Date: November 22 2024 9:51 AM Title: Chapter 13: Murder
... primed by the hours of abstinence during her sleep.
This is such a good line. We've been constantly informed about Kim's growing sex drive throughout the story, but that it has gotten so intense that sleep is actually an act of abstinence is incredibly powerful to read. Brilliant word choice here!
It's sad to see how far Brian has fallen. Granted he was very much into Kim even before she started growing, but for him to give in to Kim so completely is so sad. He was an ex pop story trying to relive some of his former glory only to end up a near mindless worshipper of a would-be reality TV star more than six times his size.
I did think it was a cute moment when Kim talked about how much she loved him when she was younger. Even with her pointing out that he was her "Brian Ocean action figure" now, there was still some affection in the way she regarded him. I do think it's funny how nervous she apparently was on that first day to see him when he thought she was by far the hottest of all the female cast members at the same time. I know it would have never played out this way because of the way the show works, but I imagine there's a world out there somewhere that sees these two end up together and none of this horror show ever happens. And Brian is about the only crew member I can remember that I didn't feel anything negative about, so I would have been really happy to see them end up together.
But then, of course, we wouldn't have any of this giantess goodness in front of us, so selfishly I'm happy it didn't turn out that way!
But yeah, Brian's devotion to Kim is absolute. He literally milked her in her sleep, not for any sexual pleasure on his part, but just to see the relief on her face as it made sleeping self more comfortable. That was kind of sweet, in a twisted sort of way.
But Brian's real sacrifice was warning Kim about the assassination attempt. He didn't even consider why Thomas and company would do such a thing, nor did he seem to worried about what Kim would do with them once she found out what they were up to. His only concern was her. He even took a knife to the shoulder for her (fucking Darren, RIP). I will say it was nice to see Kim so worried about Brian after the fact, calling for help and killing Darren without even trying. It shows how much she actually cares about him.
Actually, we saw a lot of humanity from Kim here, maybe the last of it that we'll see based on how this chapter ended. The horror she clearly felt when she realized that she had killed Darren was actually nice to see. For all her power plays and sex slavery, that was a line she never actually meant to cross. So it was good to see that this was a big deal to her.
But once you take one life ...
Kim didn't seem nearly as concerned with Sam's death. She found his remains on her hand to be gross, but other than that she really didn't seem to care at all about the second life she took. To be fair, he did attack her first, and squashing him was probably more reactionary than premeditated, but that doesn't change how she reacted to it after the deed was done.
Her talk with Thomas was so interesting to me. When Thomas said fuck it and told her that they were trying to kill her, she seemed genuinely hurt by that. Those concerns she talked to Charlie about back on the beach, when he convinced her to embrace the feelings that are now ruining everyone's lives, she did say she was worried about being viewed as a monster. Seeing her finally show some lament about her size caught me off guard as much as it did Thomas!
Kim even admitted that she still loved him! I didn't see that coming, but it does kind of make sense. The way she taunted him so much from the start of her growth was actually how she covered up the hurt she still felt about what he did to her (I thought she was just pissed at him at the time). Thomas also knew exactly what to do to get picked by Kim in the previous chapter, too, so they really could have had a serious connection if production hadn't fucked things up. That's another way this all could have been prevented, as Kim pointed out when she twisted things to make herself the victim of the story, something she's remarkably good at doing.
But we also see the true consequence of Kim being put in a position to take human life: She no longer has any qualms about doing it. We saw that when, even though she admitted to Kim that she loved Thomas, she was still not only willing to kill him but actually excited over the possibilities of how to do it. The comparison of her to a child deciding which Christmas gift to open was especially chilling, as she's crossed that last line and now is curious to "explore" just what she can do to the little people around her. As much as things seemed to be going downhill before, that shit is about to get turned to 11, I think.
Charlie being able to talk Monica out of killing Thomas settled my view of that Kim-Charlie relationship. I was leaning toward her just manipulating him out of convenience before, but that she actually took what he said seriously and listened to him showed me that she really does trust him, at least now that he's devoted (or even just tied) to her. She even knows that he was manipulating her before, but now she (correctly) believes that he'll do whatever is in her best interest (both for her sake and his own). He even got to kind of call her a vindictive brat without facing any kind of consequence. That really surprised me.
I'm glad Thomas was spared, but it was so sad to see Kim literally ripped away from him like that, knowing that Kim isn't going to let them be together again. I do like that Monica was struggling as Kim took her away and licked her. We've been seeing Monica struggling between her love of Thomas and how much she enjoys Kim's size in recent chapters, and this, to me, felt like Monica clearly choosing Thomas over Kim. Not that Kim cares or will take that into consideration, but it did make me happy to see Monica's love for Thomas win out over her obsession with feeling tiny and helpless.
The actual giantess content in this chapter was amazing as always, but I especially loved the part in which Monica loosened her grip on Thomas and watched him desperately cling to her fingers as she looked on, raising him to her face and giggling at his plight. That shit was fucking stellar! Excellent work!
Now I'm interested to see what becomes of Thomas, Lauren, and the other surviving would-be assassins. Will they be exiled like Aaron and company, or is there some other form of punishment Kim and/or Charlie has in mind for them? Also, I'm really, really eager to see what Kim does next, now that the lives of the tinies around have truly lost their value in her eyes.