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Reviewer: ItsKeine Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 03 2024 1:38 AM Title: The Spice~

Excellent ending.

Reviewer: OrpheusEyes Signed [Report This]
Date: November 19 2023 7:01 AM Title: At the Movies

Why are all 3 of the ladies in a couple, isn't that like MC Escher style cheating? Good story though, however it feels like it kinda feels generic, Jessica grows, cries, Veronica comforts her, she gets better, repeat. Just pointing that out.

Author's Response:

Three people can share a relationship ^^ and yes the story is terribly vanilla... It is the very first thing I ever wrote. I'm just slowly getting around to editing it and the numerous mistakes the first draft had. But I thought I would share for anybody who wished to read. 

Reviewer: ItsKeine Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 18 2023 9:07 PM Title: Shes still Growing~

Good stuff! 

It's simple, and that simplicity makes it shine out all the more among a lot of things that try to be too much and end up not being good enough in any category.

If I had to critique anything, it would be that Jess' size is often very nebulous, I often didn't have a good feel for it until Veronica started walking on her. And given she's still growing, I feel like I kinda lost it again. This is a small gripe.

Will there be more chapters of this, or is this it? If so, I would love for it to go a lot lewder.

Author's Response:

I appreciate the criticism very much! One of my goals with this short story was to not use any measurements. (Then I still did...) It definitely lost something but I also thought it gained a little bit as well. I definitely could have talked more about the details when Veronica is being held in Jess's hands. 

There is a third part coming out that is the spicy alternate ending. When Veronica is on her ankle, and spins around her captivation turns into curiosity... and she simply must explore~ stay tuned! Thank you again 

Reviewer: purplereader Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 14 2023 4:46 AM Title: At the Movies

A fine read for your first made story. I'm now interested how Katie and Jessica differs and from what they've talked about at the start, it seems that Katie is still growing too.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the compliment! We will be seeing a whole lot more of these three characters... they are my fav~ 

I saw your bio, and I feel and hope you will enjoy my stories... substantially.  

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