Reviews For Bonding
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Reviewer: eve Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 22 2024 5:25 AM Title: Josie and Jerry

Nice, let him not shrink while his mom grows bigger and thicker!

Reviewer: brett533 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 21 2024 7:25 PM Title: Things aren't that Bad with Mom around

I wonder when he shrinks

Author's Response:

Soon, I swear lol.

Reviewer: teradonk Signed [Report This]
Date: October 21 2024 6:18 PM Title: Josie and Jerry

I love this story, love that Josie is so HUGE and CURVY. The butt stuff is a delight, and when he shrinks, I do hope he gets very small.

She seems already horny for him, and this story reminds me of Mrs. Riesin's Son. Seeing how well this smuttily written and seeing a scat tag makes me so hopeful.

Great writing.

Author's Response:

Thanks! Yeah Josie is most definitely horny for him, she just doesn't know it yet. He's going to find out the hard way..

Reviewer: eve Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 21 2024 5:32 PM Title: Massage for Mom

Very good, giant Moms are so amazing!

Author's Response:

Appreciate it! And yes, yes they are. :)

Reviewer: Gokuto Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: October 21 2024 10:42 AM Title: Massage for Mom

Pretty good so far. When will  the shrinking begin?

Author's Response:

Thanks! Pretty soon, within the next few chapters. I wanted to explore the dynamic of an amazon and her smaller male, add a little bit of world building into the mix first.

Reviewer: Yeo Signed [Report This]
Date: October 20 2024 1:04 PM Title: Josie and Jerry

Great start… 

I’m looking forward to this continuing, do you have an update schedule, is the plot all planned out or not yet?

The dynamic between the two is going to be really interesting to explore, (really hope Josie doesn’t go from loving Jerry like a son to not seeing him as a person but as a sex toy/slave that needs to serve her whims regardless of his feelings just because he shrunk).

It was a great idea to give Josie a mischievous personality as it really allows for her to tease and prank/use him in a playful manner when Jerry shrinks, ‘while accidentally going too far’ and not change the dynamics that much. If you add a drinking habit drunken shenanigans and bad choices would also be an option.

What do you think of adding mistaken identity to the tags as well? I.e Josie could know what Jerry is (shrunken human) but not whom he is, and uses him as such.

Author's Response:

Thank you for your thoughts! I don't have a strict schedule, but I do aim for weekly, or at least bi monthly updates, life permitting. I can promise you right now, Josie won't ever see her son as a slave! Their relationship will remain solid, not counting some other "changes" wink wink.

She does enjoy her booze, and there for sure will be some tipsy shenanigans coming up! As for mistaken identity.. I can honestly say, its not an idea that's ever occurred to me! It's interesting though, and I'll certainly be giving it some thought.

Reviewer: Zingem Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 20 2024 3:28 AM Title: Josie and Jerry

i don't normally review, but i already love the potential this story has. can't wait to see where you go with it considering all the tags you've teased us with :)

Author's Response:

Thank you! Hopefully there will be plenty of stuff to your liking:)

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