Date: November 15 2024 12:42 PM Title: Chapter 1
I'm enjoying the story so far. I look forward to seeing what happens next!
Date: November 01 2024 6:37 PM Title: Chapter 1
This story gets better and better with each chapter. Not sure if this is the route you’re planning to take, but the role reversal between Chloe and Ellie as “doll” and “owner” is super hot, especially as Ellie learns to become more and more dominant.
Author's Response:
Many thanks. This is probably my favorite review so far, with the "better and better with each chapter" part.
Due to my writing process, I sometimes go back to polish-up and expand upon parts of chapters after I post them, so if you read Chapter 7 again you might find it even better than the first time.
I hope.
Yes, Ellie will be growing in confidence and assertiveness. There will be more roleplay of Ellie being in charge while Chloe remains the one with the power.
For now.
I have ideas on how Ellie also gains powers but I have other world-building storylines which I still want to add, first.
The next chapter will reveal unintended side effects which are not specific to the parameters of Chloe's original three wishes, without necessarily being contrary to them.
Thanks again for reading.
Date: November 01 2024 7:47 AM Title: Chapter 1
One thing I am not getting is why Buck isn't orgasming with all of the play that he is being put through. Especially when his pubic hair was being rubbed on her clit. I think that means his cock would have been in her vagina at that point. Even if not, he is being run through her wet places so much, how is the inside of the doll not covered in cum at this point?
Author's Response:
Interesting question.
The way it is described in the story, Ellie would be holding him upside-down. She's trying lots of options and positions but holding him by his legs with her forefinger on his backside would place his cock most of the time above her clit.
Maybe he has been cuming but at his small size, it's just a few tiny drops of additional slipperiness.
Another possibility is that he's not at all aroused by his predicament. He might not be attracted to women at all, whether doll or human. It hasn't been relative to the story, yet.
As for Ellie's insides, it is part of her regular daily routine to shower. Maybe every two days. She takes in a bunch of water through her mouth and swishes it around inside of her hollow body. This was described at one point of the story. Bathing, eating & drinking, feeding the collection of shrunken men etc. these recurring tasks all continue even if they aren't stated specifically.
There might be updates when there is something new, related to the story and relationships between the characters.
Date: October 10 2024 1:19 PM Title: Chapter 1
I liked the doll sized, bite sized, stuff better. It was cuter.
Thanks for cleaning up the text, it's a fun story!
Author's Response:
I prefer them, also. I hope the need for the change will make more sense in the upcoming chapters, when Ellie gets to join Chloe on her crimefighting missions.
Date: October 05 2024 9:03 PM Title: Chapter 1
Please fix the spacing in the latest chapter! It's umreadable.
Author's Response:
I had stated that in the "chapter notes" (now deleted) at the very top, that I would have to come back later to fix all of that mess.
Please give it another try. Thanks.
Date: September 11 2024 4:49 AM Title: Chapter 1
Not bad, but please put breaks or enters between paragraphs. Putting one big wall of text makes it hard to read. Although I do likebthe boob stuff here.
Author's Response:
Oh, definitely! It's such a mess and so hard on the eyes. I plan to come back and fix it later.
I tried fixing the first chapter when I posted the 2nd one but I'm still unfamiliar with the tools here on the Giantess World website.
The two chapters so far were copy/paste from where I wrote it on my MacBook and on there it's properly divided into paragraphs, with indents and everything.
Date: September 08 2024 8:46 PM Title: Chapter 1
Great story I hope you continue it
Author's Response:
Thanks. I decided to add a few more paragraphs to this first chapter. I hope it is an improvement. It made more sense to include them here, rather than at the start of the next chapter.