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Reviewer: alshermond Signed [Report This]
Date: April 30 2024 3:13 AM Title: Chapter 1

can't wait till he is introduced to mom

Author's Response:

Shouldn't be too long now. Thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: Something523 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 23 2024 5:20 AM Title: Chapter 4

Don’t know if Amanda cared more about farting on Ryan when she was awake or when she was asleep. Amazing story, their dynamic feels really alive, both characters have lots of chemistry. Love it and keep up the good work 

Author's Response:

Glad you're enjoying. Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: EchoofZen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 22 2024 7:01 AM Title: Chapter 4

VERY nice so far, and I like where this is going.

Please tell me it won't devolve into random abuse at the hands of his sister or his ex...

Author's Response:

Unfortunately I can't make any promises about the future of the story, as the major decisions and overall direction are being made by someone else. I'm simply taking an outline that they provide and filling out the detail around it. I don't expect an outright hostile shift in their relationship, but I do expect their dynamic to change so much as, two people learning to live together under their current circumstances. 

Hope you stay tuned to find out. Thanks so much for reading and leaving a review!!

Reviewer: Eternal36 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 22 2024 5:42 AM Title: Chapter 4

I absolutely love your attention to detail, you've got a great level of description both of the physical but also emotional state of the protagonist. It also comes across as a very believable family dynamic. 

The unaware action is especially my favourite and I'm enjoying how it comes across very natural. Really cannot emphasize how much I'm looking forward to more chapters!

Author's Response:

Hey, thanks so much! I'm glad the story speaks to you. The person who has been commissioning this piece has very specifically noted that they are a fan of detailed interaction scenarios. Hopefully it continues to please!! 

Thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: Deadrekt Signed [Report This]
Date: April 22 2024 5:34 AM Title: Chapter 1

This story rules, if I’m understanding correctly, are the siblings off to meet Laura to get his stuff or something? I’m a bit confused. (Perhaps a tiny Laura awaits the siblings later in the story:p) 

Author's Response:

They're actually off to pick up the tiny accommodation gear. It will likely be explained a bit more at the start of the next chapter, but with the whole world coping with a shrinking pandemic, big warehouse style depot stores have popped up all over the place. So Ryan and Amanda are off to pick up their order!

As far as the future goes, your guess is as good as mine. The commissioner is largely dictating where the story will go. I'm just the mouthpiece. Either way, I hope you continue to enjoy. And thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: Something523 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 10 2024 1:48 AM Title: Chapter 1

Love how Amanda is already comfortable enough to stink and fart around him with no shame at all. Hope to see more of this dynamic 

Author's Response:

Well they're siblings, she's got no reason to try to impress him. Although she might need to be a bit more aware of of his inability to avoid the AoE of her expulsions. It ain't easy being tiny. 

Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: JD1910 Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: April 09 2024 6:56 PM Title: Chapter 1

Great story so far! Can't wait to see where things go from here, with Amanda seeming to becoming more comfortable and a little absent minded of Ryan, oh the troubles he may find himself in, especially if she struts around in her towel and forgets to look where she is sitting.

Author's Response: With the whole world already being somewhat adjusted to the presence of tiny people, the responsibility is on them to avoid being caught underfoot or undercheek. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Morcw Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 08 2024 8:47 PM Title: Chapter 1

Awesome story, not a fan of farting but following for all the other stuff.

Author's Response:

Well, a lot of my commissions tend to have a fair amount of ass and fart focus, thanks to my earlier stories. This one seems pretty mild in comparison to some of my others, but I think its pretty safe to say that it'll be present throughout the story. 

Hopefully you're enjoying it regardless. Either way, thanks for taking the time to read and review!!

Reviewer: hava Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 08 2024 4:05 PM Title: Chapter 3

Great so far! Love how, she's already accepted him as a little pet but he hasn't really realized it yet

Author's Response:

I'm not sure that either of them have quite realized the reality of their dynamic yet. Amanda loves her brother and just want to be accommodating, not realizing that accommodating for someone that size looks remarkably similar to petcare. Meanwhile Ryan is painfully conscious of it, but feels like he still has some autonomy. I forsee a moment down the road when they both come to the simultaneous realization about the reality of their new life. 

Thanks for reading and leaving a review!!

Reviewer: Heglug Signed [Report This]
Date: April 04 2024 5:12 PM Title: Chapter 1

Loved their dynamic. Hope to see more of Amanda, teasing 

Author's Response:

Glad you like it, plenty more in store for our dynamic duo. Thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: Sammy15 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 03 2024 3:52 AM Title: Chapter 2

Really liking this story so far. I hope there is a little more domination with Amanda taking a bit more control. I feel like she has the potential. I love the more gentle family dynamic but with more forceful domination that might seep into the cruel.

Author's Response:

My understanding is that there will be some point in the story where Amanda might dip her toe into some more forceful domination at some point as their dynamic shifts a bit, but I don't think we'll see her becoming outright cruel. 

That being said, I write at the will of the commissioner so who knows? Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: Dawger2 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 03 2024 12:10 AM Title: Chapter 2

Awww! They're so cute and wholesome! I really love their dynamic! They actually feel like siblings.

Really loving the feet scenarios too. Hope there  would be more

This  is going to be one of my new favorites. Keep it up, mate

Author's Response:

Glad you're enjoying the story so far! I'm confident there will plenty more feet in the future. Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: Maiqtheliar8888 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 26 2024 11:20 PM Title: Chapter 1

awh, such a wholesome start.

while i know it's prolly gonna get more uh, smutty, i really do hope the dynamic between these two remains sweet, in one way or another, at least.

Author's Response:

Yes, its certainly going to skew lewd eventually, but based on my discussions with the commissioner, it seems to me that the dynamic between them is going to be very loving still. I'm glad you're liking it so far. Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: Rise8 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 26 2024 5:08 PM Title: Chapter 1

Great story so far. Can't wait for more! Hopefully he ends up under his sister's ass some more haha, maybe while she's just in a thong ;)

Author's Response:

I understand from the commissioner that there will be plenty of ass interaction coming down the line. Stay tuned!

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