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Reviewer: Stehlampe Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 11 2024 3:41 AM Title: May 2nd 2024 - 5:34am

This is soooo good! I love it, please make more. I'm gonna read everything. Thank you!

Reviewer: MXP20 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 03 2024 12:56 PM Title: May 2nd 2024 - 5:34am

Welp, you got my attention. Great start!

Reviewer: Megagiant52800 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 02 2024 3:58 PM Title: Chapter 1

I really liked this story. This woman really likes being giant. I think she liked having the smaller man but once presented with a man her size, she wanted both. Them turning into giants is very interesting and fits her personality of being charge. I’d be curious to see if she’d want to kill her ex fiancé or wants him around because I do get the sense she really does love him. I hope there is more to this soon! Great work!

Reviewer: JtFow Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 02 2024 11:36 AM Title: Chapter 1

Great Story and Update, but I wanne read more. You have to make them even bigger and somehow humiliat the pov charakter more.

Love it and thank you for the great Story.

Reviewer: randomizetheplot Signed [Report This]
Date: July 26 2024 1:13 PM Title: Chapter 1

Loved it. The premise is one I enjoy very much and wish there was more of. 

Reviewer: Krell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 25 2024 7:42 PM Title: Chapter 1

Short but a nice read, wish there was more about the giant couple but can't have everything. Thanks for sharing it.

Author's Response:

Potentially more to come of the giant couple through the eyes of the pov character. Stay tuned...

Reviewer: Blazingchicken Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 25 2024 1:43 PM Title: Chapter 1

Wow, that's a very spicy premise. I like the setting and wished it could've been longer. Thank you for the story!

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