Reviews For GT - Shelter
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Reviewer: MXP20 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 28 2024 2:51 AM Title: Chapter 5: Everybody Hurts

I don't know which giantess I like better! Okay, it's Lola. But holy shit, that last scene with Olivia was endearing as fuck. Poor Allen. His loss has been great, and he's gonna have trauma for a while. But fortunately he's got Olivia now. And Lola doesn't seem so bad.

Of course, I loved the thigh and brief mouth scene. But man, that was really sweet thing that Olivia did. Lots of good stuff in this chapter. Some memorably scenes for sure.

Author's Response:

Lola being Lola as always :D

meanwhile with Olivia I really wanted to feel the motherly love of a giant mom

Reviewer: iAaF99 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 18 2024 11:45 PM Title: Chapter 4: Young Prodigy

Great story, hope you stick with it all the way. I like that isn't completely centered on the mc. The side characters all have their unique personalities (tinies&normals). Lola is my definitely my favorite, though it would be interesting to see some action from Olivia.

Only problem I have is with the verb tenses, which makes it slightly confusing at times.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading!

Last chapter was fully focused on Lola, I'll try to have more Olivia on later chapters.

Well... since english wasn't my first language, I apologize for the mistakes about it. I'll do my best!

Reviewer: MXP20 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 18 2024 2:41 PM Title: Chapter 4: Young Prodigy

OMFG, I love Lola, holy shit. She's the perfect blench of mischievousness, gentle, and ditzy that I love. There's something so endearing about the way she cares for her tinies but also abuses them - but not to be mean, but because she's overlooking how overbearing she could be.

I, of course, loved all the F/f interactions. Love me some mouth play and all the comments that allude to the tinies being tasty and a joy to suck on. The way Lola left both girls battered on her pillow and moved on, ignoring them, was just ... chef's kiss.

I liked the tension you built at the very end. Jesse's plan went to shit right away and was stuffed in cleavage. And just as Allen was about to escape, Lola made direct eye contact with him. And the, and then ... CLIFFHANGER. GahhhhHH! NOooo! I want to see Allen/Lola interaction! Gahhhhh. My heart!

Author's Response:

She's definitely my kind of giantess now! Just treating tinies as her personal toys is such a turn on XD

Reviewer: MXP20 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 01 2024 9:03 PM Title: Chapter 3: Playtime!

Lola is the giantess we all need. I'd 100% put up with her, if it guaranteed safety from the big bad world. What's a little boob crush and feet rubbing, anyway? haha

Author's Response:

Exactly! It's definitely the tinies fault for not being strong enough to handle her. XD

Reviewer: MXP20 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 29 2024 2:16 AM Title: Chapter 2: ...Third Time's the Charm?

Awww, what a tragic beginning for Allen. Olivia sounds like his guardian angel, and she was so endearing in this chapter. I really fell for her. I love the premise of this story and where it's heading.

Author's Response:

oh thank you so much!

motherly vibe is such a mood, I really wanted a character with that trait just to see how it works in size things.

Reviewer: Zingers Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 20 2024 5:42 AM Title: Chapter 1: A Peaceful Life

really like the build up and sadistic nature of the giantess' - can definitely feel the hopelessness and shock in the tinies after the girls make their intentions known 

Author's Response:

Thank you very much!

Hopefully you'll enjoy the rest of the story, basically anything could happen here.

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