Reviews For Training Exercise
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Reviewer: Megagiant52800 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 12 2024 1:04 AM Title: Chapter 1

Great writing as usual but more importantly, it’s great to see you writing again! Hope to see more of it, especially another adventure with the Tyrant! 

Author's Response:

Thank you! I'm still around and still writing (although slowly as usual).

Reviewer: MXP20 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 11 2024 11:56 AM Title: Chapter 1

I'm so jelly of your writing. The sensory descriptions at the end of the story were fantastic. One that comes to mind is how you described the blood flowing through the giant during their play. And the narrative surrounding Rosemary's experience overall was just fantastic.

Not gonna lie, I thought you were going a different direction with this, haha. Me, knowing your violent proclivities in stories, I thought the giant was gonna be rough with the woman. But wow! This was hot. It alluded to their past without diving in too hard, and the story (chapter?) ended with so many possibilities of where their relationship could go. I really enjoyed that. The smut is great and fits in with the characters' personalities. And it's believable! Although I imagine ejaculating at work might come with some disciplinary actions, I'm happy to see these two do it.

This was great, Nyx. I love these stories I can escape to. And it's M/f! Huge plus!

Author's Response:

Coming from a writer that I admire so much, that’s definitely high praise :)

I’ve been exploring gentle scenarios more often, although I have to admit that there was a part of me that wanted him to rampage just because I can’t resist the Dark Side for very long.

Reviewer: Kell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 11 2024 4:46 AM Title: Chapter 1

That was great! I love the obvious Scifi influences

Author's Response:

Thank you! :)

Reviewer: rave777 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 10 2024 2:13 PM Title: Chapter 1

Thank you for another amazing SW story, it's always a fun time reading your SW stories.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for the kind words! :)

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