Date: December 24 2024 2:43 AM Title: Epilogue
My God. Now this is my kinda story. You got Vore plus the descriptions from inside the stomach with digestion and views of other hapless meals. Just fucking perfect. Holy shit, I cannot overstate how much I loved this story. I was surprised when the son got digested with the other meals, but I think that was a poetic ending. Loved it. Great story!
Author's Response:
So glad you liked it!!! I really liked messing with the different "views" using the video format. I feel like I could get away with more "porny" behavior because the context was indeed porn. I was hoping for a bit of a surprise towards the end, leading people on and on with small chances for survival <3
Thank you for the review, it makes me very happy to know people enjoyed the story!
Date: December 21 2024 12:38 PM Title: Diabolical Dana
Greetings Tess,
While I have only had an account very recently on this site, I have been a long time lurker and I have encountered many stories. I recently read this story and I must say that this story hit upon a lot of tropes that I love on this site and your ability to write a vivid narrative with highly detailed and well rounded characters is incredibly commendable. I hope you don’t mind a longer than average review but I just cannot help myself.
The first thing that I appreciate in this story is how well you used the trope of “mistaken identity.” I agree with the most recent review by LittleBigPlanet 1,000% (including your response to it as well). I think it’s a very underrated trope and it offers an unparalleled level of depth to the characters and narrative. For example, Andrew finds out about Dana’s sadistic side hustle and feels disgusted by it and then gets a front row seat to it by experiencing it first hand as a helpless victim with Dana believing that no one she cares about is around to know. The trope offers a strange sense of “unaware” that can somehow coexist with “aware,” two more popular tropes that usually cannot coexist at the same time. After all, had Dana realized the identity of this new unexpected tiny before swallowing him, she would not have swallowed him and most certainly would have spared him the unfortunate fate of being digested alive. Dispute Andrew’s claims about Dana being a sweet and kind hearted woman, her repeated taunts throughout the story were also a great addition since it reinforces her sadism laced with that same sweet personality that Andrew alluded to earlier in the story. Perhaps the strongest thing about this story is simply the existence of the supposed relationship between the two characters and the tragedy that is created by the series of unfortunate events that occurred. The predator is supposed to be the kind and compassionate caregiver for the victim but due to her inability in the moment to recognize that the victim is her beloved son, she ends his life so nonchalantly in a most tragic and painful manner while he is tortured and humiliated by the process.
Since you say that this was a commission, may I ask what your rate is per word(s) and if you have any word minimums or maximums?
Also where would one go to possibly submit a special request and do you have certain content tags that you would never touch or is anything on the table for you?
Overall, this is going on my list of favorites and I look forward to seeing more of your work. Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a great and joyful holiday.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for the detailed review!
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, it always makes me feel great to know my writing didn't just titillate but touched on something special for someone. I don't tend to enjoy straight unaware premises, but the mistaken identity angle really turns it on its head. The frustration in being swept up into something terrible, and the delicious sadism in banal evil. Dana has rationalized her behavior and doesn't see herself as doing anything wrong. If anything, she's performing a service. Everyone is happy, and a suffering person is no longer suffering. But ending it there would simply be all despair and no payoff. I love the idea of the video documenting it, and I think the key part of the story lies in the epilogue. His torment was recorded in great detail and that's something she has to live with. A direct look into the mirror of her twisted self, realizing the gravity of taking a life. The emotional crescendodo.
As for comms, I am currently on pause until after the new year. I will likely take on comms for one slot at a time, and I've not decided on price. I offered a holiday discount to make some quick cash for the holidays but that's not sustainable for me. I will think about it for a little, because it was nice getting a lot of comms at the lower price. I took one more holiday discount comm which should be out in the next few days, so stay tuned! More vore and some feet too <3
Thanks again for taking the time to write all that, it really does mean a lot. Find me on discord if you'd like to talk comms in a few weeks! @gianttess
Date: December 20 2024 12:55 AM Title: Diabolical Dana
Great story. It's cool how Dana had a double life devouring tinies for money from vore fetish users online while at the same presenting herself as an ordinary suburban mother.
Also, unaware torture and degradation of tinies due to mistaken identity is an underutilised trope. Usually, it is completely unaware or mistaken for a bug trope but it is interesting to be mistaken as another nameless tiny by someone you know who is into torturing tinies.
The cliffhanger was so good as well as the previous user said since most of the time the giantess never finds out what she has done. Dana's horrified reaction and guilt at the end when she realises what she has done says it all.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much, it's always great to hear what people like about the story <3
I really dislike the 'mistaken for a bug' trope, though I respect its status as a genre staple. I really liked writing a sadistic angle through the lens of someone rather nice, or supposedly nice. I also enjoyed finding new ways to prolong his hope, the tension rising until there was truly nothing left.
Thank you for the review, it means so much <3
Date: December 19 2024 9:55 PM Title: Diabolical Dana
Hot damn that ending
you almost never get to see the aftermath of stuff like this it always ends before they could ever realize what they’ve done. Wish we got to see that stuff more often its just so satisfying to see.
Author's Response:
So glad you enjoyed it! <3
Yeah, unaware/mistaken identity can sometimes be a bit of a letdown? Vore has so much emotional payoff potential; capturing that was very fun. The weight of the horror feels heavier once everyone understands what has happened.
Thank you for the review!
Date: December 19 2024 3:23 AM Title: Epilogue
Not really into cruel stories but was a good read.
Also nice to see reactions of people finding out what they did to someone they know since most stories usually just end unaware.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Always special when someone isn't into the genre but enjoyed my take.
The ending was a client request! I find it much more impactful if unaware scenarios get a final payoff.
Thank you for taking the time to leave a review <3