Reviews For Surfer Shrink
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Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: July 09 2022 3:32 AM Title: Shrunk Beachside

Not a bad one-shot!  You even have the surfer-speak down pat. Makes me wonder if you were born and raised in San Fernando Valley.  ;-)

Author's Response:

Hehe, I did an embarrassing amount of research on surfer slang !!

Reviewer: Jsmith20 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 18 2022 1:28 AM Title: Shrunk Beachside

You truly have a gift for good dialect in your dialogue, you already proved that in Tiny Through Time and this just adds further proof. I hope that Sloane continues to be just a little oblivious of how things really are for a little bit. I'd like to see you continue that humiliation tag. Maybe his wallet fell out and didn't get shrunken so she finds it and just spends his money on stuff before she finally lets him talk.

It seems like he'll have to be calm when talking to her otherwise she'll just tell him to chill out. Hopefully she'll eventually bring him to her ear so he can explain things to her because she does seem good hearted, if somewhat not connecting the dots.

I love the concept and can't wait to see more. I don't know if you're planning to do anything with her bikini bottoms, but I'd love to see a little bit of butt play. Hope you continue.

Author's Response:

It's always such a pleasure to get reviews like this! This particular piece was a commission for a user DarkBeard - I do think they plan to continue it, though! So you may just get your wish!

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