Reviews For The Origin
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Reviewer: J - Vader Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 28 2024 10:25 PM Title: Chapter 14 - Homecoming (Mimi)

Wow caught with the chapters and story and absolutely love everything so far !! Ryan is my favorite character so far like his will to survive and save humanity despite the odds is amazing 

Lucy and Mimi are great two and the art has been fantastic to really helps with understanding the scale of these goddess 

this chapter was great with Mimi showing her leader ship is amazing and her relationship with Percy and Father are pretty good.

i kinda wanna see more of her and her father interactions a bit really show how their relationship got bad and toxic and possibly a redemption arc for her dad but your story either way 

also wow Percy being rejected by Mimi previously was hard to read I hope we  see my boy get a win with someone lol 

overall great chapter and character growth by Mimi and her ever growing control over her power but growth of her darker desires !!!

ps - if I have one request in terms of what to see more of then I’ll definitely say vore and maybe odor or something like that maybe there’s a goddess of laziness lol but that my personal opinion but again you do you!!

Reviewer: Braden697 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 28 2024 4:11 AM Title: Chapter 0 - Prologue (Ryan)

Okay, you should receive the story request, it's under the gmail ""

Reviewer: Braden697 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 26 2024 10:16 PM Title: Chapter 0 - Prologue (Ryan)

Where do you want me to contact you?

Author's Response:

You can try this email:

Reviewer: Braden697 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 25 2024 1:44 AM Title: Chapter 0 - Prologue (Ryan)

Hey, I got a request for a story.

Author's Response:

Hi, if you contact me I can take a look. But for now, I'll most likely be focusing on my own stories.

Reviewer: 1337noob Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 22 2024 2:59 PM Title: Chapter 12 - Confrontation (Mimi)

An excellent chapter showcasing the dynamics between Mimi and Iggy, although based on Iggy's demeanor here I'm curious if she'll eventually find a human she likes to keep around and play with; she seems like she could do it if she tried (and learnt more about kindness from Mimi).

Also, it'll be interesting to see Mimi's reaction when she finds out Ryan already knows she's now a goddess.

Finally, methinks Mimi has a more...lewd side that she doesn't want to admit to. Perhaps she'll be the one to solve Amara's quandary of creating a child between a goddess and human...

Author's Response:

Thank you for the review.

I'm glad that you are finding the characters interesting so far. Mimi, Iggy and Amara are all characters that I intend to expand more on, so you can look forward to their development in the future.

Reviewer: Coolman30000 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 22 2024 9:01 AM Title: Chapter 0 - Prologue (Ryan)

I have decided to revive back from the dead again because im going to bump my rating to this to a TEN out of ten, it still has what i liked and i was just mostly concerned with how you will write mimi's parts.

If i had to say something about it, its that you wrote it almost exactly as i would, it feels like after chapter 10 i had a clear vision of what you were doing and i can see how the future chapters would work out!

With how mimi is being written theres always excitement on the next release on the work as we eagerly wait for what will happen to her, And especially how Ryan will factor in to this as he doesnt know that he is pretty much the most important human at this moment.

You got me hooked and you got me hooked really good now, i have never been this interested in a size work as much as yours before, keep it going!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for your review!

I hope that I can continue to keep the story engaging and do the characters justice.

Reviewer: Bork69 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 15 2024 6:10 PM Title: Chapter 10 - Revelation (Mimi)

I rarely write reviews but this is easily one of my favorite stories in this website. It’d be awesome if you had a sort of spin-off chapter from the POVs of the humans and cities. I think it will really show the sheer power and destruction of the Goddesses even more. Can’t wait for more!

Author's Response:

Thank you for your review!

I am actually planning to have some spin-off chapters after finishing the first installment of this series, mostly to flesh out some of the other goddesses. There are other human characters being introduced in future chapters, so I might also include some spin-off chapters from their POV as well.

Glad you are enjoying the series so far!

Reviewer: Notoriousfat Signed [Report This]
Date: September 15 2024 6:10 AM Title: Chapter 10 - Revelation (Mimi)

Very cool lore! Can't wait for more!

Author's Response:

Thank you for the support!

Reviewer: Master_Builder Signed [Report This]
Date: September 08 2024 3:52 PM Title: Chapter 8 - Decision (Mimi)

Amara wants to produce a child between a goddess and a human? Wonder if there's a special reason for that.

Author's Response:

Thanks for your comment!

Amara seems like a very whimsical goddess so I guess we will have to wait and see.

In the meantime, hope you will keep reading on!

Reviewer: 1337noob Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 08 2024 3:17 PM Title: Chapter 8 - Decision (Mimi)

I think the Mimi/Iggy relationship has the potential to be a really wholesome one, and it'll be interesting to see if they can maintain that with the size difference.

Also, since there quite a few references to breast milk in this chapter, will we be seeing lactation/breastfeeding stuff later on?

Looking forward to the next one!

Author's Response:

Thank you for your response!

I'm definitely looking to expand further on the Mimi/Iggy dynamic so stay tuned for further chapters.

For the breastmilk point... I guess there will be a bit more in the coming chapters, but we may not delve very much into lactation/breastfeeding yet in the near future. Giga sized breastfeeding will look very different from your typical breastfeeding after all, but I may experiment with this concept in the future(I've been planning a side story starring Amara but probably won't be out so soon)

Reviewer: lightwing Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 27 2024 3:22 AM Title: Chapter 4 - Encounter (Mimi)

Hey there. Just wanted to say I'm greatly enjoying the story so far.  Giga giantesses strike a sweet spot for me since one of the things I love most is the scale and power difference of the giantess.  Now make them goddesses and give them special abilities and it's even better!  The utter hopelessness of the humans' chances for winning, the godslayer mecha being so weak it wasn't even noticed, the casual playfulness of the goddesses contrasting with how devestating their actions are to the tiny humans, all good stuff.

I've also enjoyed the bits of worldbuilding and the hints that, while the goddesses enjoy the destruction they cause, a few of them seem to have mixed feelings about it.  Ignis feeling bad about revealing her true self to Mimi and wanting her to join them as a goddess makes me wonder about the whole "why do the goddesses destroy humans every 1000 years" part. Then there's the offer of turning Mimi into a goddess.  It was similar with Ryan in that a goddess scorns humans but wants to keep a certain one safe.

I look forward to seeing where this story goes!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review!

Giga giantesses are also my favorite so I hope I am doing the genre justice with my writing so far. The worldbuilding, plot and development of characters are all aspects that I have been thinking deeply about, which is why I am hesitant to post chapters even after finishing them(I always find a better way to convey something or deliver a scene for previous chapters while I am writing later chapters). Nevertheless, I am glad that you are also enjoying the plot/worldbuilding elements in addition to the giantess content.

Reviewer: Feeover Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 25 2024 7:49 PM Title: Chapter 0 - Prologue (Ryan)

Amazing story, you could even mage a game out of this, i loved the plot and how its very well known that we stand no chance but yet through the story the characters struggle to at least try something. The AI imaged also give a very well picture of the characters and the situation. 10/10

Author's Response:

Thank you for the support!

I'm glad that you are enjoying the plot so far. I try to incorporate a sense of mystery/suspense in the worldbuilding and plot delivery, and my biggest worry is always that the reader ends up feeling lost if I do a poor job. I hope that the story hasn't been too difficult to follow so far.

Regarding making a game out of this story, that would take a miracle since I lack any of the skills to make one, but one can always dream of what it would look like: a giga giantess goddess waifu collector/gacha sounds like a game that would instantly drain all my savings.

In the meantime, I'll just do what I can and focus on making this story as good as possible.

Reviewer: Coolman30000 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 25 2024 3:57 PM Title: Chapter 0 - Prologue (Ryan)

Firstly, something needs to be said on how you made me log in into my account again to write this review, as i dont usually log in on my account anymore on this site, so the fact that this is even here is surprising 

but to be honest, im a big sucker for these kinds of stories, where we have immensely overpowered apponents our main character has no hope of beating, insane scales on sizes, and maybe even some corruption/saviour plot going on with the female lead mimi, its just great.

THOUGH, as i said all of that, id rate this a 8/10, i think the story is great, but i just feel like theres something missing, i dont know what that missing thing is but i do know that what it is can really bump this to a 9 for me, Really impressive stuff for your first work here on the site!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the genuine review!

I'm happy to see that you are enjoying the story so far, I'll do my best to keep improving. There are a lot of concepts and character dynamics I'm still looking to explore, so I hope that I still have something up my sleeves that will impress you. I'm still new to writing stories so any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Reviewer: Sephkirbynerd Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 25 2024 6:32 AM Title: Chapter 0 - Prologue (Ryan)

An amazing story so far! Such a breath of fresh air to the Giga/ Tera Genere. Great character writing, very discriptive in all the right ways.

The pictures make a great addition to the story to help visualize the sicale of each goddess. 

I wait with baited breath for each new chapter as the story unfolds! 100/10*

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for your support!

I'm glad you are enjoying the character writing. I always try to put focus on the character dynamics, I'll keep doing my best to keep it interesting.

Reviewer: HornyHolo Signed [Report This]
Date: August 22 2024 8:45 AM Title: Chapter 0 - Prologue (Ryan)


Reviewer: UrsoPequeno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 22 2024 4:02 AM Title: Chapter 0 - Prologue (Ryan)

An excellent story involving Giga/Tera :D

Looking forward to the next chapters ;)

Author's Response:

Thank you for your support!

This is my first story and it will probably be quite long, so please bear with me.

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