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Reviewer: SunGod123 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 07 2024 9:36 AM Title: Chapter 1

Holly… Great story can’t wait for chapter 9!

You got a release date? I fucking love your content!!!

Reviewer: ittybittyman Signed [Report This]
Date: August 21 2024 8:20 PM Title: Chapter 8

Amazing chapter. Loved how the streamers daughter was so bratty with her dad and made him so uncomfortable by having her cleavage take up the whole stream. 
Cant wait to see what happens with Ryan and how his youngest sister ends up treating her toy sized brother. 

Author's Response:

Glad you're enjoying the story! Thanks so much for reading!

Reviewer: JD1910 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 21 2024 8:02 PM Title: Chapter 8

Another great chapter! Like the build up for the possible battle of the titans, between sis and gf. Looking forward to the events that unfold during and after the nachos and beer. Hopeful that Ryan may find himself trapped or stuck in her top drawer, with her toys, next time he tries to use his phone. You keep bringing great chapters, looking forward to what you write next.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading. I definitely forsee some giantess conflict coming down the pipeline very soon. Stick around and find out!

Reviewer: Max74 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 21 2024 8:35 AM Title: Chapter 1


Author's Response:

Thank you!

Reviewer: Eternal36 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 21 2024 8:21 AM Title: Chapter 8

Absolutely great chapter again, love the level of description. I hope to see Ryan interact more with dirty laundry, it's such an unexplored part of unaware stories. Glad to see ya again!

Author's Response:

I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. I agree, trapped with dirty laundry is an underutilized hook in giantess stories. Thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: Mourningstar Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 09 2024 1:10 PM Title: Chapter 7

This story has the makings of a certified classic. 

Author's Response:

Glad you're enjoying it thus far. Thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: Toothpasted Signed [Report This]
Date: August 07 2024 12:39 AM Title: Chapter 7

Another great chapter. I’m glad they were able to make up after the fight while still standing their ground for their beliefs. I think she does have ryan’s back but is treating him differently because of his size either knowingly or not. I like it though, I like how confident and in charge she is while still being helpful and caring with ryan. All the while maintaining that teasing familiarity with her now shrunken brother. I cant wait to see the rest of ryan’s family, and I ESPECIALLY cant wait to see what happens with those nachos and beer Amanda is bringing home. Really hoping for another accident like from the sleeping chapter!

Author's Response:

I agree totally with your read on the situation. I think Amanda is just ignorant to the fact that she's crossing some boundaries, because she's not accustomed to being a functional authority. For her, it makes total sense that a good friend would do everything they can to prevent you from going back to their ex. But if you were to steal a friend's phone and hide it from them, they'd be rightfully pissed off. 

Glad you're enjoying the story thus far, thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: JD1910 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 04 2024 2:25 PM Title: Chapter 1

Great chapter, was awaiting an update to the story. Looking forward to what's to come with the setup of nachos, beer, and his discovery of her "dirty little secret" so to speak.

Keep up the great work.

Author's Response:

Glad you liked the chapter and I appreciate the patience. Thanks for much for reading!!

Reviewer: greenpeon Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 04 2024 12:55 PM Title: Chapter 7

Ever since his mother's cruelty/disdain towards tinies was hinted at in chapter one (“Oh come on. You’re her son. She wouldn’t… you know it’d be different.”) I've been anticipating her making an unannounced visit to Amanda's dorm, perhaps even failing to recognise him at first. She's been brought up again in the last few chapters and I simply cannot wait to see how that family dinner plays out.

Going back to Amanda and Ryan's recent spat of... for a better term, domestic violence and partner control. I'm surprised they both moved past that as if nothing happened. Surely him being flicked full force and launched several feet would be like you or me getting hit by a car. Wouldn't that result in bruised ribs at the very least?

Besides, she was acting like a cunt. I guess as an Australian I'm just taken aback by her violent overreaction to that word.

Anyway loving the story, can't wait to read more.

Author's Response:

Glad you're enjoying thus far! Should be some interaction with the rest of the family coming soon. In regards to their argument, I don't think either of them have moved past it. Not all arguments are going to be finished in just one go. Amanda certainly has some things to answer for, her physical outburst included. But I'll also add that Ryan is not so fragile as you might think. While small, he's a bit more durable than his larger counterparts, so getting flicked around is less painful or debilitating than it would first appear. There's definitely some ethical concerns with Amanda flexing her superior size like that though. But she's the giant cute subject of our story so most people are going to be inclined to give her a pass. 

And at the end of the day... it's smut. Just a bit of fun written by an amateur writer

P.S. As an American, I find Amanda's reaction to being called a cunt much more mild than you might expect around these parts. Different cultures I suppose lol. 

Thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: Eternal36 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 04 2024 4:37 AM Title: Chapter 7

Another great chapter with good set up, always a joy reading this honestly, just comes across as a very believable story.

You're doing well putting out a chapter a month, hopefully you're doing alright not to get burn out? 

Author's Response:

I'm glad you're enjoying! Unfortunately the time to write is a commodity these days, so the story schedule comes down to getting the chapter done and going back to discuss alterations and rewrites. I appreciate the patience and I'm glad you stick around to read each chapter. Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: Toothpasted Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 02 2024 1:13 PM Title: Chapter 1

Forgot this from my last review but this really is one of the best gentle teasing stories on the site. Amanda is such a playful and loving companion to her now shrunken brother and that is great to see expressed in a story like this, but it is also great that she can crack jokes and goof around with him. 

Author's Response:

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. I don't often do gentle stories, so it's nice to hear that people are enjoying the character. Only time will tell what is coming next, but from my conversations with the commissioner, we can expect plenty more smutty hijinks. 

Thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: Toothpasted Signed [Report This]
Date: July 02 2024 1:08 PM Title: Chapter 6

Really glad to see this story continued. Their dynamic is really well written. I like how this chapter had some catharsis both gentle and non gentle. Them talking and joking openly about the rough transition was nice. But it was also good seeing amanda lay down the law and dish ryan out some cold hard truths. I hope they can meet on some middle ground and make up, and if that doesn’t happen then I hope he at least gets sat on and farted on a few more times. Can’t wait to see what a dinner at mom’s house with the whole family will be like now that ryan is shrunk. I hope his mother’s attitude toward Reduced persons hasn’t changed too much though honestly. 

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 02 2024 6:46 AM Title: Chapter 6

@EchoofZen, I think you might be declaring judgment a bit prematurely here. There's nothing wrong with some tension and things getting heated in a good story, even a gentle one. And I know the commissioner will decide what happens next, but I'd be stunned if the next chapter doesn't include the two siblings having a heart to heart about the whole fight and apologies all around (unless the commissioner is reading this and going, "Oh, prepare to be shocked" and decides to go a different direction for the hell of it). With everything we've read up until now, this chapter reads more like setup before a big payoff than any sort of decent into true cruelty.

I mean, she was already feeling like shit for how she treated him before Laura's text put her back in a dark place. She's surely going to agonize over her actions once she's alone in her room.

As for why things got so serious, I think there's a particular reason why Laura sets Amanda off. Reading the chapters before this, I was starting to think that Amanda herself had been in a manipulative, possibly abusive relationship, one she didn't even tell her dear brother about. After seeing her reaction each time Laura texted Ryan here, as well as how she reacted to some of Ryan's actions, I feel pretty strongly that this is the case.

Now, she got upset each time Ryan tried to get physical or called her a name, demanding respect. However, she only outright banned hitting and the word cunt, with the latter seeming to upset her more than anything. I came away feeling as though she has an ex who either hit her or at least threatened to and that he was pretty liberal with his use of the c-word when talking to her. She probably convinced herself that he really loved her and put up with this shit for a lot longer than she should, and, if this is in fact the case, she was likely too embarrassed to reach out for help, even from her brother, who she clearly respects, despite what happened in this chapter.

I think her getting physical with Ryan had a lot to do with seeing those traits that she saw in her ex in her brother's actions, even if the situation was radically different. But she wasn't the helpless one this time and acted accordingly. So her "abusing" Ryan was her reaction to, in some small way, reliving some traumatic memories of that toxic relationship and taking control this time. That's why she stressed respect so much, I think; that asshole (who may or may not exist) never respected her, and she deserved to be respected, damnit!

However, I think her frustration with Ryan over wanting to text and possibly get back with Laura is a different sort of projection. She sees her brother's relationship with her as the same as the one she had with this guy I could very well be completely wrong about. Maybe he cheated on her and she took him back. Maybe she did this several times. So when she sees her brother falling into the same trap as she did (we don't know enough to know that this is true yet, but we certainly can't blame Amanda for thinking this based on what we do know), she sees how dumb she believes she was for doing the same thing before. So when she calls him an idiot for believing whatever Laura is saying or she talks about how crazy Ryan is driving her about this whole thing, she's really talking about herself and the regret she has over letting herself go through that in the first place.

Of course, she also cares about her brother and wants to save him from going through the same thing she did, but I don't think that alone accounts for the anger and frustration she directs at him over it. There has to be something deeper there, which is why I feel so confident that my theory is at least partially right.

Of course, Ryan's not totally an innocent victim in all this, either. While his anger was justified and he was the one who was initially wronged here, I think he went a bit too far with the name calling. I get why he got so worked up, but shit, that's your sister and she truly didn't have any ill intent. The physical stuff I'm a bit more iffy on. Like biting her wasn't a good decision, but she got physical first by pinning him to the arm of the couch with her foot. And trying to punch her finger off of him was stupid, but it's an understandable reaction. And Ryan is obviously going through some serious adjustments in his life, as Amanda even started to acknowledge in the first part of the chapter, so it makes sense why her taking his phone and violating is privacy is such a big thing for him.

Ultimately, though, being in the right doesn't give you license to just act however you please without consequence. And like Amanda not realizing how big a deal taking his phone was to him, he had no idea how some of those actions on his part would trigger something in his sister.

I could see her talking about her deeper issues if/when she apologizes next chapter, and that explanation (whether I came close to hitting the mark or it's something else entirely) could help Ryan see things in a new light and make it easier to forgive her, as well as make it easier for him to understand how he fucked up here as well and apologize himself.

Back to Amanda taking Ryan's phone, I love the delightful irony that all the things that Amanda does that Ryan finds so dehumanizing are also the same sort of things that I think she would do if he was normal sized. I truly believe that she's not treating him any differently than she would if he hadn't shrunk and that her size advantage is simply something that she isn't considering enough.

Her taking the phone read less like "Hmm, I need to read your texts because you're too small to ..." and more like standard little sister shit, like, "Ooh, let's look at all of your secrets, tee-hee." Likewise, when she put him in her pocket to get him outside the apartment, it came off to me as though she would have just drug him out by the arm if he was normal sized; in her mind, he just needed to get out there and she was going to do it for his own good. Hell, even when she collapsed on the couch and nearly flattened him when he refused to move in an earlier chapter, that seemed to me more like silly, playful little sister nonsense than anything. She's just struggling to realize how treating him the same is having such a negative impact on his mental health, although, again, she's starting to, as the start of this chapter shows.

It's just so interesting to me how Amanda can think no differently of him yet accidentally make him think so differently of himself.

I also have to say that, while I can understand Amanda's frustration over Ryan wanting nothing to do with his mother, I think Ryan is exactly right to want to stay away. It sounds like Amanda has wanted to put her family back together for a long time now, and that's clouding her judgment regarding how the family matriarch is going to view her son now that he's a reduced person. I have a hard time believing that seeing him like this is going to change her view on them or even have her make an exception for him regarding that view. She wants to see her son now because she doesn't know he's tiny. Once she does, that's going to change things.

And it's true that we don't know exactly what their mother's view on tinies is, but if it was bad enough for Ryan to sever the relationship before he even shrank, it had to be pretty bad.

As a side note, I love that Ryan cared enough about RPs to be willing to fight even his own mother over them. It says a lot about him, and it says a lot about Amanda that she seems to have taken Ryan's view on them rather than their mother's. I'm curious to see where Brooke stands on the issue.

Suffice to say, it should be an interesting dinner when the time comes (there's no way he doesn't go now that it was mentioned in the story, right?).

Anyway, I've really enjoyed this story so far, and I especially appreciate all of the seeds you've planted in the earlier chapters. There's a lot of ways this story could go and a lot of avenues to explore. Now that I've caught up, I look forward to seeing where the two of you take it!

Author's Response:

Wow, you're definitely invested. So glad to hear! I agree with you. There's no heroes in this chapter. Both Ryan and Amanda said and did some regrettable things, but that's life with siblings sometimes. Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy!

Reviewer: EchoofZen Signed [Report This]
Date: July 02 2024 4:36 AM Title: Chapter 6

And here comes the abuse. Was good while it lasted, I suppose....

Author's Response:

Things are tense sure, but that doesn't mean the story is trending towards cruelty. All relationships are complex, and sibling dynamics are no different. Both characters clearly have some things here that they need to talk about, but ups and downs are just a part of the journey. I hope you stick around to see how it turns out. 

Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Toothpasted Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 28 2024 4:23 PM Title: Chapter 1

I like this story a lot. I think the pacing of the plot is fantastic I like how much of each chapter we get to immerse ourselves in Ryan’s story. I really like the characterization of their sibling relationship, how amanda is kind of assuming the role of older sister now and how ryan is adjusting to that. I love the gentle and teasing element of their relationship. I like how comfortable amanda is becoming with the new small presence in her life and I hope we see more encounters with her either messing with ryan playfully or unknowingly. My favorite chapter was 3 I believe thats the one where ryan is walking around her as she sleeps. The accidental fart trap was amazing. I absolutely love that ryan is consistently in the wrong place at the wrong time around amanda, hope to see more of that! Keep up the amazing story!

Author's Response:

Personally, I love a tiny in an unaware fart trap, so we're on the same page there. I'm glad you're enjoying the characters having to adjust the change in dynamic. I would imagine it is a big shift for the both of them, with plenty of unforseen hurdles ahead. I'm glad you're enjoying and I hope you keep reading!

Reviewer: Slacker28 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26 2024 9:04 PM Title: Chapter 1

This is a very interesting story! I hope it stays gentle and that the last chapter makes Amanda realize that if she wants Ryan to be closer to her she has to slowly seduce/corrupt him, maybe with her pheromones which will lead to gentle/protective insertion as a way to protect and carry him and maybe down the line or in a sequel series lead to a 3 way between her, Ryan and Hailey.  Well that is the kind of story I want but I am sure you and your client will make this a good one can't wait for more hopefully gentle giantess stuff!  Thank you!

Author's Response:

Glad you're enjoying it so far. There'll be some tension ahead for sure, but the feeling I get is that the relationship between the two siblings will remain altogether positive. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: ittybittyman Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26 2024 2:05 PM Title: Chapter 5

Love this story, cant wait to see where it goes

Author's Response:

Glad to hear it, thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Maiqtheliar8888 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 26 2024 1:10 AM Title: Chapter 5

yay! i missed this series!

as i said before, i love this dynamic. I'm very happy to see smutty shenanigans, teasing, and even bullying go alongside the big person actually respecting the tiny and their boundries as a person, and this story has been doing that pretty much perfectly so far! amazing job!

Author's Response:

I'm glad you're enjoying it. Most of my writing tends to lean pretty hard into cruel territory, but even I have to admit that gentle giantesses are very very nice too. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Dawger2 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 25 2024 10:35 PM Title: Chapter 5

Awww! I feel really bad for Amanda. She just wanted to help her brother. Ryan, you idiot!

Really loving this series, mate! Love the part where she's massaging Ryan’s tiny body outside her pocket. It was a very short scene but I really love the idea

Are you planning on posting this on yojr DA as well?

Author's Response:

I think both characters are well meaning, its just a matter of them both needing to adapt to a radically new reality. She's definitely trying to be helpful, but Ryan has not had much time to come to terms with the fact that he needs help to survive. We just have to hope that he can learn faster than it takes for him to wear out his welcome :) 

I'm glad you're enjoying the story. The commissioner is very keen on the descriptive interaction scenes so I'm glad that the community is enjoying them so much. I'm not certain on posting this one to DA. Only because I don't know how long it's going to be. Not sure that I want a 20+ chapter story going up there, but I'm still undecided. 

As always, thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: Eternal36 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 25 2024 9:25 PM Title: Chapter 5

Another fantastic chapter. Really liking the characters being introduced and looking forward to seeing more situations develop.

Just wanted to take a moment to really commend your writing though, you were really well and it's easy to read, flows naturally and is descriptive enough that it's well above he standard of a lot of the literature both on this site and others as well. Fucking props to you!

Looking forward to more!

Author's Response:

Well thank you so much. I'm glad that my writing inspires such kindness. Thanks for reading!!

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