Date: March 10 2025 6:19 AM Title: Capsized
Thanks for not letting the world die away with the epilogue of downsizing story :) But I still didn't get it, has she already eaten someone due to her snack comments or not. Because if so, Drew has to notice someone missing or the number of the returners from her meeting was not the same as the number of those who had gone there ....

Date: March 09 2025 7:10 AM Title: Drew - Petals
Fleur I kinda hope she ditched the Rhett guy for her new pocket pal. Maybe he can change her a bit.
Author's Response:
We'll see what happens!

Date: March 01 2025 8:34 PM Title: Capsized
Kiernan has officially become my favorite of the 3 giants. Her being an environmental nerd will definitely make things interesting moving forward and ofc the pheromone visualization and how it affects a downsizer is both interesting yet scary.
great work!
Author's Response:
We'll see if your opinion changes once we meet the other giants. Kiernan just has the most screen time at the moment. Pheromones are awesome, huh?
Date: March 01 2025 2:47 PM Title: Ellis - Lost Puppy
Loved this! Dialogue this chapter was masterful, the personalities of the characters infectious! What a great read! Can't wait to see what comes next!
Author's Response:
Thanks Zax for your review! I appreciate it greatly. I worked extra hard on their personality and dialogue and I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story, too!
Date: February 27 2025 7:00 AM Title: Capsized
I guess, ReclaimerChief17 means this :)
Cool start, though, think it won't be worse than the Minuss's one:)
Author's Response:
Oh, I know, lol. I was being tongue in cheek with my response to him. Although the setting—shipwrecked on an island—is similar, my take is vastly different. More of a Lost kind of feel is what I'm going after.

Date: February 26 2025 8:09 AM Title: Capsized
Where have I seen a story like this before…. Haha. Im sooo glad you wanted to write your own version of 3 giants in an island.
Seb and Fleur are interesting already and I can see similaries to Brendan and Jaime ;)
looking forward to Kiernan! If I had to guess she’s the nice one!
Author's Response:
I don't know what you're talking about, lol. I will say that these giants and downsizers are unique. There's a lot more than meets the eye. HMU on discord.

Date: February 25 2025 11:04 PM Title: Capsized
wait, tiny island? Now that's an intriguing twist.
the potentials here including M/f as well, I really can't wait how things gonna go down even judging by how the downsizers treated here already I'm excited for what's coming!
Author's Response:
Thanks, bro! Glad you like is so far. There's potential for a lot of different size roles, including M/f. I hope you enjoy what I got planned!