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Reviewer: aHomester Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 12 2024 1:53 AM Title: First Time Appointments

Always a rare read when everyone walks away alive. I'm sure that'll be gone in the next chapter

Author's Response:

Thank you! 

Reviewer: Outlaw761 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 10 2024 12:30 AM Title: First Time Appointments

Interesting concept amd solid start! Dental offices that uses shrinking to examine patients mouths is a fun idea. Csn't wait to see what ends up happening with Gina and Sandy as this one goes on!

Author's Response:

Thanks!  I think you’ll like it! 

Reviewer: 25Uni Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 09 2024 11:45 PM Title: First Time Appointments


Reviewer: JstARdr Signed [Report This]
Date: July 09 2024 8:53 PM Title: First Time Appointments

This is an interesting concept, I’m intrigued to see where it goes. I always do love to see the tags Unaware and Vore together. Hope we can see some good unaware vore in this. With this being short, will it be short like your Honey stories?

Author's Response:

Thank you!  Hoping for a 3 chapter story here! 

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