Reviews For Catching Up
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Reviewer: SweetNothing Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 11 2024 4:22 AM Title: Catching Up

Fantastic read. Really enjoyed how reality kind of shifts for the protagonist as he gets smaller. 

Reviewer: TerryLarka Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 10 2024 10:30 PM Title: Catching Up

Love the idea of the protagonist literally shrinking in response to how small Megan makes him feel. Him casually reiterating how tall he was, each time shorter than the last, was pretty funny, and it was cool seeing him interact with objects and her apartment differently based on his current size. And of course, Megan was cute as heck! Giving her a Midwestern accent was a nice touch.

Reviewer: Gokuto Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 10 2024 5:29 PM Title: Catching Up

Man this was really good. Like, the best I’ve read in a while. I realize this is likely a oneshot, but it would be awesome if we got more of this, especially if his size increased or decreased based on how self confident he was.

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