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Reviewer: 3l33thax0r Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 23 2024 10:10 PM Title: Chapter 1

Diminishment High is one of my favorite stories on here, so seeing more added to that universe is a thrill! It has that same power dynamic and casual indifference to those beneath Diana as the incoming “students” were shown in the first story. 

Author's Response:

Thanks!  I'm glad you like the setting :D
It didn't seem too popular back when I wrote the first entries, so I put the setting on the backburner, but never forgot about it.  I was surprised when I got a commission request to be set in DH.  If it does well, maybe I can look at coming back to the setting!
I'm also happy I was able to keep Diana in character after all this time.  She's one of my favorite OCs

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