Reviews For Lover's Lagoon
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Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 01 2024 9:05 AM Title: Chapter 11: Kim's Lagoon

Seeing Kim slowly descend deeper and deeper into madness has been a gut-wrenching treat so far, but this chapter saw her take her biggest step in that direction yet (which I guess makes sense, since she's, you know, bigger now).

I love the way Kim keeps justifying how horribly she's treating everyone. I really feel like she's trying to convince herself that all of them deserve everything she's doing to them. It's not that she's feeling guilty but rather the opposite, I think. It feels natural for her to be this way, but she doesn't want to be the bad guy.

So Aaron "deserves" to be sent out to live in the jungle because he had the audacity to not accept that he's not man enough or her anymore; that's way easier to accept than admitting that she was too rough with him and didn't consider his feelings at all. All of the others who went along with his plan were trying to ruin her quest for love, not try to escape the living nightmare that the show was becoming for them. Candace fucked her relationship with Thomas back at the start of the story, so Kim is totally justified to do whatever she wants with her for however long she wants to hold the grudge; tormenting her both physically and emotionally is nothing compared to the pain Kim felt when she stole away that guy that she had only known for what, a day or two, right? Of course!

So Kim isn't just someone getting off on the power she has over others. She's the hero of her own story and the villain of everybody else's (yes, even Charlie and Val). She started off as a sweet, innocent girl looking for love and wanting to not be the one getting pushed around in the relationship for once, and that girl has evolved into the biggest bully on the block, who feels no shame or remorse for finally standing up and taking control. I got the vibe that she's felt like the victim in some of her past relationships, so I feel like those feelings are helping her justify being the aggressor and taking everything she wants from others for once.

Breaking the cast and crew up into three groups was a pretty savage decision by her, too, especially that group that has to live in the jungle now. Damn, that's heartless of her! But again, she feels like they deserve it because they were trying to ruin this for her, mainly because Aaron can't accept not having her, at least in Kim's mind that's the reason he did what he did. But exiling those poor people, not even permitting the other two groups to talk to them, is just so fucked up. And her calling them nasty little people when she's the one wronging them shows just how deliciously delusional she really is.

Then there's making a group sleep outside the villa because she didn't choose them to pleasure her. That's what life is going to revolve around for both the villa group and the unchosen as they mix populations at Kim's whims. I hated Thomas at the start of the story, but even I felt sorry for him here. He actually tried to step up and protect Monica, only to be cast aside, unable to do anything as the girl I'm starting to think he actually loves was taken from him without effort on Kim's part.

And for the villa group, the price for proper housing is to become Kim's sex slaves. Kim is truly gone now. There's no more excuse of not understanding the real power her size gives her or only using her size to punish those who have wronged her. Now she's using her size to get what she wants from whoever she wants, using Val and Jacob to train the rest to pleasure her properly. This is insane in the best way possible (for the reader, not the people in the story, obviously).

I feel so bad for Val. She was my favorite character early on, so to see her like we do at the start of the chapter, broken but desperate to keep Kim happy, is so incredibly heartbreaking. Her loyalty has been rewarded with Kim stopping her breathing for fun and seemingly finding Val's declarations of love for her adorable (Kim's response to Val didn't sound sincere to me at all!). Val's downfall so far (which I have no doubt is only going to continue, based on how things have gone so far) was probably the least deserved one of the whole story, and she's the only one that doesn't hate or fear Kim at all! That makes it so much worse!

Poor Monica. She's in such a difficult position. She finally found piece with not indulging that darker side after Kim didn't initially pick her, finding comfort in Thomas, only to have Kim come back and take her at that moment. She really wanted to stay loyal to Thomas; I truly feel like that was her motivation for fighting Kim as long as she did at least as much as her fear was. And I love that Monica resisted so long; she actually hung on longer than Aaron or Darren did when they tried to resist Kim, and Monica is into the size difference! That's really impressive, and I was so bummed when Monica finally broke (although Kim did a masterful job pushing the right buttons to do so).

Of course, I stopped being bummed real quick after seeing how Kim decided to play with Monica. Fucking the little woman with her nipple like that was so fucking sexy. Not to mention that Kim knowing what Monica's into allowed her to get away with some size-related dialogue that would normally feel out of place but was perfect for the scene here. I also liked the symbolism of Kim letting Monica slide down with the rest of the sex slaves after getting special treatment for a minute. It was like the novelty of a new toy had worn off, and now she's discarded back into the toybox with the rest of them. She'll be expected to do all the same things the other slaves have to, I think.

It was a small thing, but I like how you mentioned Brian a couple times here. He seemed so into Kim in that first chapter (he really sold how beautiful she was), and hearing that Kim had a crush on him too makes me think that everything could have been different if Brian could have somehow made his feelings known to her (I know there was no way a host could do that with a contestant, but still, it's interesting to think about).

As things continue to pick up, I'm really liking where you're going with the story. How far will come go and how fast will she continue to grow (five feet in eight hours is insane compared to what she started out at, by the way; I'm loving that pace!) in the chapters ahead? I'm really eager to see what you have in store for us!

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