Reviews For Callous Savior
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Reviewer: Ijod Signed [Report This]
Date: September 12 2024 6:21 PM Title: Helpful Harm

All in all a very good story! Even though Violet might not be the truly mean character you originally intended, she ended up being interesting and enjoyable, probably more so than if she was just cruel. But I've always had a soft spot for characters who act mean but are good deep down. I like the other characters too, although they don't have as much time to shine. They feel like fully realized people, with lives beyond what we see here.

There's potential here for a continuation, or even a prequel, but I completely get why you wouldn't want to write that. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to whatever you may write in the future, be it stories or greentexts. Your latest work has been great, and you have a unique style that's hard to find anywhere else.

Author's Response:

  I definitely do have slight strengths and moderate weaknesses in my writing style, and my stories might seem a little different because I have no plan other than a theme when I start typing. I just write what feels natural over the course of hours or a day or two.

  And I do also share your love for secret softie giantesses, but I don't feel like I'm able to write someone doing anything "too mean." It hurts to think about and hurts to write. And I'm glad you at least liked my characters, I didn't spend a ton of time on them but tried to make them seem different. I take a less-is-more approach sometimes and let readers theory-craft or fill in the blanks, such as on appearance or history.

  And yes, this may as well be a completed story. I have three ideas lined up for my Gentle Writing Exercises compilation, I just need the time and motivation to get to them. I've slowed down on greentexts at the moment, preferring to put longer stories on this account. It's still hard to find motivation, since there's plenty of better-written stories on this site. I don't know how people have the brain power to keep up with everything and be diligent enough to put forth a coherent lengthy story. That's why I've been trying to stick to short stories with less plot hole potential. However, I still like to reach certain word counts (3k-10k) because anything less than that is just a tease. It's hard to craft a feel-good story without enough words to kickstart those feelings for people.

  Anyway, thank you for the review. I can confidently say plenty of authors here live for the reviews, as long as they're not rude or snobby. I do this for free with no professional writing training, after all. You've definitely brightened my day a little with your kind words, so thank you. And I'll try and get back into this when I feel motivated to. Take care, be well.

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 02 2024 8:39 PM Title: Helpful Harm

Okay, I finally had a chance to sit down and read this.

First, I'm a really big fan of the concept behind this story. The giantess being someone who gets off on terrorizing tinies but not really wanting to hurt them is such a fun idea! And you added some layers to Violet as well, which made her much more interesting as well.

At first, Violet struck me as your standard sociopath, simply pretending to care about societal norms because it's easier, kind of a path of least resistance kind of thing, rather than because she actually respected them. My opinion of her changed fairly quickly, though. I came away from this story thinking that she's a sad, lonely individual who's intentionally isolating herself from society because of (repressed) guilt for what she's done as well as the fact that her desire to keep doing those things is still alive and well.

She thinks of herself as a monster not only because she mistreated tinies before but because she still gets off on it now. Her job as a tiny hunter allows her to feel a little better about it, as her victims are on their way to better lives once she's done with them, but she still feels that guilt. I think we see that in those brief moments of concern (written off by her as being worried about screwing up her job, which is a weak excuse) and in the disdain she occasionally shows for those who end up adopting the tinies (this seemed like an attempt to put them down in her own mind as a way to make herself feel better about her actions).

To me, the big difference between Violet and those who enslaved or made tinies into pets, let alone murdered them, is that she always saw them as people. It sounds like most people (or at least the abusers) never did that in the early days of the shrinking. But even then, it seems as though she herself had limits to how far she'd go with the tinies she mistreated. And the fact that was more of a "Mistress type" and that she gets off on "sparing lives" even now indicates that those lives hold actual value to her in the first place. Ray illustrated this point pretty well when he asked her why she's entertaining his questions.

So Violet likes dominating people rather than playing with bugs.

And therein lies the conflict within her. She knows what she's doing is wrong, but she can't help herself. It was easy to push aside that guilt when it seemed like everyone was doing what they wanted with tinies (and many were doing far worse things), but now that society has caught up to the shrinking and is starting to acknowledge a tiny's personhood, she feels like an outsider. A monster, even. I really don't think a real monster would describe themselves that way, as she does when she talks to Colton after catching him. The term itself implies her sense of guilt.

So Violet's moments of showing concern and letting their words affect her (I really like how she came back to that right before she checked on the other three tinies for the last time) are really just guilt overflow and proof that she's really a good person underneath all that meanness and dark desire. She just buries that stuff even deeper by fully indulging her little fetish for tormenting tinies. I almost feel like that's why she got progressively worse in her handling of the first three; each one made her feel something she wasn't comfortable with, so she threw herself deeper into that baser want in the hope that she wouldn't have to confront it.

And then Ray made her do just that.

When he started actually confronting her about this stuff, she didn't know how to react. He took her insults in stride, tested how serious she was about the things she did say, and called her out. Yeah, eventually she got flustered enough to just put him in the back end, but before that Ray was completely in control of that conversation. And while he happened to luck out that she did something to him that he actually enjoyed, I don't think he would have been afraid of her no matter what she did, because she wouldn't actually hurt him and he knew it.

So yeah, Violet was a really interesting and fun character to get to know. There's a lot going on there beneath the surface, and that's something all good characters have going for them.

I'll also say I enjoyed each of our tinies as well. They all had something that made them stick out and not feel generic. Colton becoming paralyzed with fear drew my sympathy right away. Jackson revealing himself to save his friend, even when he knew Violet could do whatever she wanted with both of them afterward, was an incredible display of bravery and dedication that I wasn't expecting out of him. Tara's defiance, even following those moments when she was forced to give Violet the reaction that the giant wanted, was really admirable. And Ray, of course, is the one that figured Violet out and was willing to risk his neck to prove his point, and I also love how laid back he is!

Now, reading your author's note and end note, I can see why you feel like you failed at writing a mean main character. And I somewhat agree with you on that. Violet's mean moments were truly worthy of the descriptor, but I think you're right when you said that the story was too explicit. Well, kind of. Seeing as how you've labeled this story an experiment, allow me to throw a slightly alternative approach your way that I think maybe would have brought this story closer to what you were looking for:

I actually didn't have a problem with being so deep inside the characters' heads (that's something I really like about your work, actually). However, I think there are times where you could have presented them just a little bit differently and it would have both added a layer of meanness to Violet and let you show that softer side buried so deep in her trying to dig its way out.

And those times are when Violet was addressing the tinies after her fun had been had (Or during it, in Tara's case). With Colton, in particular, the vibe of the story changed once she let him know that he was safe and going to a better life after this. I think if most of her dialogue here had been internal thoughts and Colton was left to guess his fate, that would have seemed much more cruel on Violet's part yet shown us that she actually does feel some sympathy, if not outright empathy, for him.

I also think that if, rather than Violet explaining the box to him, Colton was just set down inside it and left to figure stuff out on his own (either in a short segment or Violet thinking about it as she left him) it would create a bit of mystery for the tiny and intrigue for the reader. What is he thinking right now? Did he see the tiny rights thing, and if so, does he believe it? Does he think this is all a huge joke by Violet before she kills them?

That would lead the reader to wanting Colton to receive that clarity and for Violet to just reveal how she truly feels. And as she continued to do this, like by not mentioning that she wasn't going to kill them (leaving the possibility open in their minds), the story is building that anticipation. With Tara, the only change that would be needed for this approach would be for Tara to figure out Violet's kink rather than Violet telling her. If Violet doesn't let her know that, then I think Tara's last line before the box closes packs a lot more punch and Violet's surprise is even more palpable.

And then, all that buildup, all the yearning by the reader for the Violet to admit the truth to the tinies, to herself, would get paid off with Ray. No, this doesn't suddenly make Violet a super nice person who's comfortable with herself, but it's a first step that would feel huge to the reader.

I think this approach would have both met your desire to make Violet meaner and your natural tendency to write about the good in people, which clearly shined through here.

Of course, that suggestion isn't to say that the story isn't good. I actually quite enjoyed it, if my little essay on Violet wasn't enough to give that away. I think you sold her size really, really well, by the way, and I enjoyed some of those creative similes you put out there (the trash compactor one regarding Violet teasing Tara with her teeth was fun, for example!). And, again, I love the complexity of these characters!

Also, like any good one-shot, you left me wanting more. The story of what happens now between Ray and Violet stimulates my imagination. Will he be able to break that barrier she puts up? Will she actually treat him well, even in those early days when she's still trying to prove that she's mean? Will she take him to the office,, and if so, how will Jessica react to that?

In the longer term, how will Violet handle tiny hunting in the future? Will she ease up on them a bit? Fully reform and be nice? Still indulge her darker side but be more apologetic after the fact? Will Ray come with her, and if so, might he be slightly "corrupted" and be kind of into her domme routine (especially since he knows the tinies are actually safe)? Honestly, I could picture her tormenting tinies, then dropping them in the box where Ray is waiting with hot coco and politely apologizing for Violet's behavior (That thought makes me chuckle).

I know you feel like you failed here and that you don't like your work in general, but, if you ever feel like revisiting this, there's a lot of potential there! Just sayin'!

So yeah, I really liked this, and I'm glad you dwelled outside your comfort zone to write it. I'm also glad to see you writing more again, and I hope that continues!

Author's Response:

  I'll be honest, I think you're being too generous with this. I don't feel like this story deserved a five-star rating, maybe a four at best. However, I've said it before, you're really good at reading between the lines, teasing out the Author's intentions behind their work. And even theory crafting, too. As for your suggestions, I like them all. I've read through this a few times, and it does indeed count as a revised story plot. Hell, consider it a full game patch.

  I personally don't plan to pick this back up or change anything about it, because... I needed it the way it turned out. Of course, I hoped at least someone would like it. But I wanted to test myself, and see how it went. When I see this story, I don't see the positives you pointed out. I feel my characters are pretty flat, I lack the ability to build tension, and my "callous" main character ended up being a tsundere with a lot of guilt guiding her actions. However, I will agree with you on Violet. I didn't want her to be truly evil, I wanted her to enjoy fuckin' around with the helpless people at her feet. Maybe she became softer over time, and won't let her cruel plans carry on for any longer than a few minutes now. For someone meant to be sadistic in a loose way, she ended up feeling forced to carry on with her tough-girl act.

  But... I suppose in a way, maybe my characters didn't need extensive back stories. This wasn't an attempt at a compelling plotline, after all. Violet's persona she puts on got most of my literary attention, and I still failed her. Oh, and fun fact, her name is Violet because she's not Violent.

  But beyond that, this is also just a failing of mine. I do not plan my stories. I have an idea, and I just type what I feel like typing. Keeping up with everything isn't something I'm good at-- I'm really lazy. In addition, I write sometimes in different states of mind, including not-sober. I don't respect my own work, so I half-ass it. But also, it can't be complete ass, because I don't like to just generate meaningless shit, ya know?

  However, I am currently still in a writing mood. I have ideas floating around in my mind to go with, but I want to let them marinate a bit longer. If nothing else, I do like how my characters always end up not being dicks. (Usually.) My next experiment is going to write something sickeningly sweet. Sweeter than a glazed doughnut. Maybe I'll actually be better at writing something I like.

  Sorry if I'm not making a ton of sense, but if there's anything you take away from this response, it's that I really appreciate your insight and I feel you've pushed the story towards a truer form of itself. So thank you for that, and thank you for taking the time to dissect it for me. You're a sterling example of a good member of the community, and I wish every success for you.

  I may not like my own stories, but I do like when I'm able to write characters of different sizes just... existing together, acting like people. That's something I'll always be passionate about, I just wish I could find the write words.

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