Date: July 05 2024 6:26 PM Title: Library Lunch
Just commenting to say that I read and enjoyed this! I liked the detailed descriptions of shrinking and mouthplay.
Date: November 18 2023 1:54 AM Title: Xylophone
Loved this story when It came out. It’s one of my favourites on here. I hope you write another chapter one day.
Date: January 19 2023 5:57 AM Title: Costume Party
Hard to believe all the 5-star reviews. I think the story has some potential and some variety of good ideas are employed. Just speaking for my opinion - and I'm a lover of vore stories - but to me, the story lacks any emotional punch. And suspense buildup is minimal. Having different characters eat or squash tiny persons who are completely unknown to me doesn't really do anything for me. We should know something about the tiny's being eaten and it should be more than their looks, their name and their gender. Also, how were they invited to the party? We need to see what treachery was involved to coerce these guys to go to the party. Were any of them aware of any rumors by this particular sorority? There is so much that can be added, but it could be made into a great story. Anyway, I mean everything here as constructive criticism, not as mockery or to discourage you in any way.
Date: February 19 2022 1:52 PM Title: Freshman Fifteen
That a murderous sociopath hates white nationalism may be more of a sign of regard rather than condemnation
Date: September 12 2020 5:51 AM Title: Cottage Confection
This one is a nice idea! It teaches a valuable lesson of not getting between a girl and her chocolate. I really like the feeling of futility in this story.
Thank you for writing and until next time!
Author's Response:
Or, perhaps, between a girl's chocolate.
And thank you for reviewing!
Date: September 11 2020 3:42 AM Title: Cottage Confection
They go through a lot of tinies... I know the police investigated once, and it didn't turn out well for them, but you'd think there'd be private investigations, paranormal tv shows, urban myths, stakeouts, surveilance, etc eventually.
Author's Response:
Maybe time for someone to try to infiltrate? Something for the next batch of Gammas to deal with.
Date: September 10 2020 3:06 PM Title: Cottage Confection
As usual, your writing is always very neat and easy to follow, which I actually hold above seeing my favorite sorts of situations or tags being explored, so I just wanted to express my appreciation for your consistent care and attention to detail. Your writing paints a very effective play-by-play in my head with very few gaps that really enables effective imaginary immersion. It often delivers the same, easily consumable experience that just lets me enjoy the ride in a similar way to a comic.
I enjoyed the man's inability to determine the entire time whether she couldn't hear him, or just didn't care. I also enjoy that she never "broke character," and so he'll never know!
You're an extremely prolific writer on here with quite the impressive library. But I think this is my first time reviewing your work, so I'd like to say, I am blown away by the endless idea-factory that is your mind, and your constant ability to actually coax those ideas to take shape on the page.
Excellent vore short. Thanks for being a writer!
Author's Response:
Thank you! My general philosophy with writing size fiction is keeping it quick and getting right to the action to give something people can enjoy in just a few minutes. It helps that for work I often have to write step-by-step instructions or summaries for people who want or need to see every detail, and I think that comes through here. I want to put people in the shoes of the protagonist and experience everything they do, with the full gamut of senses whenever possible.
You're welcome, and thanks for finally reviewing! If you feel up to it, you should go review some (or all!) of my other stories.
Date: September 10 2020 8:31 AM Title: Cottage Confection
Great story, lovely descriptions, interesting scenario. The only reason I'm not giving it full marks is because it is marked as unaware, everything was set up as though it was unaware, and then that last paragraph reveal that she knew the whole time, this was a pretty normal thing for her, and wasn't actually unaware really turned me off. It casts a new world order or cruel giantess context over the story that kind of made me feel tricked. I know unaware isnt everyone's cup of tea, but as someone who loves unaware vore more than nearly any other genre, and getting really excited about you (who I've followed quietly for years) doing more of this, only to have that reveal was pretty disappointing. There are so few authors who write focused unaware (not the kind where there's two paragraphs of unaware in a 20 chapter story buried in an obscure paragraph in chapter 13), and so few more who write it well, like yourself, that it just twists the knife a little more.
I know I just spent way too long complaining about something that is such a miniscule (no pun intended) part of the story, but I do love your work and have notifications turned on for when you post, so as a fan of yours, I couldn't help but mention this because it, for me, is the only red ink on an otherwise perfect unaware vore story. I'm hoping you do more like this, or really just more vore period. Thanks for all of your contributions to this community, and I hope I to you'll keep writing for us.
Author's Response:
The story has the Unaware tag because it has strong unaware elements. Jackie never acknowledges him, there's no interaction, and he fails to get her attention no matter how hard he tries. It is, for all intents and purposes, an unaware story. Unaware is already a gray area as it is: is a story unaware if someone's merely acting unaware, or if they mistake the smaller person for something else, or if they actively shrink someone then lose track of them? You could make a convincing argument either way, however I err on the side of inclusivity in these issues, because, even as you admit, it scratches the same itch. It definitely doesn't fit as a new world order thing, since the Gammas do not determine social norms, and what they do is still forbidden, though they're good at deflecting consequences.
Date: September 02 2020 5:24 AM Title: Freshman Fifteen
It's a wonder people don't notice that Fulda is a blackhole. Men go near her and never return.
Date: August 31 2020 9:17 PM Title: Freshman Fifteen
You're on a roll lately! I love the creativity of Fulda's cruelty. She makes him speck sized to prove a point, and then let's him get crushed unaware to drive home how insignificant he is. I've said it before, but there is something so hot about how casually she destroys people. Like she'll go home and relax and forget about him while she goes about her glorious life.
Author's Response:
This one was honestly a mistake on her part, she didn't mean for him to get smashed! But she's also not going to lose any sleep over it. Obviously she could have stopped or warned Lana, but thought it'd be funnier not to.
There's more casual cruelty coming down the pipe for her, but it's limited to before her marriage so far.
Date: August 30 2020 7:08 AM Title: Freshman Fifteen
Ooh, I thought Helen always knew how to shrink people, I guess I was wrong.
Seems like that poor guy shitposted in the wrong neighborhood. Poor him.
Also, scientist here, Fulda is right!
Thx for writing! I see I'm getting a bit behind on reviews due to me being busy but hopefully I will catch up a bit.
Author's Response:
Fulda is patient zero for being able to shrink people in this world, and she can be stingy about spreading it.
Literature majors agree! Though of course, were Fulda wrong, she could still make you admit she's right.
And thanks for reviewing!
Date: August 26 2020 5:19 AM Title: Freshman Fifteen
Ew, he's too gross to eat. Fulda needs to up her standards for meals
Author's Response:
Even she deserves some junk food now and then
Date: August 16 2020 8:36 PM Title: Her Little Secret
Awesome job! It was a really creative method for having Mariam save her tiny boyfriend. And it was really wholesome.
It's nice to see that there are occasional happy endings surrounding that sorority.
Author's Response:
Thank you! We may be seeing more crafty ways Mariam saves him in the future, or just some slice of life.
They've all been happy endings! The Gammas are quite happy at the end.
Date: August 14 2020 10:57 PM Title: Her Little Secret
I love the wholesome entries to this universe.
Author's Response:
Every now and then, one of them just wants to hangout with a tiny person
Date: July 23 2020 2:49 PM Title: Training the Next Generation
I thought that when fulda got married she might be a little gentler to shrinks...
Why are these girls so blood thirsty...I get if the guys they shrink are douches
But half the time they are shrinking nice guys...
Fulda is no better than gina... and its sad....
Still hopfuly waiting on that gentle Mariam story....
Author's Response:
Fulda got married after college. This story is set while she's at college.
The strong do what they can, and the weak endure what they must. These girls are quite strong!
You'll be waiting a while.
Date: July 23 2020 9:24 AM Title: Training the Next Generation
Fulda is suprisingly caring abou the wellbeing of people she is going to crush later. This surprises me.
It also surprises me that she has to teach Jessica how to handle tiny people. I think that is something thats personal preference and up to the giantess. It almost seems as if its an excuse to simply crush some poor tiny people together with her sister.
And I will call Fulda a hippocrite for her no maiming policy. What does it matter when she kills them anyway? Woudn't it be simply better to stop the killing all together? When will the tiny lives matter movement finally assemble and protest at the doorstep of these Gammas?
Thank you for writing and until next time!
Author's Response:
When you're part of a group, you have to do things as the group does. Jessica has her ways, but they're not best practices... and it's an opportunity for some sisterly bonding.
She may bring the Converse down quickly, but at least she does it quick. There's no reason for a shrink to suffer. Plus, they're not as fun to chase if they're missing a leg, can't make them climb you if missing an arm, just a lot less fun all around.
You're welcome, and thanks for reviewing!
Date: July 20 2020 1:54 AM Title: Grand Slam
I loved this story!!! The detail was amazing.
Date: July 19 2020 11:39 PM Title: Grand Slam
Great story! My only gripe is a minor one. It's hard to not resent Fulda at this point knowing that she eventually gets a happy ending with a shrunken husband. She turns over a new leaf, but never truly has to answer for being a horrible person that kills people for goddess knows how long. I guess I just wish Fulda had some sort of karma or retribution, especially from the loved ones of those she killed so mercilessly.
Author's Response:
Thanks! As for your gripe, sad to say I don't expect she'll ever get what's coming to her. I considered having her stay tiny at the end of Best Revenge as a form of retribution, but decided against it. Some people just don't face justice for their crimes, at least she kills people in a fun way.
Date: June 29 2020 5:17 AM Title: Snack Time with Li
Oh gosh this one hit the right point in me! It was thrilling head to toe! Very nicely done!
Author's Response:
Thank you!
Date: June 29 2020 5:03 AM Title: Dinner Delight
Wow, this was just amusing! I expected the woman to not know about the tinies she was eating, but in the end she's very aware of them, she just made it to them!
Very nice!
Author's Response:
Thank you! She wanted a bit of protein with her rice and went with the most abundant source for her.