Reviews For Dad I'm hungry
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Reviewer: Francis Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: April 03 2022 4:57 PM Title: A new Friend

Ya my point. Why did Sofie grow. Are we to believe that it just happened, why did it happen. No 2 why would she kill her parents for no reason. And why would she suddenly change to a life of crime, now my idea I think you should write what cause them to grow and that that same thing controls them to do all the things they do as giantesses, I hope this helps

Author's Response:

i just think i like it just happens and she enjoys that every one giantess she does not care about her parent but yes thats the way i do it

but I may be able to do better in the future

Reviewer: Francis Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: April 03 2022 4:42 PM Title: Dad I'm hungry

First of all the story I'd cool but growing immediately after the begin kinda sucks. If she grew in like episode 2 or 3 that would be better plus. She grew so she didn't scream at why she was so big and she just jumped right into killing people. The story lacked plot. Anyways good job

Author's Response:

it is forde the ehr story is from one of my photos and I usually have only 3000 words I can use so I have created 5 photos with 5 story

but am glad you like it :)

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