Date: November 02 2024 6:08 PM Title: Two Sisters
I love this journey so much!!!

Date: February 25 2024 2:29 PM Title: Rescue
Oh my goodness, this story has taken up all of my attention for the past few days. One of the best I’ve ever read!!! Very very very well done!

Date: August 27 2023 9:05 PM Title: Rescue
This is most plot heavy story I have ever read on this site, and I loved it! All of the twists and turns in the story were great!
A couple of small points
1) Eren's role was really diminished at the end. I mean I loved Jisoo throughout the whole story, but Eren was so dynamic in the beginning of the story, I was just a bit disappointed at the end that his role was even purposefully subverted because he would have wanted the diminuation? (not sure that makes a lot of sense, but maybe having him more involved would have been more true to his character.)
2) When Jisoo gained all of her powers it would have been nice to see her take some small revenges on the worst of the worst people. I know she was trying to deny she was a goddess, but come on, she totally was.
3) Jade's nanomachines were kind of forgotten, but they did touch Eren, and therefore when he was re-united with Jisoo they would have touched her. I would have been fine with Jisoo seeing them and obliterating them with her godly powers, but it wasn't even mentioned. Nor was Jade's fate particularly touched on either. Maybe it would have been fun to have Jade try to control Jisoo in God mode, but have Jisoo obliterate the nanites, and turn them against Jade.
4) Eren and Jisoo's daughter was too "tame". I would have liked to have seen her enjoy her powers a bit more. Not outright rebellion, but more like someone who wouldn't mind occasionally cheating on their diet. I keep thinking about how the daughter might be a fun short story on her own.
5) The whole thing about Jisoo not being able to regrow people seemed a little far fetched when her power grew to be absolute. I realize you wanted that for plot purposes, but maybe you should have just let it happen that way.
Despite these nits, I loved the story, really I did. The only reason I mention these things is because of how much I got into the plot. Really fun stuff! If Eren had been more active at the end I would have given this a 10 out of 10. I really viewed Jisoo and Eren as the two main protagonists of the story, and so that disappointed me a bit, but not enough to make this one of the best stories I have read here.

Date: August 04 2023 10:01 PM Title: Epilogue
only now I finnally took time to read this absolute MASTERPIECE. not only the actual fetish stuff was well done, but it simply became an actual novel that made everyone stay for the story
congratulations on writing this story, I've read books that didn't let me so anxious and curious like this one did, I can't imagine how I'd be when having to wait for almost 2 years just to read what happens next.
only thing is I wish we were told about what happened to characters like Ruiwen (my favorite for sure, but I still liked her open ending), Xiangling, Kovit and how they dealt with Jade.
I can imagine Xiangling got arrested for Amrita's doings which she was heavily responsible for, really tought she'd be the one to actually bring Grace back to the light (specially since she was still big by the end), but I don't think Kovit deserved being arrested since he was just a driver and such?
10/10 story either way
Date: April 12 2023 6:55 AM Title: Rescue
Damn one of the best stories on this site good writing

Date: October 12 2022 2:31 AM Title: Epilogue
If they're not careful, that ending will lead to a less-than-empty nest nine months from now. LOL!
Masterfully poignant epilogue. Thanks, again, for sharing this. :-)

Date: October 11 2022 1:31 AM Title: Epilogue
Excellent conclusion! Can’t wait to see how things play out in future one shots and/or continuations.
In the meantime, any plans to update Act of Gods?

Date: October 10 2022 5:43 PM Title: Epilogue
When I first found this story, I was pleased that it seemed to be a gentle story about a woman protecting tiny people from other giants who would harm them. Over time, the story became a full blown novel and what a ride it has been. It had super powered women and size stuff, both things I enjoy, and combined the two for even more enjoyment. It had intrigue, lore, great storytelling, and hooked my interest more in the plot than the fetish stuff, though the fetish stuff certainly enhanced it.
Amazing job Kardo. I hope you continue to write because your stories are gems, enjoyable and interesting both from a fetish perspective and story perspective.
Date: September 26 2022 1:37 AM Title: Two Sisters
What a wild ride this has definitely been quite the experience of a story I’m so thankful to you for giving this to the public to read and enjoy I’ve been on this sight since I was 14 I’m 19 now and I can say this has been top 3 stories I’ve read on this sight I will definitely be tuned in to see what happens next
Author's Response:
I'm overwhelmed by the amount of high praise I've received! So many people have told me this is in their top stories on the entire site, and to have Deliverance be compared to masterpieces is really heartwarming to me. Thank you so much!

Date: September 24 2022 6:18 PM Title: Two Sisters
What a chronicle! Full of ups and downs, cynicism and idealism, plot and ...uh.... "plot". You sure have "Delivered" an epic for the ages.
Her reuniting with Byung-ho, I could definitely see echoes of Zuko's reconciliation with Uncle Iroh. It was probably the best way ever to use that reference. It flowed like leaves on a vine. (Now that I think of it, Grace from the previous chapter reminded me of Ozai for some reason, or maybe Azula)
If there's one gripe with this entire story, I did think the penultimate conflict with Satsuki (Kiryuin) was resolved way too quickly. I guess having that battle right after the resolution with Grace would have been too much.
Still, overall, fantastic finish, and I look forward to the epilogue.
Author's Response:
Jisoo's reunion took heavy inspiration from that scene, and like Iroh, Byung-ho never harbored any resentment towards Jisoo and neither did Tae-yeon. Likewise Grace has her Azula moment by talking into the mirror, but like Ozai has a chat in prison. It's a way for Jisoo to let go of her 'fake family' which comprises of Grace, Lihua and the others whilst reconciling with her real family whom she abandoned.
And I definitely would have drawn out the storyline of spirits and Satsuki's overall plan (there are several unwritten sections I removed) but the battle between Satsuki and Jisoo didn't really fit the overall tone of the story since it involved mass city-wide destruction across many continents and would leave so many more loose ends. Satsuki was more of a background villain for most of the story, pulling strings and more time had to be dedicated towards the primary antagonist (Grace). But I agree, I could have handled it much better.
But thank you so much for the continued feedback and support! I can't wait to write future entries into this series

Date: September 24 2022 5:52 PM Title: Two Sisters
I look forward to that epilogue. Although, I doubt it can leave me as pleasantly misty-eyed as this penultimate chapter did. Bravo! And thanks for sharing this with us. :-)
Author's Response:
The epilogue is fairly short! It's meant to be a bit of an update into what the lives of the main characters is like several years later. Originally it was the true ending but it felt much more fitting for Two Sisters to be the proper final chapter.

Date: September 21 2022 11:52 AM Title: Graceful Departure
You are most welcome. :-)
P.S.---love the chapter title! A suitably bittersweet pun.
Author's Response:
I've grown very attached to your puns and will miss reading them with every chapter now that the story is finished :(

Date: September 15 2022 12:48 PM Title: Premature Celebration
First off, I love the chapter title. Suitably punny!
Secondly? I agree with Jisoo and Eren's sentiments. Some karmic payback will still probably be necessary by the first anniversary of the Post-Amrita Compromise (or whatever you ultimately choose to call it). As a one-year time limit would inherently seem to necessitate Suji performing an even bigger miracle than Jisoo did with the shrinking of the Amrita's governing inner circle!
Last, but not least; I could be wrong. But, I think that there was one sentence that should have read "It wouldn't be fair _not_ to give people at least some time to change..."
Author's Response:
If there's anybody who can work a miracle it's definitely Suji (Baochai Fang) but yeah Jisoo definitely sees this as just humoring her younger sister to avoid an argument, and also it let's her deal with her own personal business without worrying about a Second Diminution. Jisoo is a pretty big pessimist and sees the worst in people before she sees the good, but recently she's started to interact with people in more positive perspectives in an attempt to rectify that (such as her friendly chats with Yulan and Amy in previous chapters), whereas Suji is a selective optimist who believes everybody except her family members can be given a second chance and deserve the benefit of the doubt.
We'll see how Suji's efforts pan out in the future but for now she's definitely got the odds stacked against her. And yes that was another mistake you caught! These last few chapters have me writing at a mile a minute out of excitement, definitely a few more spelling/grammar errors popping up now lol.

Date: September 13 2022 4:25 PM Title: Rescue
Just wanted to comment something I just remembered from your series about the immortal peach that increase a person size and strong couldn't mass reproduce them to return everyone to normal size people or at least Maddie who got her size Robbed from her , I mean all Maddie got to do is a eat a few immortal peaches and she be back to five foot nine inches tall in no time just My thoughts thinking about the immortal peach 🍑.
Author's Response:
So currently there are only about two dozen peaches in Baochai's old garden (they take ten years to grow and are extremely difficult to cultivate), and there is a 'soft-cap' on how much you can grow with them because you hit diminishing returns pretty quickly especially if you aren't blood related to the Fang Sisters. The biggest Maddie could probably get if she nommed on every peach would probably be around a foot and a half.
But in the end Maddie did get that bikini body she was trying to get before she was shrunk, so good for her since she's rocking a four pack now!

Date: September 05 2022 6:41 AM Title: Final Proposition
Suji's not willing to gamble on Eren's good sense. But, she's willing to gamble on one year's worth of multi-million dollar charities permanently changing over a century's worth of speck/normie relations?
That's the type of thinking that gives feminine logic a bad name.
Author's Response:
At this point she's pretty much doing whatever she can to stop big sis from shrinking the world lol, and she only had a few days to throw this plan together. However what she has done is given herself another year to hopefully gain some powers of her own so she can physically stop Jisoo if need be. How that's going to work out for her remains to be seen!
Date: September 04 2022 5:13 PM Title: Rescue
You'd think there would be more effort put into the direction of just growing all the specks up to normal size.
Author's Response:
"If only there was a way for me to undo The Diminution. The only limit to my abilities is that I cannot reverse the effects of shrinking. If I could, then I could just make the speck population into normal-sized people. That would be the best solution for everybody. Jisoo thought, and cursed her own weakness in that regard. There were few things she could not do with her power, but that was one that was unchangeable.
Once a person was reduced, unless they were a part of her own bloodline they could never return to their original size. And even then those of her bloodline as she had discovered could be shrunk permanently if the xirang was removed altogether. " - Ch. 58 Negotiation.
Jisoo is physically incapable of growing specks to normal size, hence why she thought it would be a better idea to make everybody else smaller.

Date: September 02 2022 1:54 AM Title: Stolen Scheme
Offhand, Jisoo, I'd say she's preemptively sabotaging any attempt at enacting a second Diminution...by admitting the true cause of the first one!
Result: shan reintroduced to fit!
Author's Response: That's a very fair assumption! Suji isn't keen on another poorly thought out cataclysm.

Date: September 02 2022 1:44 AM Title: Alternate View
Whew! Where'd I leave that pitcher of ice water?
Author's Response:
; )

Date: August 30 2022 4:17 AM Title: Stolen Scheme
As it would turn out Suji did have an alternate plan
The immediate thought which came up after finishing this chapter. And just when Jisoo wished that she would propose an alternative. Talk about timing. Ultimately, this was sort of inevitable. History had a way of repeating itself and once again the original influencers of the diminution are finding themselves on opposite sides of the playing field.
Jisoo has the clrsr advantage in most cases no, seeing as she's practically all-powerful. The one thing holding her back from putting a stop to Suji then and there would be her vow to never harm another living creature. A vow I am more than certain Suji is banking on. I don't think the scare tactics Jisoo used prior will have much affect on her sister.
There's also one variable who's own opinions should be addressed that I think Jisoo is overlooking. What exactly would her mother think of her decision?
Jumping the gun again, Jisoo. Just like you did in a past life and just like you did with Maddie.
Author's Response:
You're spot on in this analysis ^. Jisoo pretty much did exactly this in her past life as Daiyu, and Suji basically did exactly what she did as Baochai. This time Suji is trying to pre-empt her sister and using her knowledge of Jisoo's willingness to hurt other people, intends to do things her own way.
As for Keqing, she's more or less content to let whatever her 'daughters' want play out and focus on her monastery and the people there, and now she's responsible for reincarnating Satsuki and raising her properly. But she's definitely got her eyes on things.

Date: August 30 2022 12:56 AM Title: Stolen Scheme
And the suspense keeps ramping up! Very curious to see what Suji has planned.
With how many crazy twists and turns there have been throughout the story, I’m expecting it’ll be something even bigger/more grandiose than Jisoo’s plan to shrink the world.
However, this sentence near the beginning of the chapter got me thinking that a relatively simple solution might also do the trick:
“Perhaps eventually the world would learn of the truth behind The Diminution”
Based on that, it seems like revealing the truth to the public regarding the Diminution (if done right) may be enough to change the plite of the specs. People already seem to be ganging up on the Amrita Corporation, So maybe spilling this last bit of tea would get the whole world (specs and normal sized folks alike) to rise up and Unite against a common enemy.
Author's Response:
Sometimes the best solutions are often the simplest indeed!