Reviews For Just Go With It
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Reviewer: Guiriss Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 04 2025 2:16 AM Title: Chapter 10 - Mens Rea

Thanks for your efforts, really good one!

Reviewer: Kell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 31 2025 3:07 AM Title: Chapter 10 - Mens Rea

I'm so happy to see you back and congratulations on the new house! I just always assumed you were cooking AND I WAS RIGHT!

I love the characterization and arguments this chapter. I personally care more about the characters than the smut at this point

Author's Response:

Thank you!! It's a lot work (who knew that water softeners need salt refills and lawns don't mow themselves?), but happy to finally have equity in something in my 40s. 

Glad to hear that about characters vs. smut. That means I'm doing something right. You're supposed to give a shit about them, which enhances the rest of the stuff. 

Reviewer: ittybittyman Signed [Report This]
Date: January 29 2025 12:45 AM Title: Chapter 10 - Mens Rea

Glad to see you back! I was starting to lose all hope! Another amazing chapter, I love the direction you are going with this.

Author's Response:

Thank you! You've been nice enough to leave several reviews. You're one of the readers I had in mind when I said thank you for sticking with it. 

Reviewer: ittybittyman Signed [Report This]
Date: January 29 2025 12:45 AM Title: Chapter 10 - Mens Rea

Glad to see you back! I was starting to lose all hope! Another amazing chapter, I love the direction you are going with this.

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