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Reviewer: ProteinMan Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 30 2024 5:45 AM Title: The Climb For Freedom

I hope you keep writing.

I love your unaware themes.

Author's Response:

Thank you!!

Reviewer: Socalspeck Signed [Report This]
Date: June 29 2024 2:08 PM Title: The Climb For Freedom

I’d love a follow up chapter from the inmate that was shrunken twice’s perspective!

Author's Response:

Glad to see you enjoyed the story. I left his fate vague to leave it up to the reader's imagination but I'll share some fun facts about his new size. Lin's foot would now be 11 miles long (17.7km) and she would now be 75.6 miles tall (121.6km)

His new size rivals that of a white blood cell. To say the least, each sweaty ridge are massive hills he can traverse, that is, if he isn't absorbed by the thick film of sweat coating her sole

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