Reviews For The Freshman
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Reviewer: SpookyTaco Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 10:15 AM Title: Chapter 19: Pick-up Lines

Clever chapter title!

Lisa is a very sweet girl.

You described their interaction brilliantly.

Author's Response:

It was too good a pun to pass up. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: April 04 2014 1:55 PM Title: Chapter 18: Project Uncoupling

I wondered if I'd ever see an update to this story. It's nice to see it back. The American Indians are underappeciated. I think they should pick them as the subject of their school project.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review man. And I agree with you on the American Indians.

Reviewer: SpookyTaco Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 04 2014 12:28 PM Title: Chapter 14: Sides Meet

Just finished reading through chapters 1 through 14. Very nice story so far. Good detail. Easy for the reader to empathize with Peter. I'm a bit surprised by how cruel some of the students can be, perhaps that is just me misremembering high school. I do like Peter's sister though (Erica). You've done an excellent job of developing her character. Though clearly annoyed with her duties, she still cares for her brother on some level, beyond just the fear of her mother's wrath.

Author's Response:

Thanks very much for the read/review. I realize I'm embellishing the cruelty of certain characters, though I'd say it's not extreme; high school kids can be pretty devious. I'm glad you like Erica. I'm trying my best to represent the simultaneous antagonism and love of siblings.

Reviewer: Olo Signed [Report This]
Date: April 04 2014 10:31 AM Title: Chapter 18: Project Uncoupling

I'm really glad you've picked this back up.  The details of the physical environment are well-attended-to, but the description of the social environment is where your writing really shines.  High schoolers are very hard to write without falling into cliche, mainly because they are still developing their personalities and trying on different roles each day.  Meeting someone 1/20th your size could provoke all kinds of experimental reactions...

I appreciate the slow build, too.  I can be sustained for weeks be a well-written handheld scene, and you've already logged a dozen beauties.

On a personal note,  I'm pretty sure I had Ms. Tritter for Math, too.  I remember fondly being personally instructed in the operations of extrapolation.  I'm sure Peter would benefit from similar attention.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review. I find it interesting trying to capture the voice of high schoolers in stories like this, although I benefit from having only been there a couple years ago. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the slow build too. You're going to see Peter get some more one-on-one with Ms. Tritter eventually.

Reviewer: Flaming_Heart Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 03 2014 9:16 PM Title: Chapter 18: Project Uncoupling

Surprise surprise a update. Do you think I was surprised.

Really good chapter, glad this story is being showed care again.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading/reviewing!

Reviewer: Nsolo6672 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03 2014 1:53 PM Title: Chapter 18: Project Uncoupling

Glad you started this back up! Can't wait to read where this goes.

Author's Response:

Thanks! The next chapter will be here sooner rather than later.

Reviewer: Ackbar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 03 2014 12:03 PM Title: Chapter 18: Project Uncoupling

As I alluded to over in my YouPet review, it really is wonderful to see this being updated again. Outside of Rise of a Princess, this really is my favorite of your works simply because of the opportunity it gives you to flex your extremely impressive range.

The trio continues to entertain in their possessiveness, and one thing I enjoy about their interactions with Peter is that they want him to choose to interact with their group, to the point where they actually put down others in an attempt to impress into his mind that they are the group he wants to associate with. It's a different form of domination than the usual, and it's quite fun to read.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review bud. I'm aware that this and Princess are really my only gentle-focused stories, which is something I intend to work on at some point. The domination aspect of it is something I was eager to play on in a story like this since these kinds of girls would be doing it much more subtly than the psychos I normally write about.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 03 2014 10:40 AM Title: Chapter 18: Project Uncoupling

I hated group projects, when I was Pete's age. If their goal was to teach equality of teamwork, they always failed. Miserably! In fact, I remember one wise-ass quipping:

"There may not be an 'I' in 'team.' But, the fourth and second letters do spell 'me!' "

Author's Response:

I hear ya there. Of course, the workload that gets put on him is going to end up being the least of Pete's worries.

Reviewer: Story smith Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 03 2014 9:22 AM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

Your character development is spot on. No matter how long it take for a new chapter to Appear for this story when it pops up I WILL read it. This story is that good

Author's Response:

Thanks very much!

Reviewer: Amateur Wordsmith Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 03 2014 8:29 AM Title: Chapter 18: Project Uncoupling

I for one don't mind that you take long breaks, however I can see why that would bother people.

As for the story, I felt this chapter was overall very good.

Lisa is developing into a superb passive giantess. However, it's Amy, Sharon, and Kimmy that steal this chapter. They're behavior is situated in that uncanny valley between sadism and possessiveness and I found it quite effective given the situation.

They clearly see him as a person, but also as a object to be dominated and used for leverage. This pattern of interaction towards Peter is precisely what I'd expect from a group of high school girls.


Oh Jacksmith. If only I had your level of writing expertise. *wishes hopefully*


Author's Response:

Thanks very much for the review good sir. I really appreciate what you're saying about Amy, Sharon, and Kimmy; I've been putting effort into making them be manipulative giantess characters without forgetting that they're also just teens.

Reviewer: Cloud Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03 2014 8:08 AM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

If we get another chapter in 2014, it'll be a stroke of fortune so mighty it's comparable to winning the lottery....

Author's Response:

I fully intend to put the next one out before this year ends, and probably much much sooner.

Reviewer: tlark99 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 01 2013 5:52 PM Title: Chapter 17: Take Stock

This story is fantastic!  Cant wait 4 next chapter


Author's Response:


Reviewer: tlark99 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 06 2013 8:29 PM Title: Chapter 17: Take Stock

I m loving this story cant wait 4 the next chapter


Reviewer: eeveefan007 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 28 2013 3:40 AM Title: Chapter 17: Take Stock

great story, can't wait for more

Reviewer: soniti54 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 25 2013 1:04 PM Title: Chapter 17: Take Stock

This is an interesting tale. I'm impressed how you've kept it so lively given the setting and environment.

The characters are excellent, and that to me is just as important as being able to express the entire story. Both of which are being done very well here-- 5 stars


Hope to see future additions!

Author's Response: Thanks very much; I'm glad you're enjoying it. I've been criminally slow at updating as of late but there will be more eventually.

Reviewer: deviant Signed [Report This]
Date: May 04 2013 12:53 AM Title: Chapter 17: Take Stock

So glad to see an update.  The dynamics at home are interesting but I'm really looking forward to Peter's next day at school. Cheers.

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 03 2013 8:07 PM Title: Chapter 17: Take Stock

You're alive! Now more Julia please.

Author's Response:

I'm gasping out breaths of oxygen as best I can, so technically... yes?  And there will be more Julia just as soon as I write/post it, if that weren't already obvious.  Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 03 2013 12:39 PM Title: Chapter 17: Take Stock

Nicely poignant interlude. :-)

Welcome back!

Author's Response:

thanks very much

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 04 2013 10:12 AM Title: Chapter 16: Shadow School

I think Pete's subconscious was trying to tell him just how potentially dangerous those three home-roommates of his truly are.

Author's Response:

probably a good bet. thanks for reviewing, man

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 03 2013 6:55 PM Title: Chapter 16: Shadow School

Another excellent dream sequence. 

Author's Response:

thanks man

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