Date: March 24 2025 5:56 AM Title: Chapter 15: Beach Day
Himmmm. Are they possessive much?

Date: March 22 2025 10:18 PM Title: Chapter 14. Morning Entanglements
Loving it.

Date: March 22 2025 3:52 PM Title: Chapter 12. Crushing Affection
I liked this chapter in particular, though personally I felt like Linnea was a bit out of character. I assumed that she would playfully mock Martin when seeing him underneath her boots, saying things like "Aww, poor Marty. Did my big bad boots land on you?" and chuckle at his predicament. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that Linnea showed him kindness and tenderness in this scene; it just strikes me as a bit of a contrast to her character. Diana comes off as slightly more motherly out of the two, with Linnea being the playful dominatrix type.
I was also a bit surprised that Linnea would expose herself to Martin like that, apparently not caring whether or not he sees her in her birthday suit. It makes me wonder just how she (and Diana) perceive Martin. Do they see him as a legal guardian, something akin to a potential stepdad? Or is it something potentially more sexually charged, like a pseudo-boyfriend or some such? That would make things rather awkward between them and their mother, given that they seem to know that Daphne has a thing for Martin given her previous interactions with him. In a way, I'd figure that Diana and Daphne would prefer to date someone more their size, or at least not tiny like Martin, when it comes to genuine romantic (and sexual) relations, given that Martin is far to small to "satisfy" them (unless the girls get really creative in how to interact with him, assuming they're genuinely interested in him in that way).
And as for Martin, I'm curious how he in turn feels about these girls. At the start of this story, he seemed to portray general kind stepdad vibes when it came to the two of them, but over time as he looks at their bodies - particularly their muscles and their curves - he seems to be having subconsciously sexually charged feelings towards them both. It makes me curious as to how he sees these two towering women - as daughters to look after or as potential love interests in the not so distant future. Again, that would make things rather awkward between all of them and Daphne, given Daphne's interest in Martin (Diana/Linnea: "Hey Mom! So guess what: We've got a thing for the guy you've been carrying a torch for, just so you know. That's not gonna make things weird, right?")
Anyways, enough of my rambling. This was a nice chapter overall. I really like the contrast between large powerful women who show remarkable kindness and gentle care.

Date: March 20 2025 3:24 PM Title: Chapter 12. Crushing Affection
This. I want this feeling!

Date: March 20 2025 4:57 AM Title: Chapter 11: The Art of Asking
So I like the story overall. You have done excellent at telling the story. It is well written and easy to understand.
I hope he doesn't get too much smaller. I'm really digging the teddy bear size man. And this is my opinion. If he got to much smaller. I would think there would be too many accidents with the two Amazons.
I was wondering if the mom going to make a comeback? Because you did a really good job the chemistry between the two. I was also thinking and this was just a idea. If he was having I problem with a coworker / businessrival or maybe a neighbor. That the girls might have to flex their muscles to protect him?
Anyways if you like the ideas cool. But it's your story you tell it the way you want.
Looking forward to the next chapter
Author's Response:
Thanks for the feedback. The story is already written, but I appreciate the idea. I might incorporate it in a potential sequal.
He will continue to shrink, but not much. And Daphne will return, don't worry.

Date: March 18 2025 4:19 AM Title: Chapter 1. Warm Reunion
So far this story is intriguing overall. Mildly curious about a few things:
- Obviously Martin is continuously shrinking, albeit at a relatively slower pace at fractions of an inch per chapter. Curious as to how small he's going to end up at the end of this whole story (Less than a foot tall? Under half a foot tall? Less than 3 inches? Under 1 inch?). You don't have to answer, just something that crossed my mind.
- Wondering how often Daphne will be stopping in. I don't believe you stated which state Martin lives in, but I'm guessing that Daphne will be stopping by from Alaska every few months (or few weeks). I was initially expecting that maybe he'd have a room set aside for her at the start of this story, but then I suppose that she'd hog Martin all to herself rather than let her daughters have their fun with him.
- Regarding Diana and Linnea, I'm not sure as to how much attraction they have for Martin. Obviously they're intrigued by his ever-shrinking stature for personal amusement, but I wonder if they have feelings similar to their mother when it comes to Martin. Diana comes off as more soft and pampering towards him (despite her biceps and all that), while Linnea is more of a dommy-mommy kind of dominatrix type towards him. Just wondering if their interactions towards him will remains above-the-belt or if they might show a sexual (if not romantic) interest in him. I imagine if they did then that would make things rather awkward between them and their mother, and even more awkward for Martin being the object of affection by a woman and her two daughters.
Anywho, just my thoughts on this story as of this typing. Interesting stuff overall and curious to see where this goes.
Author's Response:
I'm happy with your guesses, as that is exactly what I was going for. His shrinking is deliberately mysterious, but it will be explained a little more clearly in the later chapters.
We have not seen the last of Daphne, don't worry :)
I deliberately wanted Diana and Linneas relationship with Martin be a developing one. In some of the upcoming chapters, their relationship will take some major steps.

Date: March 14 2025 7:04 PM Title: Chapter 6: Rules of the Game
So far this is a fun story. l will be looking forward to reading the next chapter. I like how he set some ground rules. I wonder how long that is going to last? I hope he doesn't get to much smaller. I'm in joying the size difference. I also wonder how often he is going to talk to there mom? And if the girls cross a line to much how will mom react?

Date: March 14 2025 3:44 PM Title: Chapter 6: Rules of the Game
Love that martin is setting the ground rules and gave the girls gym cards to sweeten the deal.
i wonder how the girls have in store for this man lol
so Martin going to shrink more ? And will we see other girls as well ?
great job solid 9/10 chapter

Date: March 14 2025 3:04 PM Title: Chapter 5: Sweet Goodbyes
Wow dude this story is amazing!

Date: March 10 2025 6:20 PM Title: Chapter 2. The Tour
Like it so far. I hope you are not planning to shrink the MC anymore or too soon. Because I like the current size difference. And I was thinking it would be fun to keep that size. With three Amazons already showing interest in him.
Author's Response:
He is going to shrink, but not by much, and very slowly.

Date: March 10 2025 2:47 PM Title: Chapter 2. The Tour
Wow first two chapters have my interest can’t wait to read the next chapter

Date: March 09 2025 8:29 PM Title: Chapter 1. Warm Reunion
K.O you have my interest. Looking forward to see what happens next.