Reviews For The Freshman
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Reviewer: Barrowman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 28 2015 11:43 PM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

Good detailed story about how life can be as a five inch person in high school.  I always love your detailed worlds and that for every action there is a consequence. In most of your stories the characters feel like real people. That what makes them good.

Erica is a strong character. Peter is lucky to have her as a big sister. She's smart and sees al possible dangers from a mile away and try to prevent them as much as possible. She is the best friend/caretaker he has.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reviewing. This one especially I try to show direct consequences for every small interaction. Glad you like Erica; he is indeed lucky to have her.

Reviewer: luv2beshrunk Signed [Report This]
Date: June 14 2015 3:25 PM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

Excellent chapter they are all good but any chapter with a Sharon handheld is excellent!!! What if Lisa somehow convinces Peter's mom to allow her to take him to the movies and she unfortuanately lets Sharon and her trio know as if to rub it in and while at the movies, Peter becomes seperated from Lisa and to make things worse Sharon and her cronies showed up to see what a date with a 5 inch boy is like...... :-)

Author's Response:

Thanks. Honestly Lisa isn't the kind of person to tempt fate by rubbing it in, but there still may well be issues that arise on the date anyway.

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 14 2015 9:27 AM Title: Chapter 32: Popped Question

Ah, I got it right ! I wish I can read the 5th part of story without incest. By the way, Talking abut the Freshman, I wonder what's Kimberly's role in the devil trio. Sharon is the chief, Amy henchwoman but I cant see Kim's role. Maybe she's rich.

Author's Response:

The incestuous parts of Blackmail aren't to everyone's liking, though by the 5th in the series, it's really just part of the story now.

Kimmy is there because she's easily coerced into following Sharon. She's the crony.

Reviewer: giantessfan9 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 13 2015 11:58 PM Title: Chapter 32: Popped Question

Awesome chapter. Can't wait for the next! (hopefully it's their date)

Author's Response:

Thanks! Their date won't be the next chapter, but it's not far off.

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: June 13 2015 9:21 PM Title: Chapter 32: Popped Question

I'm sure I am in the minority but hope things get a little rough for our vertically challenged freind. I think the biggest threat to Peter is not Sharon but the girl who dunked him into the water way back when this story started, she seemed genuinely dangerous, not quite right in the head. She's also probably the one who stuck him in the tuba. 

Author's Response:

There's still plenty more to come of this story, so odds are things will get rougher eventually. You're right to think Mandy is still a threat.

Reviewer: Orpheus Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: June 13 2015 7:56 PM Title: Chapter 32: Popped Question

Oh no. No no no no no, anything but that! Jack's suffered enough, hasn't he earned his redemption?!


Neat chapter though.

Author's Response:

I gave Jack a 3 year break, what more could he need?


Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 13 2015 7:31 PM Title: Chapter 32: Popped Question


Way to go, Peter!


Author's Response:

He can definitely use some cheerleaders right now

Reviewer: RandomStoriesHQ Signed [Report This]
Date: June 13 2015 5:04 PM Title: Chapter 32: Popped Question

Love this story so much! I can't wait for the next chapter!!! I really love Peter and Lisa's friendship- and Sharon's reaction when Peter 'popped the question'; what a tool :P
Keep up the great work as always and I'm pumped for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading/reviewing!

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 13 2015 2:28 PM Title: Chapter 32: Popped Question

Ok then so I guess it's A Little Blackmail 5 :p we're waiting for it a looong time!!!

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Olo Signed [Report This]
Date: June 13 2015 11:07 AM Title: Chapter 32: Popped Question

It's unseemly (and poor plotting) to see malice in every mishap, but I can't help thinking Amy might have had something to do with that errant ball.

Nevertheless, I'll happily read any number of your fraught handheld scenes, however unseemly their origin (or conclusion...).

Author's Response:

It very well could've been Amy. Peter would prefer to think optimistically, but there's no way to know for sure. And there will be plenty more handheld scenes to come.

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 13 2015 9:16 AM Title: Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

Finally Peter ask out Lisa ! but watch for the devil trio! Wonder what will be her mom's reaction about her son's first's date!lol Panic or joy maybe both.


PS: my guess is for next story will be time out 7 :p

Author's Response:

You're right to think there may be troubles from both the trio and Peter's mom.

And good guess, but not quite. When I say a very long time, I mean very VERY long time.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: May 24 2015 11:23 AM Title: Chapter 31: Bowling Over

P.S.---Happy 200th reviewer response!


Author's Response:


Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 24 2015 11:22 AM Title: Chapter 31: Bowling Over

Peter better be more watchful than that. Even duckpin bowling balls can achieve considerable enough mass, in rolling, to "accidentally" knock over a Thanksgiving kiddie-table!

Author's Response:

Very true. He just has to hope a bunch of hyper energetic teens aren't prone to reckless behavior...

Reviewer: luv2beshrunk Signed [Report This]
Date: May 24 2015 7:30 AM Title: Chapter 31: Bowling Over

Best story out there, glad to see you continuing it.  I would hate to think what might happen to Peter if he was to somehow become seperated from his sister as they were  leaving for the day (maybe he falls out through a hole in her jacket pocket or something when she stops to talk to her crush) and Peter finds himself having to take shelter until he can get his sisters attention but finds himself enveloped by the large shadow of Sharon :-)

Author's Response:

Thanks! There may eventually be a time where Peter finds himself without Erica there to protect him from people like Sharon.

Reviewer: Olo Signed [Report This]
Date: May 24 2015 6:07 AM Title: Chapter 31: Bowling Over

Y'know, I'd be okay with Sharon or Amy or even Kimmy making off with Peter if any of them were cool enough to make a Big Lebowski reference at this point.

Author's Response:

Well, Lisa is definitely out of her element here...

Reviewer: iswear12 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 04 2015 1:01 AM Title: Chapter 30: Cold Shoulder

Good chapter, no complaints here!

Looks like the tension will amp up soon once Sharon finds out her plan didnt work! (just a guess)

Author's Response:

Thanks! There's definitely some potential issues from Sharon on the way.

Reviewer: RandomStoriesHQ Signed [Report This]
Date: April 27 2015 10:43 PM Title: Chapter 30: Cold Shoulder

This chapter was really good! I'm so glad Lisa and Peter are back on good terms with each other. I'm not really liking Sharon's attitude right now though, and I really don't hope she'll do something drastic! >.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reviewing! Sharon definitely doesn't just accept terms she doesn't like, though, so we probably haven't heard the last of her on this subject.

Reviewer: Olo Signed [Report This]
Date: April 27 2015 7:45 AM Title: Chapter 30: Cold Shoulder

Ah, young love. Who doesn't remember the thrill of simply saying the name of their first love, the sparkle of touching their bare skin, or the rush of vertigo as they snatched you from the desktop and dropped you in their purse?

Author's Response:

Yes, that third one in particular is a fond memory I'm sure for everyone on this site

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 27 2015 7:08 AM Title: Chapter 30: Cold Shoulder

Everybody, repeat after me:



Author's Response:

Once more, with feeling

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 27 2015 7:07 AM Title: Chapter 30: Cold Shoulder

Ah I knew it, it was Sharon's evil work, however it's was easy guess! Glad to see the mean plan failed. Now will Peter confront Sharon ?!!

Author's Response:

Hehe. Sharon will definitely be present in the next chapters, but we'll have to see if Peter can have the courage to bring it up.

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