hoping to soften out Peter's somewhat rough morning

Reviewer: Pixis Signed [Report This]
Date: September 16 2011 3:32 AM Title: Chapter 4: Peer Pressure

The red-haired girl intrigues me (Peter has good taste. I also like the redheads). Amy's aggressiveness thwarting him over and over in this chapter was pretty funny.

Author's Response:

unfortunately for peter, thwarting him (at least physically) is all too easy for his new "friends"

Reviewer: edexdexx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 15 2011 1:44 PM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

I really like the story so far. I especially like the emphasis on Peter's desire to be accepted considering it's his first time in school due to how he's different, to the point of wanting to make friends with Amy, Kimmy, and Sharon despite how he has a bad vibe about them, particularly Sharon.

Author's Response:

thanks for the review!  as i'm sure you can guess, peter's desperation for acceptance isn't going to serve him too well later on

Reviewer: Ksquared Signed [Report This]
Date: September 15 2011 7:35 AM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

I think this story has officially become my favorite on this site! The detail and characters are so well defined and I find myself really getting attached to these characters. If this goes well will there be sequels? ie The Sophomore, The Junior, and The Senior? Keep up the great work man! I check back on this site several times a day to see if there's a new chapter. BTW, I totally imagined the three girls as the Plastics from Mean Girls!

Author's Response:

haha i can't think that far ahead.  if there's interest when this story is done, i'd certainly consider a sequel.

and i see what you mean with the girls; you've got the mastermind ringleader, the pushy assertive one, and the one who just gets dragged along  :)

Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: September 15 2011 12:52 AM Title: Chapter 4: Peer Pressure

I really enjoyed this chapter but I'm just curious as to why people didn't rush oveer to see Peter given have different he is.

Hmmm they always say its the quiet ones you have to look out for and I'm guessing the girl in corner will have a part to play in the story, unless of course that was just to add detail to the situation.

Author's Response:

she will indeed have a role to play later on.  thanks for the consistent reviews

Reviewer: Waldo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 14 2011 10:43 PM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

Nice story. It actually caught my interest and kept me reading. You've got a great perception for detail and describing intangible things.

Author's Response:

thanks!  that's one of the fun things for me; it's like a puzzle to word things that don't really have a wording, if you know what i mean

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 14 2011 6:21 PM Title: Chapter 4: Peer Pressure

You're welcome.

I can't speak for any others, of course. But, I enjoy reading each new chapter just as much as you enjoy posting them. And, in this case? I absolutely _loved_ the foreboding you introduced in the cliff-hanger!

Author's Response:

thanks, as i'm sure you can imagine, that foreboding i had there is going to come into rather particular fruition later on in the story

Reviewer: littlemac Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 14 2011 9:18 AM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

I like the development of the story and the characters a lot so far, and I think the school setting offers a lot of potential. I'll keep reading.

Good job.

Author's Response:

thanks for the review, littlemac

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 12 2011 1:55 PM Title: Chapter 3: Rude Welcome

How ever long it takes to upload ch. 4, it'll be well worth the wait, I'm sure.

Author's Response: oh noooo, the unbearable pressure! ;)

Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 11 2011 9:38 PM Title: Chapter 3: Rude Welcome

storys getting better an better. well done.


Author's Response:


Reviewer: theatrix1 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 11 2011 9:08 PM Title: Chapter 3: Rude Welcome

Thank God Yes. Eat Him, Use Him, Time for fun! I can't wait to read what happens next, great job so far!

Author's Response:

haha well the eating bit may be a little difficult to pull off since he's 5 inches tall, but thanks for the review!

Reviewer: MrNoName637 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 10 2011 8:26 PM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

Wow. I generally don't like SM, but this is one of the best stories I've read on here in a long time. More please! And faster!

Author's Response:

thanks for the review!  i'm doing my best to write these quickly, but juggling 2 ongoing stories at once, it gets a little trickier.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 10 2011 4:42 PM Title: Chapter 3: Rude Welcome

It looks like he's going to become the mascot for the school's leading chick-clique.

Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: September 10 2011 2:55 PM Title: Chapter 3: Rude Welcome

What's up? The sky. I sometimes do that when I can't think of what to say. Hopefully Pete will be alright.

Thank goodness you're here; I've read so much crap recently. I think I will add this to my favourites.

Author's Response:

well thank you, i appreciate the support

Reviewer: Pixis Signed [Report This]
Date: September 10 2011 1:24 PM Title: Chapter 3: Rude Welcome

I like that Peter isn't used to people picking him up without consent. Sounds like he's going to have to overcome his naive view of the world fast.

Author's Response:

peter's going to discover quickly that life can stink when you're not protected 24/7

Reviewer: tinyslave Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 10 2011 11:34 AM Title: Chapter 3: Rude Welcome

I like it! I am really curious about what will happen next!

Author's Response:

thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Pixis Signed [Report This]
Date: September 07 2011 6:10 PM Title: Chapter 2: Sibling Bonding

Great story so far. I love these kinds of scenarios with a naturally tiny person. They're a refreshing change from shrinking stories, since you can skip his transformation and reaction and just focus on his interaction with the world.

Nice relationship with the sister. Slightly antagonistic but there's a hint of another side of her.

Author's Response:

glad you like it Pixis, good to hear from you again

Reviewer: Malaka Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 07 2011 1:35 PM Title: Chapter 2: Sibling Bonding

This looks amazing so far. I love the relationship between brother and sister. Hopefully he won't do anything stupid, but I rather doubt it! Good work!

Author's Response:

thanks for reading bud, always like hearing from fellow authors whose work i enjoy

Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: September 07 2011 1:54 AM Title: Chapter 2: Sibling Bonding

You're right I suppose. Your writing is generally flawless and I now that I think about it, I'm wasting my time by pointing out trivial details. Besides, if I'm too picky I can only assume you'll return the favour, and as I hope to have a new story up by the end of the week my mishap will be fresh in your memory.


Author's Response:

yes, MWAHAHA, I shall have VENGEANCE! ;) hehe i hope not, and thank you very much for the compliment

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