Reviews For Lover's Lagoon
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Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 14 2025 10:05 AM Title: Chapter 15: Escape

Oh my God!

When I read that you were reworking this story rather than reposting it and that you were changing the ending, I cheated. I went over to Giantess City and I read the last two chapters of the original version of the story. So I know how this chapter originally played out. I really liked that version.

This one is so much better, though!

It's true that part of my feelings on this likely has to do with following along with the whole story in this version rather than skipping to the end. However, all of the detail, attitude, and emotion in this version are on an entirely different level! Not to mention how much more creative and abundant the vore is here! This chapter blew me away! It was incredible, and I can't say enough great things about it!

But yeah, going back to how this was set up by previous chapters, holy fuck was this intense scene built up to perfectly! We've seen Kim become more and more delusional, losing more of her humanity with each passing chapter as she quite literally rose about those around her. To see her so unhinged here, completely unrestricted and just embracing the physical superiority her size gives her, being as mean and taunting as she is violent, is so rewarding in such a unique way. I mean, I was rooting for Aaron to survive this time, for the people who recognized what Kim was early to get away, but what Kim did here is a big part of the reason we all come to this site, right? Part of me hates what Kim has become, but a baser part of me is so thankful for it at the same time.

But most importantly, seeing her journey from the beginning until now, I feel like I really understand Kim.

The way Kim embraced her size right away in this chapter, playfully threatening to step on anyone too slow to get out of her way, really fits the place she's been at mentally for some time now. Yet she had the moment of hesitance before she ate her first person. There was some small part of her that knew it was wrong and it left her unsure if she should got through with it. But between her clear hunger (she looked malnourished, too), her ability to justify pretty much anything to herself at this point, and that heartless curiosity of hers, she took the plunge.

And once she started, all that was left of the old Kim was gone, replaced by the monster she once feared everyone would view her as.

As she downed all of those banished to the jungle, her vicious playfulness was as chilling as it was erotic. The games she played with her prey, from making a couple of them feed her some of the others to slurping up that one woman while that dude hung on, trying desperately to pull her out before Kim dislodged his grip with a lick of her lips, was so enthralling. The heartless way she bit off that guys limbs to try to "entice" one of the others to go inside her to live just a little bit longer was terrifying yet mesmerizing.

This whole scene, from start to finish, left me damn near breathless.

And Kim kicked off the whole thing by framing this as something kind of romantic, like becoming part of her was some gift she was giving them. How she simply viewed all of them as failed matches for her, as she now views everyone on the island as a potential match for her all at the same time, was such a self-centered, delusional way to view the situation. But that's what her new size has done to her. She truly views herself as above everyone else, and everyone is just there for her pleasure. What started as her wanting to be in control for once has devolved into her becoming the only one that matters in her own mind.

We see this especially at the end of the chapter in her interaction with Aaron. She sees that he's hard and assumes that he's into what she's doing, that he secretly wanted her to forcibly make him do what she wanted but just couldn't bring himself to admit it. Aaron, desperate to save himself, plays along, hoping that will get him out of this alive. Kim truly forgives him for leaving her, as though he had done something wrong by not letting her damn near rape him before, and she gets the closer that she believes she needs from her time with him.

It doesn't save him though.

I think Kim was being sincere when she said she'd remember him forever. I think a part of her never stopped loving him. That's why she took the breakup so personal and her more aggressive persona became threatening toward him. It was her broken heart that drove her. But, even after believing that everything was good between them, that he admitted fault and they could move on, she still had to punish him for leaving her. She still had to eat him just like the rest.

Or maybe this was what she meant when she asked if he would be with her forever. Perhaps, going back to the "romance' of her eating them, she saw this as the only way to fulfill that promise, making him forever a part of her by eating him alive.

Or maybe it was a little bit of both.

But it was so sad to see that Aaron didn't survive this version either. I was really rooting for him. In a story where my feelings on several characters bounced around throughout, I always liked him and thought he was a good dude. He didn't deserve this. And as bummed as I am about that, part of me has to admit that makes his demise so much hotter at the same time. It's a weird balance with this fetish sometimes, isn't it?

So yeah, this was a phenomenal penultimate chapter! I obviously loved every word. I have to admit, though, I'm slightly bummed that Kim's growth seems to be tapering off and that the boat is about to come back. I was kind of looking forward to seeing what you would do with a 2,000-foot-tall Kim this time around, especially if you were going to allow her to make it to the mainland before ending the story this time. Still, based on how this chapter played out, I can't help but be excited for what you have in store for us in the ending this time!

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