Reviews For ONCELER
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Reviewer: Macsquizzy Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: October 05 2024 2:12 AM Title: Prologue - The Cottage

Man the rhyming in this wasn't bad, I don't think I've seen another instance of poetry of any kind in size writing. I could be wrong of course. I'm not a big reader of poetry so I don't feel I can properly do this justice but it did add to the intrigue of the story. It feels like some things in this poem that sound normal might actually be metaphorical descriptions of something horrific that will be revealed later because of your warning. It seemed to flow quite well. There were some lines that I really liked too, like:

"the felicity of living in simplicity."

"and made it into the finest quality thneed you done gone ever had seen."
(I don't even know why I like this one, I just do, it's fun.)

"The woman in GREEN, began knitting her thneed, with all this free time achieved, it was her esteemed dream to seam, knit, and wrethe thneed. "
(This one flowed really well for me.)

There were a couple parts that felt a little off, but one more than the others:

"she began to axe a tree as tall as herself, with caution for the wealth and the unwashen of course. "

My mind was expecting it to go "Axe a tree as tall as she" but I understand why you didn't want to do that since it'd be double 'she'. And since you did rhyme with 'wealth' I think this works, but it just felt weird when i first read it. However this may just be personal preference.

I'm really curious to see where this goes. I'm not familiar with the original Lorax story but I probably should be. I look forward to whatever horrors you're cooking up.

Author's Response:

No I think you're right about the last one, but I feel a bit too lazy to fix it.

I'm just thankful it's only the prologue that's gonna be written like this.

After this, well... it would be understatement of the century to say it took a "little" turn 

- Kaylee 

Reviewer: Velasco Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: October 03 2024 10:05 AM Title: Prologue - The Cottage

Not gonna lie, Size  Lorax wasn't something I expected to see, lol. 
But anyway, you replicate the style pretty well, and I'm curious about where this will go.

Author's Response:

Oh you got no idea little snowflake

This is not your typical Once upon a time story :'(

- Kaylee 

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