Reviews For A willing meal
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Reviewer: banfield Signed [Report This]
Date: September 20 2020 3:40 PM Title: Chapter 1

Hello again, Bob. I enjoyed this yarn as I have all of yours, but one thing I do wish, to come across a yarn whereby the victims are naked. After all, a person can be shrunk, but not the clothes.  I've found and saved, many clips of females devouing tiny males but only liked the victims being naked. It adds to the realism. Unstead, the majority are shewn fully-dressed, plus boots, hats and...for heavens sake, sunglasses!!!

Reviewer: giantess jessica Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 13 2017 6:12 PM Title: Chapter 1

teach me me me how to make story

Reviewer: amanda Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: February 20 2010 3:48 PM Title: Chapter 1

Nice to read another of your tales Girlfood,my only comment is that it doesn't contain as much detail or passion as your usual stuff.

I will be in touch again i promise take care xx.



Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Can you be more specific on the details? What was lacking? Thanks for the review and cannot wait to hear from you again.

Reviewer: banfield Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: February 17 2010 5:12 AM Title: Chapter 1

 Like the other two reviewers, I really did enjoy the story, the dialogue and gradual lead to the finale.  My next query, though, is how can Brandan still be wearing a shirt? After all, she injected his body and only his body would have shrunk.  Okay, so it's poetic licence and all that - so best overlooked. I still prefer fully-grown characters - men, that is - to be eaten.

Author's Response: I overlooked the part about the shirt. Thanks for the review. Talk to you later man.

Reviewer: timescribe Signed [Report This]
Date: February 17 2010 4:21 AM Title: Chapter 1

I enjoyed this even more, being 100% sure who Meredith and Brendan are.
Great story.

Reviewer: modelmrs Signed [Report This]
Date: February 17 2010 3:58 AM Title: Chapter 1

This is an inspirational story.
You've read my mind and almost always accurately described my background in a way that my own stories didn't cover. I think all the readers are going to like this.

Author's Response: So happy you enjoyed this. It means a lot.

Reviewer: banfield Signed [Report This]
Date: February 17 2010 3:44 AM Title: Chapter 1

 Another yarn from "girlfood," but I have to question again as to other writers.....where does the "taste" come from if the predator simply swallows the victim?  As you use the word "eat" which implies the biting, chewing prior to swallowing, you only write that she swallows. So where does the "taste" come from?  Do oysters have any discernable taste? 

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