Reviews For The Measured Man
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Reviewer: Pinobr Signed [Report This]
Date: September 02 2024 10:37 PM Title: Chapter 1: A Shrinking Ambition (and a Sticky Situation)

I loved the story. I liked the scenarios, especially the humiliation scenes; I believe that the women's motivations regarding what Jack did were interesting at first, but they devolved into pure reckless misandry that led Jack to death/eternal slavery. (If the women are not psychopaths, it doesn't make sense.) I saw that you tried to make Jack a detestable misogynistic figure. (The level of psychopathic misandry they apply to Jack makes him a victim.) The initial premise of breaking him didn't happen, and the idea of ​​changing her point of view about women didn't actually happen, and there is no redemption for Jack (Women's initial award). I'm just giving feedback. I loved the story, I just think the characters don't make sense. Note: It would have been cooler, instead of a crazy legal way of legalized slavery by a contract, for Jack to have run away and been found by Sarah.

Author's Response:

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I must admit, I did not outline the story. And I agree that the women did devolve into a bit of a couple of psychopaths. You are right about Jack not really being broken, but I think that will fall to Sarah. I also admit that I sometimes felt sorry for Jack, but only a little at times :)  . I had a heck of time getting the AI to create "harmful" prose, but as the story progressed that got a lot easier.

Running away and being found by Sarah is an interesting idea.

After chapter 31 I felt like I was just spinning my wheels and wanted to wrap it up.

I would really love it if some of the "real" writers here would take some of the ideas here and make their own version, or even do a complete re-write and make it their own.

I'm working on a couple of other stories, but they still need a lot of work.

Thanks for your comments!

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