Date: August 29 2013 2:45 PM Title: Chapter 1
You should totally make this into a series
Date: September 17 2006 1:28 AM Title: Chapter 1
Asuka, your websites are what really got me into GTS stories, i was always a GTS person and found your community, and now I'm happy that I did, keep up the good work and keep those stories coming
Author's Response: Thanks! Its hearing things like that, which make it all worth it.

Date: September 14 2006 1:24 AM Title: Chapter 1
A pretty well and indifferent story...I like that....Keep up with the stories, cuz they keep getting better and better.
Author's Response: Thanks, It took me a long time to get this far. I started out pretty bad and now that i am reaching 80+ stories i finally feel that i have achieved decent.
I still have a ways to go to catch up to DX Machina.
Thanks for the compliments though. Its to know others enjoy my work.

Date: September 12 2006 8:28 PM Title: Chapter 1
A good short story Asukafan2001. I was hoping the two would escape and become large again, but, hey, their fate might not be all that bad. Makes me wish I was 14 again.
Author's Response: thanks, I wasnt really planning on posting it, but then the site had errors and I wanted to test the system so it got posted.
Its actually going to be part of a larger series of stories, but each story is pretty much independant. However, the overall plot is addressed and unraveled slowly through each individual story.
I also actually went back and proof read the story, becuase i like i said i wasnt really planning on posting it but here it is.
Thanks for the kind words. I definitely agree with you though. I kinda wishi was fourteen again too.