Reviews For Just Go With It
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Reviewer: ittybittyman Signed [Report This]
Date: October 08 2024 9:53 PM Title: Chapter 6 - Negligent Entrustment

Loved this chapter! Definitely the best so far. Was the fact that Emma bra being so small on her a fashion choice or showing how fast her breasts are still growing? I love the idea of her outgrowing her bras so quickly. 

And I saw your responses to others saying you werent sure how he can communicate if he shrinks more, but what if you do some multi-size to help with that? 
Amy gets a machine that she thinks will reverse it, but it malfunctions and shrinks her while holding Steve. 
Emma and others have to now care for both, and Steve has to communicate through Amy. 

Author's Response:

Thank you!! I'm glad you liked this chapter, especially since it's like a self-contained novel. I appreciate you sticking with it. I'm also happy with the way it came out. 

You nailed it with the breasts growing quickly. That's why I mentioned she had been goaded into purchasing it over the summer, and it's January and it already is basically like a string. Caught her off guard. 

I like the multisize shenanigans idea and was thinking about going that route (if they can't cure Steve, Amy might decide to just join him to be together ultimately), but I hadn't considered it as a means of relaying information. 

But, people seem to be very interested in a much smaller experience, so since we've already established that inorganic tech can be shrunken with ease in this universe, I think we're gonna see about getting him a phone, and that phone will reduce with him. For me, the communication is absolutely necessary unless you're writing an unaware scenario, which has its time and its place. It adds so much more for them to be able to talk about it in real time, IMO. 

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