Reviews For The Freshman
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Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 01 2015 12:49 PM Title: Chapter 22: Unsportsmanlike Assault

I forgot how much I liked this story. Can't believe I haven't been commenting.
It was nice to bone up on my volleyball vernacular with dig and such. Lisa should be glad a sore cheek was all she got from such a severe spike, could've gotten a broken nose and black eye.
Anyways, I'm looking forward to what happens next and I'm also liking that Ms. Watson seems to be treating him better whatever that may mean I'm enjoying the possibilities.
Also can't wait to see his mom again.


Author's Response:

Thanks for reading! Lisa did luck out a bit. Peter may not be as big a fan of Watson's treatment though. His mom will appear again in a matter of chapters.

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 01 2015 9:08 AM Title: Chapter 22: Unsportsmanlike Assault

Fine chap! Amy is Sharon is Sharon's henchwoman but Kimmy seems more naive than bully gang-type. Good to see friendship grow btw Peter n Lisa!!!

Author's Response:

Thanks! You're on the right track the roles of Amy and Kimmy.

Reviewer: Olo Signed [Report This]
Date: January 27 2015 6:44 PM Title: Chapter 21: Vixen Advice

From Ms. Tritter to Sharon; like going from the afternoon sun in July to a December moonrise.  Work those capillaries, Peter! 

Author's Response:

It's definitely an extreme turnaround.

Reviewer: SkywalkerSpider Signed [Report This]
Date: January 27 2015 1:25 PM Title: Chapter 20: Danger Consultation

oh I love this story, glad your still working on it.  :) 

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Flaming_Heart Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 26 2015 10:54 PM Title: Chapter 21: Vixen Advice

Wow intense moment there. Sharon is pretty manipulative and kind of bossy. Which is good since it adds drama.

Glad this story is back. I was surprised to see it updated, I thought it disappeared forever.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading! I know I tend to take long breaks on this one but I have no intentions of abandoning it forever.

Reviewer: tinyguy Signed [Report This]
Date: January 26 2015 3:24 PM Title: Chapter 21: Vixen Advice

This is a great story!. Surprised I didn't discover it sooner!

Author's Response:

Thanks! It's probably because I hadn't updated this one in almost a year.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 26 2015 1:05 PM Title: Chapter 21: Vixen Advice

It sounds like Sharon is already to trying to make him her isolated toy-boy.

Author's Response:

Sharon's definitely already got something cooking.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 26 2015 12:29 PM Title: Chapter 21: Vixen Advice

Really liking Ms.Tritter so far! She seems like a reasonble, intelligent young woman, and beautiful to boot! I can't wait to get more of her!

Sharon on the other hand probably wants Peter like a little girl wants a gerbil; a tiny, portable pet...I get the impression she doesn't see Peter as a tiny human pursuing his dreams.

Great chapter, this and Julia are my favorite of your stories, maybe I like this a bit better since it's more gentle and I'm biased towards that.

Author's Response:

Tritter is definitely the closest teacher to a friend that Peter will have in this story. And may be onto something with Sharon. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 26 2015 10:56 AM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

Voilà. U have the young version of TO's Nancy: Sharon lol

Author's Response:

Interesting thought, though as Sharon appears more, it'll start to become clear that she's after something other than seduction like Nancy.

Reviewer: timescribe Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 23 2015 9:37 PM Title: Chapter 8: Water Sports

Such a cute likable chapter

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Olo Signed [Report This]
Date: January 21 2015 4:21 PM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

So thoroughly jazzed [sic] to see you back at this story.  Really enjoying the handtime.  You know, Peter could probably practice his pull-ups on an extended fingertip...

Author's Response:

Thanks man. I'm jazzed to be writing it again. There's plenty more handtime to come as well as some time with other locations as well!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 21 2015 4:06 PM Title: Chapter 20: Danger Consultation

A classic filler chapter. It advances the plot while still allowing the author a breather to come up with more pro-active interaction between tiny protagonist and humongous hotties.*

*Did I really just say that? I'm so stuck in the Nineties!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reviewing! That's an apt description for it; at least one of the aforementioned hotties will be returning in the next chapter.

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 21 2015 3:40 PM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

Good to see you back. I know this story but i'm a bit surprised to see it updated instead of Time-out 6. However enjoy your return to writing!

Author's Response:

Thanks! My internet and computer situation has been whacky this month, but I will have a new Time-out 6 up sometime next week.

Reviewer: RandomStoriesHQ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 16 2014 6:43 AM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

Love this story to bits! To be honest I was pretty surprised to find it up on this side- you guys tend to write more about vore and feet things, but anyway... The reason I'm writing this review is because by far, this is the best story on this site and not just because it's almost completely gentle so far! Your wiring style makes it all seem so realistic and actually makes me shiver thinking about what it would feel like I be someone as small as Peter. I love books where the male character is the small one, and this has been such a standout for me in that category! I'm loving the buildup of characters here too- Lisa and Peter are my favourites, I don't know about Sharon Amy and Kimmy (they seem to be toying with Peter too much) but nonetheless, this is an amazing story! It reminds me so much of my own book 'I wish I was normal' except of course 100 times better written! Keep up the great work!

Author's Response:

Thanks very much for your comment. Glad you like the characters. I tend to add to this story sparingly, but I definitely will return to continue it eventually.

Reviewer: soniti54 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 16 2014 10:09 AM Title: Chapter 19: Pick-up Lines

Glad to see there's still progress on this story! Your main characters and even your minor characters have very real and relatable personalities that make it easy to get emersed in Peter's story. I even had fun re-reading the chapters I had already gone through!

Great work!

Author's Response: Thanks for reading! Glad you're enjoying it. There will be more progress on it at some point.

Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 3:22 PM Title: Chapter 19: Pick-up Lines

A nice chaper, but I did see a mistake here:

Amy, too.  She mad about the whole thing and she kept saying “you and I”

You mean: She's mad

Author's Response:

Thanks, good catch.

Reviewer: DarcKage Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 2:03 PM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

Wonder how long it'll take before he fully realizes he likes her.


Very sweet chapter.

Author's Response:

Given the snail's pace I'm writing this thing, he'll probably figure it out by at least 2020. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Ackbar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 12:36 PM Title: Chapter 19: Pick-up Lines

Fuck that was adorable.

I don't really have much else to say. Just a really sweet hand-focused chapter. Enjoyed it immensely.

Author's Response:

Thanks man. Hand-focused chapters don't get their dues around here enough, so I do my best.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 12:29 PM Title: Chapter 19: Pick-up Lines

To paraphrase an old chant that was popular when I was in grammar school:

"Peter and Lisa, sitting in a tree.
First, comes love.
Then, comes marriage.
Then, comes Peter (and son) in a baby carriage!"

Author's Response:

Well, I'm keeping silent on that first step, but I'm not sure that last part would go over so well, for anyone involved really.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 12:06 PM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

Awesomesauce! I love this story and Im glad you updated so soon this time.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading/reviewing!

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