Date: March 04 2025 7:06 PM Title: Chapter 1
You still there? :‘-(
Date: February 09 2025 1:20 PM Title: Chapter 1
Reading the recent part again waiting impatiently for the next part. Your speed at writing is sensational tho so can‘t complain.

Date: February 05 2025 8:43 AM Title: Chapter 2
Another incredible story full of humiliation and one being gaining unfathomable power over another.
Agree with the comment below, I would love to see Chase subjected to all manner of horrors, not just Delaney's feet, but it's your story of course :)
I imagine her ass is just as perfect!

Date: February 04 2025 4:53 PM Title: Chapter 2
I was skeptical at first if you could top the humiliations you've done so far. But I have to say wow. Perfect. I love humiliation over food and want to read more of it. But there's one thing that keeps bothering me. You're so talented at writing these stories and I understand that it's mostly a feet-focused story. If it stays that way, I won't criticize it but I think you're limiting yourself in so many new ways. Gross ass stuff or something like that would be amazing for such humiliating and dehumanizing tasks that Chase is faced with.

Date: February 04 2025 3:02 AM Title: Chapter 2
Okay, ao I gotta ask. Alexis seemed to love Chase but even when things go bad for him. Why does she seemed uncaring, I already know she and her family are aware of Delaney's tendencies but I'd figure she would be more sympathetic. Not judging the story just curious... also would you ever consider having Delaney go through the hard parts while Chase gets to be the giant? If not this story then a different one?
Author's Response:
I change Alexis' personality to go with what the story needs. I would never have the roles reversed as personally thats not what im into and would never even want to think about the person the character is based off of not being in control

Date: February 01 2025 8:26 PM Title: Chapter 1
You are really on an inspired tear with this series. Thanks for being so active on it, these are great. I would love to see Delaney needing to "use" the remote to actually control him less and less given what's happened already!! Great work