Reviews For The Quencher
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Reviewer: F_G_F Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: October 10 2011 11:59 AM Title: The Quencher

Great story. Sometimes I really like these short and to the point stories, and this one was a lot of fun to read.  Great job.  I plan on working my way through your other stories as well.

Reviewer: timescribe Signed [Report This]
Date: July 27 2011 1:49 AM Title: The Quencher

This is my favourite of the unaware stories, as there's no messy food involved. It reminds me of the activists a few years ago who were crusading to prevent the drinking of live fish.

Author's Response:

I prefer drink accidents to stories where there is a chance of chewing when it comes to unaware. My first gts vore dream involved being drunk in a glass of water.

Reviewer: girlfood Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 06 2011 7:38 PM Title: The Quencher

A good read. I enjoyed it.

Reviewer: zol Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 08 2009 9:15 AM Title: The Quencher


wow, thank you again so much. Really awesome seeing you now writing new stories and unaware of course :p Really liked this one! I'm a fan of unaware situations where it is the fault of someone who is aware, that the poor little guy gets into not so pleasant moments of someone else who is not^^

Author's Response: me too. something about the innocence of the pred makes it more fun, but I wouldn't want to be the one who had to explain the accident.

Reviewer: Star Sage Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 06 2009 1:05 PM Title: The Quencher

As said with the last story, not a bad piece of work. The unaware is done nicely, with a good description to everything going on. Still prefer sandwiches/burgers as the medium of being eaten by the unaware person, but drinks work too.

Author's Response: I plan on doing at least one with a sandwich. I'm going for all of the classics and trying to add my own twist to them. I have other stuff I'm working on as well, but the other stories are longer and will take a while.

Reviewer: fated11 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 06 2009 12:28 PM Title: The Quencher

nice unaware work. i prefer solid food but u pulled off the images nicely

Author's Response: thank you very much.

Reviewer: Knot Signed [Report This]
Date: August 06 2009 11:56 AM Title: The Quencher

Trying not to sound repetitive in my "reviews" but very nice work with this quick one-shot. I think the dialogue of your work sticks out the most for me, it doesn't seem forced. It adds to the realism of the story.

Author's Response: thank you very much. You have less to worry about with repetitive reviews than I have in hoping doing multiple unawares may make my work look samey.

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