Reviews For Echoes of Lilliput
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Reviewer: breastclimber Signed [Report This]
Date: February 01 2024 5:27 AM Title: The Experiment

You want some more motivation for this one?  Have Melissa show up.


Author's Response:

It would be hilarious if the two stories took place in the same universe. XD

Reviewer: Edgedej4 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 31 2024 9:56 PM Title: Scout's Honor

Am really liking this development so far. 

Reviewer: Edgedej4 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 30 2024 2:42 PM Title: Sarah at the Farm

Loved this chapter

Reviewer: Edgedej4 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 30 2024 9:16 AM Title: Kara

Interesting development for sure, that she has become normalised to the horrific acts of cruelty that she’s done to people around her. It’s also however shown to us that it was a last resort of sorts to get to this point, so it does help her case a bit. 

Am interested in seeing how the new character in the new perspective will be integrated to our protagonist. 

Reviewer: Edgedej4 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 30 2024 8:14 AM Title: Giant in a Tiny World

Very cool take on an otherwise well known concept. The writing so far has been superb and reads very naturally. The detail is neither too much or too little, it strikes a balance that allows the reader to both envision the world but also not feel like a slog to read. 

Am sad to see in terms of plot, what just happened in this chapter. But am excited to see where we go from here too! 

Reviewer: breastclimber Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 27 2024 5:49 AM Title: The Experiment

Nice to see us back in Lilliput.  I love that translation will be able to happen with Soren's family and Sarah.  Very keen to see where the plot will go from here.   Hopefully the family can put into context for Jennifer, why the troops were attacking them, and explaining about the other giants setting the only context the Lilliputians had even known. 

Author's Response:

My motivation is slowly creeping back. There's a lot more story to unfold here---I just want to make sure I do it right. Baby steps. Baby steps. I'll get there eventually.

Reviewer: Pok420 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 27 2024 3:06 AM Title: Catching Up

I don't care if it was short. It was very good. This is the best story going right now. Hopefully this is motivation motivation.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the motivational help. I'm getting there. The relationship between Jen and Kara is reminding me why I started writing this story. I forgot how much I love Kara's character.

Reviewer: sanguine tangerine Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 17 2024 6:26 AM Title: The Experiment

Excellent so far! I really enjoy Jen and Kara’s dynamic. You’ve done a good job making their progression believable. I hope Kara continues to get corrupted and listens to lots more people screaming inside Jen, but I also like that she’s standing up to her.

Author's Response:

Thank you for your comment! The relationship between Jen and Kara is the highlight of this story. Kara's character will definitely evolve throughout the story.

Reviewer: breastclimber Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 16 2023 11:07 PM Title: The Experiment

Very glad to see Jennifer and Sarah finally together.   Also very much looking forward to Jennifer getting her hands on the Queen!!!!

Author's Response:

Exciting times ahead! The Queen will get really worried when she learns about Jennifer and Sarah roaming her kingdom.

Reviewer: Pok420 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 16 2023 10:33 AM Title: Old & New Friends

Wow, this story was great already. Now it's about to get even better. Cannot wait to see the next chapter.

Author's Response:

Aww, thank you! I'm always happy to hear people enjoying this novel. I've already started typing the next chapter!

Reviewer: Type Signed [Report This]
Date: December 09 2023 3:32 PM Title: The Experiment

So happy to read the new update!

Author's Response:

Thank you for your continued support! It means a lot to me.

Reviewer: Nyx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 09 2023 2:54 PM Title: Taste of Harmony

I like smut and plot so I love this story :) Excellent work.

Author's Response:

Hey Nyx!  We use to chat back in the day, when I went by a different name. I'm not sure if you still have access to your gmail, but I sent you an email where we use to chat. :)

Reviewer: sweetpea2945 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 09 2023 8:02 AM Title: The Experiment

Omgggg that latest chapter 🥵 glad to see another chapter! Please keep em coming! This is getting me through finals

Reviewer: sweetpea2945 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 26 2023 8:05 PM Title: The Experiment

Re-posting my reviews to fix the rating error! Been really enjoying this story and get excited with every new chapter. Loving the plot/smut combo, I always enjoy a good slow burn, and the plot is keeping me hooked! Can’t wait to see what comes next!

Author's Response:

Hey, thanks for doing that! I'm glad you're enjoying this little tale. All these comments give me motivation to keep on writing.

Reviewer: sweetpea2945 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 26 2023 10:07 AM Title: The Experiment

Also I’m not sure if it’s just what it’s showing on my end but I’ve been trying to give 5 stars but it keeps showing as 3.5. I can delete the reviews if you want to maintain your perfect rating!! Just know that I think it’s 5 stars :)

Author's Response:

Yea, the rating system isn't super intuitive on this site. Each step equals a half-star. So, a rating of 2 = 1 star. A rating of 10 = 5 stars, and so on. You can try re-doing your comment and see if that helps. Because of the inflation of ratings on this site, a story that doesn't have a perfect 5 star looks sus, lol. I greatly appreciate your comments and I'm glad you're enjoying the story!
I re-wrote this last chapter like three times, trying to get it just right. And when I say re-write, I mean full re-write. My first go with the chapter had 5K words written, and I just deleted it all because it wasn't capturing the Jen/Kara relationship correctly. I say all this, just to show how much care I'm putting into the story. I'm so happy it's coming out the way it is, and that others are enjoying. Again, thanks for your comments!

Reviewer: Type Signed [Report This]
Date: November 13 2023 9:56 PM Title: Sarah at the Farm

As always, you have me glued! I especially love the part between Jennifer and Kara!

Author's Response:

Thank you again for your continued support! I'm happy to hear people are actually reading this!

Reviewer: VelvetSK Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 12 2023 7:08 PM Title: Vengeance Unleashed

Chapter 1: This was a cute little introduction. I would have started the chapter with Jennifer already having entered the science facility to better mentally fix the ideas you want the reader to focus on, but the slow-burn approach was appropriate given this is fiction rather than erotica or porn.

Chapter 2: Nice action. Your prose is varied and colorful, and you utilize it well to build up the world as Jennifer is doing so. There were a lot of complicated actions during that battle, but you did an awesome job describing them because all too often authors are vague and the scene is hard to follow.

Chapter 3: I knew this was coming, but I appreciate that you took the time to have her go through every possible option first. It makes her resorting to eating the lillies more believable. The dialogue during the village scene was hit or miss. For increased erotic effects, I think maybe a POV scene from a lilly or two could have been added. Overall, a solid chapter.

Author's Response:

Thanks for your comments. In the spectrum between erotica and traditional fiction, I'm not sure myself where this story fits. I'm not adverse at all to porn and I'm not trying to hide from it. But at the same time, I do enjoy a good adventure story. Just trying to manage expectations, though,, there are fetish/porn scenes in the story. As for your other comments, thank you so much for the kind words! I imagine a movie playing in my head and I try to capture all five senses when I write. That's my approach, at least. Thank you again for the review.

Reviewer: Zaximus Signed [Report This]
Date: November 04 2023 11:02 PM Title: The Unwilling Companion

Oh that's a cliffhanger ;D

Hope you have fun at your con! I'll be hopefully getting a much better and fuller review to you in the coming week but for now I wanted to drop in to let you know, the entire way this chapter ends? Fantastic, excellent work.

Author's Response:

Hey, thank you! It was a fun con. Thanks for reading and I'm happy to hear your enjoying. I assume you're enjoying it at least :)  It's been an adventure to write so far, that's for sure. Thanks in advance for your fuller review.

Reviewer: Scrumptious Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 29 2023 11:48 PM Title: The Unwilling Companion

Another great chapter. You have me glued.

I'm glad that you've enjoyed my stories. I only recently came back to this site to finish up Goddess in Becoming after...well, a long time.

Thank you for reminding me about that other story, Begging. It looks like the formatting was screwed up on that. I took the opportunity of your reminder to fix that.

Anyway, this story - and you - are now registered as favorites. Can't wait to read more!

Author's Response:

Outstanding, that's great to hear. I also noticed the wonky formatting, and am pleased you cleaned it up. I'm so happy you fav'd the story. Thank you for your continued support! It means a lot to me!

Reviewer: io1908 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 29 2023 5:48 PM Title: The Unwilling Companion

The more this story grows, the more it turns to a timeless classic addition on here. I can't explain how addicted I've got, the story is epic 

Author's Response:

Wow, I love your glowing review! Thank you so much for your comments. I too am addicted to it—and having others encourage me gives me so much motivation to write more. It's been so fun sharing my imagination with others. Thank you again for your kind words!

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