Reviews For Nyotaivorgy
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Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 17 2024 4:28 PM Title: Chapter 5 - Tiny Sampler Platter for Two

Damn, I'm too slow (in my defense this chapter is even longer than one of mine)! I see that you got the next chapter up, but I just finished reading this one. I've got a lot to say about it, though, so I'm not going to peek at the new one until I'm done writing this review.

First and foremost, your word choices! That's it. That's the sentence!

I don't know if it comes naturally to you or if you agonize over most of the words used in a given chapter like I do, but holy tits did every God damned word in this chapter seem carefully crafted to make the subject matter they were being used to describe as sexy as humanly possible. I'm talking about the words used, the way they all seem to work in concert with one another to paint just the right picture the reader, the creativity in which some word definitions are stretched just enough to make them fit, and even the words in different languages! This isn't unusual in your work to a certain extent, but my mind was blown by how much you stepped up your game here. Impressed isn't a strong enough word.

There are so many descriptive phrases that I love scattered throughout the chapter that I can't name them here. It would take too long.

Then there were a couple of times in this chapter that left me repeatedly asking myself, "How the fuck did he do that?" There's so much going on all the time, and you balance out all the action so well, so clearly and easy to visualize, and with personality bursting from each character throughout all of it. I'm reading these scenes and yet I can't comprehend how you not only kept all of this together but made every part of it seem so special and unique.

I'm still loving the fuck out of Beth imagining what the vorgy is like inside her stomach! Some of them aren't even based on what she's feeling in there, like how she was so sure that they took Alma as she was screaming and put her face in someone's pussy to calm her down. It's so fucking cute in the hottest way possible! Between that and you being on point with her feeling them shift around with her movements, and we don't even need to see the vorgy to know how hot it is inside Beth!

The depth of the stories from the tinies continues to amaze me. You've put so much thought into each of these characters, a lot of them not getting a ton of "screen time" aside from their scene before being eaten. The level of detail you've put into each and every character is not unappreciated.

My impression of Amaterasu is that she doesn't think too highly of tinies. The way she teased Beth about being a tiny herself certainly implies that she looks down on them in a nonliteral way as much as a literal one. While the main reason the sun goddess gives for this is Beth devoting so much attention to her feet, her first two cited reasons are a bit demeaning for tinies. Amaterasu seems to take slight issue with Beth both dating a tiny and allowing the 12 other tinies to enjoy a literal orgy of sexual pleasure first (and afterward, theoretically) instead of merely eating them. It seems as though Beth's plate for the evening feels as though tinies aren't worth the time that Beth is putting into this.

That's something that I think contrasts really, really well with Beth's approach, especially in this chapter. Beth is immensely enjoying being a predator, but at the same time, she's acknowledging the humanity of her prey. At first I thought that was just for manipulative purposes, but over the course of the story so far (and especially in this chapter), it seems clear to me that there's something more going on here.

Beth wants to know these girls' names and their stories. She wants to remember them. True to the symbolism vore represents, it seems as though she truly wants them to become a part of her, not just in body, but in mind and soul as well. I think this is most clearly demonstrated in her reaction to Dulce's story. She feels bad for the itty bitty Italian for moving halfway across the world just to experience the same fate she was fleeing (which is really fucking sad, by the way).

Beth seems moved by this and wants to make sure Dulce isn't the one Amaterasu chooses as her payment. Beth wants it to be her that does in the tiny woman. This isn't because of some perverse pleasure she hopes to feel about the irony of the situation. Unlike Dulce's concerns about Cecilia, Beth wants the little woman to choose to be eaten by her, to accept it and want it. In fact, Beth seems determined to win over someone she could simply take between her fingers and stuff in her mouth. Why is that? While we're at it, why would someone like Beth, who is madly in love with a tiny herself, even entertain an evening such as this in the first place?

Between the stories told by Beth's meal, what we know of Cassidy's own story, and Amaterasu's actions thus far, it seems like tinies have it pretty rough. This society seems to pretend to care about them, but it's a poorly kept secret that the life of a tiny is meant to be just a thing for a big to enjoy however they see fit. So I think Beth is indulging a deep, dark desire, here, but I also think she sees these tinies she's eating as fucked either way. Why not give them a the time of their lives before they succumb to their inevitable fate. Add into account that Cassidy herself has asked to be eaten before, and this doesn't even seem that far-fetched an idea for Beth to have.

Back to evidence about Beth's motivation, Cassia seems to be another prime example. Upon hearing the Greek's tragic story of running away from religious zealots intending to do the same thing to her that Beth herself is doing (although the sex part seems much more big-oriented than it is here), Beth is momentarily loses her drive to go through with this, only gaining it back when she realizes that the tiny only ran because she didn't want to die via a sexed up and probably hungry elderly nun (I mean, haven't we all been there?). Beth was even perceptive enough to pick up on Cassia wanting to be talked down to and obliging her, which was really touching even despite the cruelness such words and actions would normally carry.

And, of course, Beth wouldn't eat her without knowing her name. It's so much harder to remember someone when you don't know their name.

So yeah, despite consuming them, I think Beth's opinion of tinies is much higher than the average persons and that these manipulative games that she's been playing throughout the night are a sign of respect for her prey rather than simply something she's doing for her own enjoyment (although, that's most certainly a thing, too!). The fact that envisioning the vorgy inside her and finding joy in doing imagining the girls enjoying their final hours on Earth seems to back this idea up as well.

Beth's perspective may be a bit twisted, thinking that she's giving the tinies one last hoorah before they suffer an unavoidable fate anyway when she's the one acting as their executioner, but I get it. Some of the tinies do, too, as most of them seem to come to terms with it and just try to enjoy the opportunity presented to them. That's pretty telling, too. I was worried that the story was going to get a tad less interesting once Beth revealed her intentions to the remaining tinies, but my intrigue has been ramped up quite a bit since then, and I feel like my understanding of the situation has increased significantly!

The Alice in Wonderland stuff with Alice was great, by the way! The way you kept referring to that "Cheshire grin" was pretty slick, and there was a moment when Beth bent over the tiny and talked to her from behind that made me think of that particular cat's movements. Beth's playful references were so much fun! This was a phenomenal scene!

It also seems as though Beth is starting to feel as though Cassidy might be in danger. Her reluctance to put her tiny lover in Amaterasu's mouth even at Cassidy's own prompting shows an uneasiness building in the back of her mind, although her instruction to the sun goddess made my heart melt! I also feel like Beth putting Cassidy inside her before asking Amaterasu about her choice was a subconscious way of trying to protect her tiny girlfriend. I've fallen in love with their relationship in such a short amount of time (and even without a ton of interaction between them), which makes my all the more concerned about Cassidy's fate.

Speaking of that, I loved the way you played around with Valerie and the VIP wristband. I think the wristband has always been a red herring meant to distract us from a much greater danger, but having Beth observe this and keeping a close eye on the situation even during her orgasmic bliss again shows how much she cares for Cassidy. I thought noting that Cassidy rubbing her wrist wasn't normal and that she was playing with her wristband in a moment of guilt was a nice touch, and it helped hit home why Beth was suddenly very eager to get Valerie down her throat and out of the way. That interest in Val's story seemed to go away as soon as Beth saw Cassidy considering something stupid.

Man, Amaterasu sure did want Beth to gobble down another tiny really quickly. I'm guessing her count on tinies remaining doesn't quite match Beth's ...

Yeah, it might be time to panic about Cassidy.

Then again, you mention this "additional coda" that would show Cassidy's life weeks after the story, which very strongly indicates her survival. No mention of Beth, though. Again, much like the foreshadowing tag, I find myself wondering about the true intent of this announcement. Either you're extremely clever or I'm extremely paranoid. Or this could be a classic "both" scenario.

In any case, you've got me running circles around in my own head over this! So thanks for that (I mean this both literally and sarcastically at the same time, if that's possible)!

Oh, and that's wonderful news on Small Investments! I assumed you were going to come back to it at some point, but it's great to see confirmation! Take your time rereading and immersing yourself back into the story. You might enjoy the ride as a reader almost as much as you did writing it!

Reviewer: Cameron99 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 17 2024 8:01 AM Title: Chapter 6 - The Final... Four?

The prediction I was anticipating is that she'd indeed choose Cassidy as her tiny lol. Though part of me hopes I'm wrong even though this seemed to spell it out. She wanted to just put the fear into the couple but doesn't actually pick her, now that she taught her the lesson she wanted to anyway.

But I suppose we'll see haha

Reviewer: Musukaiser Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2024 10:24 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Setting the Table

Another amazing chapter, glad to see your back. Sucks what happened with your pc that’s just unlucky. I gotta say this has to be one of the best written stories I’ve read on this site and would love to read more like what happens after the story ends. Beth and Cassidy are honestly such well written characters, and I love how the side characters are well and truly fleshed out.

Author's Response:

Aww, thank you!  The PC crashing was rough, but the time away has brought me back roaring and ready to push forward!  I'm glad the story and characters are both landing, and I've definitely thought about an after-story.  Since there's interest, I think I'll add a Coda chapter to my to-write list, something for after the epilogue.  Maybe I'll set it a month or so down the road from the end of this story, from whatever that end may be.

Thanks again for the glowing review, and feel free to check out Chapter 6, which was just posted!

Reviewer: Cameron99 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2024 4:06 AM Title: Chapter 5 - Tiny Sampler Platter for Two

Just finally got around to reading this one. Wonderful story so far, an absolute delight. I'm really looking forward to seeing the remainder of it. I have a prediction on something I'm curious to see if happens. Thank you for the really unique and well written tale 

Author's Response:

Thanks for leaving a review, and I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying the story! 

Ooh, I'm curious to hear what you think is going to happen!  Feel free to send me a DM on Discord with your theory, you can find me there under the pen name I use here.

Chapter 6 was just posted, I hope you continue to find it to your liking.

Reviewer: shadow93 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 12 2024 4:25 AM Title: Chapter 4 - Late Arrivals Should Be Presentable

Love this story so far, and I hope it is still ongoing! It seems clear which tiny Amaterasu wants, but maybe you will surprise me. Looking forward to how Beth reacts if I'm right.

Author's Response:

Thanks so much!  It will definitely be concluded (and in short order).  It's been written, but I had some serious technical issues that prevented me from accessing the completed chapters.  I'm back up and running, and will start posting the remaining chapters soon, after I give them some spot edits.

Reviewer: TerryLarka Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 12 2024 10:59 PM Title: Chapter 2 - Dinner is Served

So, my plan was to get caught up before leaving a review (which as of now would be chapter 4), but chapter 2 proved so good that I need to get some thoughts down now while they're fresh. 

First, the premise is very creative and inherently hot as fuck. I remember an old gts video in which two women eat tiny toys off each other's bodies while drenching them in honey. This story is like that, but dialed up to 11 and written by an absolute master of the size arts. 

Beth is one hell of a big. I love the glimpses of her we get in chapter one, how protective and loving she is towards Cass, and just generally comes off as a sweet gal. And then comes chapter two. Once she gets her hands on other tinies, we get to see that inner domme come out and it is a more delectable treat than an aroused Japanese twin covered in chocolate. Her attitude towards the other tinies is so tastefully domineering without ever feeling over the top. You can tell she sees them all as objects for her and Cass' pleasures from the way she talks and not just by what she says which is really impressive. Her pressing Momo against Amaterasu's sole and reminding the tiny of her place was the cherry on top of the human table sundae.

I have less to say about Cassidy at the moment (other than I love their names). She's a nympho and a puny firecracker and you know how I love my puny firecrackers, but that's about all I've gotten from her so far. I'm hoping to see more from her character in future chapters (again, I'm only finished with Ch. 2, so that's probably likely).

Chapter 2 is such a tight package. I felt the edging irritation Beth felt every time she had to put a tiny down so Cass could get a taste. All that anticipation building to the end with Pushpa was so satisfying. The use of foodstuffs, Amaterasu wearing candy lingerie, adds so much to the smut. It's appealing to two types of cravings simultaneously and reading about Momo getting spread across a chocolate covered leg and foot is an image that will stick with me for a lifetime.

Knowing the premise and knowing you were the one at the helm, I went into this expecting an incredible ride, but I wasn't expecting my expectations to be met by the second chapter, so here's to looking forward to everything that comes next because it's sure to be masterclass.

Author's Response:

Thank you Terry for leaving another review!  It's always a joy and an honor to hear from you.

First - that video sounds hot as fuck.  I need to get my Google Foo on point and locate that.

I'm glad Beth is coming across as a Big worth feeding - I mean meeting.  She was a bit of a discovery character, growing from a couple loosely-defined character concepts, but I like where she's going, and I hope you enjoy where she ends up by the end of the story (which I promise will be out soon, now that my PC is working again!)

You're not wrong in that Cassidy starts out with a fairly light presence, as she's quickly off doing her own thing while Beth tastes the appetizers.  I hope her scenes in the coming chapters gives a better feeling for the character, and that you find more than just her name and personality archetype to your liking.

As always, thanks for the review, and I hope the coming scenes continue to meet or exceed your expectations!

Reviewer: Musukaiser Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 12 2024 8:46 PM Title: Chapter 4 - Late Arrivals Should Be Presentable

Man another amazing chapter, after seeing how much Cass and Beth love each other I really hope Cass doesn’t end up in her stomach for good now. Like that’d actually suck and be a bit cliche 

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review!  I'm glad to hear you're invested in Cassidy's well being.  We'll see soon enough just how that turns out.

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 12 2024 8:24 PM Title: Chapter 4 - Late Arrivals Should Be Presentable

Holy shit! This story is fucking amazing and may be the hottest vore story (maybe even story in general) that I've read on this site. I'm enjoying the narrative quite a bit as well, and the story you're telling around this orgy only serves to enhance its more erotic parts.

But first, I have to admit that chapter one's foreshadowing tag is fucking with me. I can't decide if Cass is going to end up in someone's stomach. The foreshadowing tag, combined with what I felt were several clear hints that the love of Beth's life would end up devoured (that assumption or simple oversight line, the explanation of how private contractor agreements work, and the way the contractor's offer is explained, for example), makes it seem pretty obvious what's going to happen to Cass.

But I'm also familiar with your work, and I almost feel like this was too transparent to be what it seems.

It's like we're sitting at a table with two glasses, one filled with iocaine powder, engaged in battle of wits. Are you the type of man who would drop such blatant hints on purpose or use them to deceive the reader. A clever writer would use this as a narrative trick, knowing that only a great fool would reach for the obvious conclusion? I'm not a great fool (I hope), so I clearly can't choose the happier ending in front of you. But you must have known that I was not a great fool (or confirmed that I am. Shit!), you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the obvious, darker ending in front of me!

But the recently dropped fourth chapter, at first glance, seems to imply that things are moving in the direction hinted at in chapter one. Amaterasu's terms, which are not subject to the Establishment's rules, never specified that Cass was off limits, so that rubber band she's wearing now seems to mean nothing. And the sun goddess seemed so sure that Beth wouldn't eat her desired tiny delicacy before it came time to collect her payment. There's only one tiny in the room that Amaterasu could know that Beth isn't going to eat.

And what a horrifying turn of events that would be for Cass. She's even said she would be okay with being eaten, but I'm pretty sure that only applies to Beth at this point. To be digested in the belly of a stranger, one who, as far as we know, hasn't taken the same precautions to ease the suffering of her meal, and die knowing that she never got to become a part of woman she loves. Just brutal. Not to mention that she'd get left out of the orgy in Beth's stomach, which would also be a serious blow to her!

And let's not forget Beth. If this comes to pass and she's informed when there are four tinies left, being unable to tell her lover of her fate ... fuck, that's heartbreaking to even think about. She would have to make the most of those final moments before she has to watch her goddess swallow the love of her life down, Beth's own treat serving as little consolation, most likely.

So am I ready to conclude that Cass's fate is sealed? It seems you've shown your hand, but, then again, you did best my Spaniard ...

But aside from that back-and-forth going through my head as I'm reading this, the way you've framed these orgies is so sensual, so stimulating, and, maybe most importantly, so personal. In such a short span, you've let us get quite familiar with each of Beth's treats so far and even made them endearing to us in different ways. From Pushpa's super cute broken English and polite eagerness to Adeya's confidence bordering on arrogance and the unique blend of terror and lust it brings her, we get to know these tinies pretty quickly.

More importantly, Beth gets to know them.

It became clear from her first interaction with Pushpa that Beth's fantasy wasn't just to eat the tinies, but to get to know her prey a bit first. She wants to understand those she consumes. This makes a lot of sense for someone in love with a tiny. She doesn't just see them as food. It's the fact that they're real people that is part of the rush for her. Knowing that gives us a deeper perspective into her, and, at least to me, magnifies the intense eroticism of her predatory actions tenfold!

I'm also a fan of Beth's manipulative nature when it comes to luring in her prey. She could easily just pick them up and eat them at any time, but, again, she wants more than that. She needed Pushpa to beg her for it, even when the tiny didn't know what was coming. It wasn't enough that Isabella knew what Beth had in store for her; the normal needed Val to bound and gag the unwilling tiny, not only for the stated reason of providing Beth's meal with toys but because watching Val unwittingly torment Isabella before sending the latter down her bullet was an incredible sexual tease for Beth.

And back to Cassidy, you've made her the most lovable character of all! Despite the depravity of the couple's sexual exploits and the tiny girlfriend's eager acceptance that her own kind is on the menu, there's an innocence to Cass that really makes you want to root for her. Adorable little details like Beth having to use her finger to make a dumbstruck Cass nod in agreement of the rules only help this perception. And the way she was able to reason with Alma and get the other tiny to accept her fate and maybe even look forward to it a little bit was so sweet and endearing. I love this character, and, based on what I'm leaning toward believing will happen to her, I'll be reading the final chapter of this story through gaps in my fingers as I try to cover my eyes!

Your detailing of the action throughout the story so far is incredible, as always. You really have a knack for painting a clear picture that stays in the reader's mind. And you put that to good used, too. Like in chapter two, where you made it so clear to me what food items and which tinies were positioned throughout on Amaterasu's body, then simply referenced a stray detail here and there as Beth plucked tinies up to examine them, relying on the totality of your past description to keep the image fresh in the reader's mind.

Also, I love your love of alliteration! You had a couple of longer ones in here that I really liked, too!

I also wanted to compliment you on your narrative choice and the way that you've handled it so far. Keeping things strictly from Beth's perspective couldn't have been an easy choice, especially when you've got an orgy going on inside her. The temptation almost surely had to be there to switch to different tinies' perspectives at times, adding details that only they could provide (I can't imagine Isabella was having much fun in Beth's mouth when the normal was talking, for example). But I think that would have ended up being a really tedious to write and maybe even a bit tedious to read, and you'd have spent so much time balancing things out that it would take forever to move anything forward.

Also, you really hit on details that Beth is experiencing that make seeing everything through her eyes feel truly special. Her feeling her tiny meal shifting around in her stomach when she bent down to speak to the sun goddess and the way she could tell that her "belly laugh" shook their world were both really sensual, unique things to note from her perspective. And the way she envisions how the orgy in her stomach is going is, in some ways, even more alluring than us being made privy to what's actually happening in there. That also kind of plays into that "getting to know her prey" thing I mentioned above. She has insight into their personalities, and that only serves to feed her (and our) imagination!

Oh, and the way you turned the whole concept of the meal on its head at the end of chapter three, when Beth ate a willing Momo in front of everyone, was pretty fun as well. That shift from unwitting prey to terrified victims gave the story a whole new feel. The way all the tinies screamed, cursed, and vainly tried to resist each time Beth cleaned them was perfect! They don't know if this is the moment she'll swallow them or if she's being honest about just cleaning them. of course, for two of them, she didn't end up being honest, even if she initially meant what she said.

I look forward to seeing how this terror-driven meal plays out from here.

So yeah, this story is pretty spectacular! Don't let the lack of reviews get you down or make you think otherwise! I'm really eager to see where you go from here, even if I'm scared for Cass.

Author's Response:

It Was Me, you are a living legend.  Your reviews are a thing of art and beauty, and thank you so much for your continued interests in and feedback on my stories.  I'm sorry there has been such a gap in posting.  My PC died about 2 days after I left my iPad at a friend's house several states over, and I've had no way to access the remaining chapters.  I'll probably include some more context when I get Chapter 5 posted.

As for your comments, I'm deeply honored by your words here.  This site has a ton of vore stories, so even to be counted among the top is high praise.  I'm glad to see that the foreshadowing tag is doing its part, and keeping readers on their toes.  I certainly don't aim to be predictable, but it would seem a tiny in a vore story either survives, or gets eaten, so I can only be so creative in the outcome.  Though, the idea of inoculating oneself to the danger is an interesting one.  I won't keep you waiting long to find out.

I'm glad my decision to make the tinies people, rather than snacks is paying off.  My initial intent with this story was NOT to end up with another significant narrative, but rather to churn out a 2 or 3 chapter smut story about a mixed couple enjoying a fun twist on a taboo dinner party.  Then I wanted to know who these tiny women were, and how they go there, and... well, you've seen what it ballooned into thus far.  I really enjoy the personal angle for each of these women, and moreso, figuring out how Beth can twist their circumstances into a mentality that can accept their inevitable fate, and preferably frame it in an enjoyable manner.

As for my unhealthy obsession with the artistic application of alliteration... I'm glad someone can appreciate it.  To me, alliteration flows so well, but I am well aware I over-apply the technique.  Still, I guess it isn't be a MicroThaumaturge story until a tender, trusting tiny is thrust deep into the wonderous, weeping womanhood of a gorgeous, glamorous giantess.

I'm glad keeping the PoV hasn't irredeemably removed the spice from this story.  I think the tiny PoV's for this could be a lot of fun, and I'm considering (ONLY considering) writing a series of mini-scenes from this story from the tiny PoV's, and posting them in a compilation called Side Dishes.  But before I do that, I need to finish Small Investments.

Thanks again for your continued interest and support!  Reviews are the only thing keeping me writing these days, when I can scrounge up the time (and when my computer isn't bricked).

Reviewer: grael Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 11 2024 10:14 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Setting the Table

This is a great start. Looking forward to wherever you go with this.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review!  I'm glad to hear the story has potential.  I hope it meets or exceeds your expectations!

Reviewer: Musukaiser Signed [Report This]
Date: August 08 2024 7:01 AM Title: Chapter 1 - Setting the Table

Ok this is easily one of my favorite stories on this site already. 10/10. Hope Cassidy makes it out of this okay though 

Author's Response:

Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a review!  Waking up to these couple of sentences already made my day!  I'm glad to hear you're rooting for Cassidy to be okay - honestly, I was too while writing this!  

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