Reviews For The Big Bad Bully
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Reviewer: Kell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 23 2024 4:55 AM Title: Happy To Change

I can't wait to read more of your writing! This is a fantastic story and you have a good writing style

Author's Response:

I appreciate your compliment, thanks :). I don't know if I'm assuming but the other story I'm working on isn't too gentle but it'll have its moments so stay tuned

Reviewer: EchoofZen Signed [Report This]
Date: August 21 2024 12:41 PM Title: Happy To Change

I enjoyed it, if only because it had a happy ending. Especially compared to your other fic.

Author's Response:

Sigh I know, the Ms. Lockhart story doesn't have to cutesy charm of two young people falling in love and even the ending for it isn't happy BUT there will be hot lesbian sex in that one too so y'know hopefully you like that part of it.

But thanks for reading my story I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: TerryLarka Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 08 2024 10:02 PM Title: There's No Way!

This a really cute story. I'm not much a fan of the trope of victims shrinking around their bullies only to get bullied harder, so I appreciate the subversion here. You did a good job conveying Marcey's helplessness in the early chapters, especially right after shrinking, and it's been enjoyable watching her and Jean evolve throughout. Also, I dug the opening to chapter six. Getting all philosophical about apologies is a cool way of hooking the reader into that chapter devoted to letting the characters air their feelings. Good work, I look forward to whatever comes next!

Author's Response:

Honestly I feel like a lot of people forget that we aren't just writing about fetishes but we are writing stories including our fetishes. They get lost, in my opinion, in the humiliation, torture, etc., and fail to remember that stuff has to happen in the story besides the torture and humiliation even if that is the center piece. So I'm glad you enjoy my take on the trope.

I'm glad you enjoy their dynamic as well! One of the hardest things to do when writing this story was making Jean redeemable and in a space where her sudden change in feelings felt authentic. I also wanted to make sure that Marcy didn't just "Ok, I forgive you! Let's kiss!" when she got the apology too; that's when I decided to write chp 6's intro.

Thanks for the kind words and I hope you'll like the seventh chapter! :)

Reviewer: Kell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 02 2024 4:18 AM Title: Can I Tell You Something?

I seriously love that Jean is treating Marcy so well! I can't wait for 6 and 7

Author's Response:

I just uploaded chapter six so I hope you enjoy that one just as much :)

Reviewer: Kell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 26 2024 4:27 AM Title: You're Okay

Awwww, that was such a cute chapter!! I can't wait to see how this plays out more

Author's Response:

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm workshopping chapter five because the rough draft is REALLY rough but I'll probably get it out by tomorrow. I hope you'll enjoy that one too.

Reviewer: Jimbob Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 25 2024 3:06 AM Title: You're Okay

I love the flipping of the script and bullies ending up as protectors. Good story so far, and I hope to see it continue.

Author's Response:

I'm so glad you like it! There's about two or three chapters left and maybe an extra one that deals with a time skip. So I hope you enjoy the rest of it when it comes out! Again, thank you for reading. :)

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