Reviews For Wolf's Virus
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Reviewer: eve Signed [Report This]
Date: June 22 2023 4:41 PM Title: Emergence

I wish there was a virus ehich turns moms and milfs into hot minigiantess and amazon.

Reviewer: Pluto Pendragon Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 21 2021 4:08 AM Title: Emergence

This story is really interesting! The backstory caught my interest immediately, and I felt like you did a good job giving enough information to get going without dragging down the pacing. The post-apocalyptic zombie setting was really unexpected to see in a giantess story, and I liked it a lot. I suppose my only real suggestion would have been to maybe expand on Sylvia's character a bit - her backstory, motivations, internal process - but I understand that there's only so much you can do in an introductory chapter, and I'm looking forward to finding more out about her in the upcoming parts! The actual erotic content wasn't really my cup of tea, but that's solely reflective of my personal preferences, it was still really well written. Anyway, this was an excellent first chapter, and I'm looking forward to seeing more from you in the future! Take care.


Author's Response:

Thank you so much for the review!

When I wrote this, she was definitely a one-off character I hadn't put much thought into - more the driving force of an idea or expression. So I can definitely see where there wasn't a lot of exposition on her, her needs, her beliefs, her purpose and whatnot. Internal process - I could definitely do this better justive, so I appreciate that suggestion!

I'll get around to posting the second part sometime later this week, I think!

Reviewer: nolar101 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 17 2021 2:59 AM Title: Emergence

need a part 2!!

Author's Response:

I appreciate the review! I will get part two up within the next week or so. :)

Reviewer: mynameisjacob Signed [Report This]
Date: September 17 2021 12:07 AM Title: Emergence

Leaving a review cause I want that next chapter boi!!!

Author's Response:

I appreciate the review! Next chapter should be up sometime next week. Thanks for reading!

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