Date: December 23 2023 9:36 AM Title: Sibling Rivalry
No... Why did you not finish this story? It could have been one of the best stories.
Only 3 chapters? It's so sad. I really want to see more from this. Please continue this story it still has too much to give.
Date: December 11 2021 1:00 AM Title: Unexpected Hookup
Is it done? I'm really looking forward to the continuation, it's rare to have a story like this
Author's Response:
Late in responding here, but yes! The word limit for the commission didn't allow for a longer story! So I went with a three-act short story structure, as opposed to something more long-form! :)

Date: December 07 2021 9:30 PM Title: Sibling Rivalry
Truly a titillating conclusion!
Do you presume he was wiped away, or dwindled small enough to slip inside her breast?
Author's Response:
Haha, thanks so much!
I'm going to leave what happens as Lizzy wakes up in the morning up to the reader to decide, but I will say, cum can be pretty damn sticky even when it dries. It might be a little difficult for our friend Aaron to slip anywhere, even with him being so microscopic ;)

Date: November 17 2021 8:03 PM Title: Sibling Rivalry
Excited to see how you develop these characters and their explore their desires and kinks!
Author's Response:
I'm super glad to have kept your interest with this one!

Date: November 09 2021 7:45 AM Title: Sibling Rivalry
Oooh! Shrinking via humiliation between sister and brother.I'm gonna look forward for this. Great job, mate
Author's Response:
I know I'm a bit late to the review, but I'm glad you found yourself interested in the first chapter! Really hope you liked how it came out!