Date: December 06 2024 12:34 AM Title: Rescue Me
Holy hell man, Ch 13 was some sweet goddamn catharsis! I feel like a weight has lifted off my shoulders! Obviously I know things won’t remain carefree forever, but this was a huge win for Mateo and I’ll take it. The whole interaction also made me enjoy Liam a lot more. I think I underestimated him as a human being and I’m glad he stepped up in the moment. I’m still very skeptical of Sofia, but with Mateo out of her immediate control, I’m wondering if she will self regulate a little bit more.
Things definitely got dark there for a bit, but it makes this victory seem that much more sweet. Great work!!
Date: August 18 2024 9:31 PM Title: Rescue Me
I’m so glad to see Beth become such a likable character in the span of a few chapters. Her trying to bond with Hazel and Emma was adorable.
Sofia is wack tho. She got the opposite effect of Beth lol she went from likable to unlikable quickly.
Overall I’m glad Beth saved Mateo and it’s gonna be interesting to see where we go from here
Author's Response:
Latina mothers, what can I say, lol. And yeah, Beth has been wonderful.
Date: August 18 2024 7:20 AM Title: Rescue Me
I loved this chapter. Finally some retribution and justice for Mateo. My brain had a glitch because of the shit his mother pulled. The rest of this story has been great though. I absolutely love what you're doing with it.
Wait... there was a movie?!?!‽, (I know there was) it was trash., I watched, and minus the some of the story bits, it was just *rages* I'm better now.
I hope you keep writing it, I sold my soul a long time ago to some shady corporation or some shit, but I hope your deal turns our better. I have long lost ambitions of writing stories for this site again but it's not on the foreseeable docket at the moment.
I'll do my best to share this. But I don't have anyone to share this with. Apologies about that. Keep up the great work, the Downsizers everywhere need you. Also Hollywood,
If you're listening this is how you do a proper story ffs.
Author's Response:
Thank you for your comment! I'm sorry Sofia pissed you off! She doesn't know what she's doing, and is coming down as a heavy-handed mother. We'll see if she learns how trauma-inducing she's been.
Thank you for the stars, it'll help me in hell, lol.
Date: August 17 2024 9:37 AM Title: Rescue Me
The existence of the previous chapters make this one so much sweeter in my opinion. The joy of Mateo moving in with Beth wouldn’t nearly have been as nice without a dangerous Sofia looming in the background.
Thank you for writing this update!
Author's Response:
Thank you for your comment! I love getting them and gives me motivation to keep writing. Yeah, I'm super happy that Beth/Mateo are together after that long separation. And the adventure is not over yet! There's still a lot that needs to happen. Sofia, Tricia, Hazel, etc. So much to tell, so little time.