Date: March 11 2025 6:58 PM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
Loving it, the smut is top tier and the characters are all enjoyable. I know you're busy but if you'd ever consider accepting commissions for a chapter I'd be willing to pay
Author's Response:
Hi! Thanks so much for the kind words. As I mentioned at the outset of the story, I'm actually kind of determined NOT to charge anything for content. There are two reasons for that:
(1) I miss the old days of this stuff just being available without a paywall. I cast no aspersions and make no judgments about those who have found a way to monetize this. More power to them, as far as I'm concerned. Everyone benefits from more content and nobody's forcing you to pay for stuff. I just feel like asking for money is against my core mission.
(2) I'm not a writer or a content creator. I'm a lawyer for my day job and just do this for fun and to give back a little to the community. It would disingenuous to charge like I'm a professional, especially since I can't give any guarantees of reasonable production timeframes with life getting in the way so often.
That said, my middle ground is trying to incorporate suggestions and requests where the story allows. For instance, I had no intentions of having our hero shrink further, but a lot of people asked for it, so I shoehorned it in. Feel free to make a request as a review on another chapter (I don't think this site has a direct message system?), or shoot me an email to doctor.weird017@gmail.com.
Thanks again!!

Date: January 30 2025 11:13 AM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
Absolutely love this story! Any chance you could do a side one-off about Emma and Becky’s propeller first time? Those two make a great couple and you’re fantastic at writing sex scenes.
Also, any chance I could contact you about a story request? The contact feature on the site is broken, so if you have email or Discord I could reach you at let me know.
Author's Response:
Hi! Thanks for the kind words. I'm not planning on letting us miss their first full time together, don't worry.
As to requests, as I mentioned at the opening of the last chapter, I'm just a dude doing this for fun when he has spare time. And that spare time is rather limited what with actually being a lawyer and having bought a house. Currently, I have no plans to do anything other than this one story. The good news is that this one will go on for a while first.
Date: January 26 2025 8:56 PM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
Hope you return!
Author's Response:
Hello! Thanks for reaching out. I didn't forget about this story!! I mentioned this in my response to someone else's review, but my laptop keyboard broke. Then I bought a house, then Christmas happened, and I FINALLY squirreled away enough money to buy a new laptop.
Now that it's here, I'm making good progress. I'd say the next chapter is like 75% done. I was going to put out a chapter that just explained the above, but then I thought people would be disappointed to see the story was updated but then not seeing any actual content.

Date: November 13 2024 4:02 PM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
Been wanting to leave a review for a while now, so I finally made an account. I really hope you keep adding on because you started a really in depth, detailed story with some very well written characters. Your commitment to detailing this universe pays off in each new chapter. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of a lot of the content involved, I love seeing people create new works, especially when they take so much time and effort to bring them to life. Please keep writing, and as a fan of odor content and all things in that realm, I am incredibly intrigued for gross negligence to come out, whenever that may be. WIshing you the best!
Author's Response:
Wow...thank you so much for making an account just to leave a review! I've done that myself in the past, when I enjoyed something enough that I had to let the author know. Like I said, I'm a longtime lurker. I think I've had an account over at Giantess City for almost 20 years and I've maybe posted a dozen times, and that was only to let people know when something was too good for me to keep quiet.
Anyway, you can rest assured that I have NOT abandoned this story. As I mentioned in my response to another review someone left, I was having some keyboard issues which I've since resolved. I also had to take two impromptu sick days and, in the world of lawyering, that's a recipe for getting buried, so I haven't had a ton of free time.
BUT...the next chapter is already well underway! Stay tuned!

Date: November 01 2024 11:01 PM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
Great story so far!
Author's Response:
Thank you very much!! Glad you're enjoying it!

Date: October 28 2024 5:31 PM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
This latest chapter is the best one yet! I cant wait to see what you do with this new discovery that allows him to shrink even more.
Author's Response:
Thank you!!

Date: October 28 2024 2:59 AM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
I hated the wait but it's a good chapter. I like how you incorporated the further shrinking and I can't wait to see more. I'm sure Amy is going to be upset and make him pay. I'll be checking in often!
Author's Response:
Yeah, sorry about the wait. Another unfortunate update on that front: the G on my laptop popped off and, like an idiot, I tried to glue it back on...which resulted in it being glued down. Then I popped it off and it took the button underneath with it.
I'm gonna see if I can still get by typing by just copying a G and doing CTRL+V when I need one, but a new laptop may be on the horizon.
Thank you for the review!!

Date: October 17 2024 7:57 PM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
So, there are many good stories on this site. Yours has become the current #1. The writing is great and you're updating regularly, which is greatly appreciated! I'd love to see more unaware content. Maybe a friend or family member comes over and he is mistaken for a bug by them? Keep it up
Author's Response:
Wow...thank you!! That's high praise because there are some seriously well-written stories on here. And the reason I'm updating regularly is because of comments like these. Every review that tells me people are enjoying it is motivation to keep churning out content.
As for the unaware content, I really think you're going to like the next installment, which I'm gonna say is about 40% done and will hopefully be uploaded by Monday. There have been quite a few requests for our hero to get smaller, and I finally came up with a way to do it that I think makes sense in the context of the story. Soooooo....stay tuned. Let's just say I hope you're a fan of Emma so far.

Date: October 09 2024 1:46 PM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
Another great chapter, glad to see you're back.
Your style of writing is very good. I like that we're getting good story and good action at the same time. I like Emma but I'm definitely more a fan of Amy. I hope they don't break up by the end of the story though, I like the back and forth that they have as a couple, it seems very natural.
As for things I'd like to see, I was thinking that you could show some crushing by maybe having Amy crush an ant underfoot? Like he's on the floor just watching her as she moves her foot around and fidgets. Maybe he even drags a half dead ant near her foot to watch her smash it accidentally?
Id still love to see her let him stay inside her flats at work. A good opportunity to show off some other people too, perhaps he falls out of the flats while she's getting really into a discussion or conference call or something. During that time he could end up under someone else's foot at the office, maybe an east asian or indian woman? Something with office footplay in particular that I've always found interesting is that people tend to rub and grind their foot against an object under their desk, would definitely be cool to see him subject to that. I'd love to see him under a bare foot as well since we've mostly been dealing with socks so far.
You brought up the issue of communication with different sizes. The solution I'd like to offer with that is having the change just be temporary. Like he shrinks even smaller while she tries to fix it, but it's only for one or two chapters.
Also, do you have a fan discord?
Author's Response:
Thank you!! I'm glad to hear you like Amy. You're supposed to. If I'm writing her the way I hope I'm writing her, she should be coming across as likeable and sympathetic.
I'll definitely work in the crush thing. That hadn't even occurred to me and I love the idea. This is why I enjoy comments.
Funny you mention East Asian/Indian. Some of these characters are based on a job I used to have way back, names obviously changed for privacy. There was a super hot Indian attorney and I was going to work her into an office scenario.
And no, I don't have a Discord unfortunately. I'm a lawyer in real life (Steve's basically a self-insert in case you can't tell) who's just writing this for fun. I'm glad you're enjoying it though!

Date: October 08 2024 10:21 PM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
This is maybe the most well written story I've read on this site. I can't wait to see where it goes.
I also miss the days of 2005 before paywall culture. It was good times when people were creating for the sake of creating.
Author's Response:
Wow...that means a lot, because I think I've read everything on this site that appeals to me and there's a LOT of it. Thank you so much!!
And, I know right? It felt like we were on the cusp of something awesome. Mainstream adaptation, better SFX and CGI stuff, etc. And then it just sort of...petered out. Everyone scattered to their various locations and now everything's just piecemeal. No real GTS hub anymore.
Date: October 04 2024 3:19 AM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
Yeah, I like the development so far. Looks like it's shaping up to be a excellent-quality long story.
Sorry, idk how to offer constructive feedback. 1) I like that you already foreshadowed at future characters, which is what I'm anticipating. Looking forward to Emma; there's a lot of ways you could take her character, but it looks like you already have some ideas in mind. 2) Pre-existing age/height gap with power reversal is nice. 3) Will say that I'm a fan of unaware (esp with further shrinking), as well as a possible ending w/ him being a part of jewelry.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for the positive feedback!! It truly means a lot.
Like I mentioned to someone else (and like I mentioned in the beginning of this story when I said it would "culminate in wholly foreseeable tragedy"), the original intent was for a tragic ending. But as I started writing these characters and their dialogue, I'm starting to question that decision. I will probably just do a series of alternate endings, including ones that could be read after earlier chapters. Like a death by vore scenario for the chapter I just wrote.
I will definitely keep the jewelry idea in mind! That's a unique one and I like it. We talking like an ankle bracelet, necklace, any of these?
I'll see what I can do about making him smaller, you're not the first person to suggest that. My concern is that it's already a stretch that everyone can hear him speaking just fine at one inch tall. It would be a serious stretch if he went micro and could continue having unabated dialogue. But maybe with the shrinking tech already established in the story we can see about getting him a tiny phone...

Date: October 01 2024 8:52 PM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
Also glad to see you back! Good stories start and then die. Don't let this die, it's great! Hoping for more unaware interaction, especially with someone who isn't in on it. Love feet so can't ever get enough.
Author's Response:
Thank you for the kind words!! That kind of feedback is pure word-fuel. I always intended to return to it, and should get back to a reasonable production time on future installments. One a week was a tad too ambitious. Now that the day job stuff is normalizing though, I've been allotting some time each day for bits and pieces.
Date: October 01 2024 12:53 PM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
Glad to see this back, definitely one of my favorite stories I’ve read on here.
Author's Response:
Thank you!! Ask anyone who writes stuff: feedback like this is practically like putting ink in the pen. Or...keys on the keyboard. Fingers on the keys? You get the metaphor.
Date: October 01 2024 9:39 AM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
Great story so far!
As for suggestions, I wouldn't mind seeing some more breast interactions, especially with the bustier members of the cast like Allison. Or maybe Emma if she's a big titty goth girl.
Author's Response:
Ask and you shall receive ;-). Emma is, indeed, rather well-endowed. Spoiler alert: she's the next one to make an appearance. Allison's a bit of a gossip so she's gotta be handled delicately. Emma's a smart, responsible young woman. Most of the time. Panics under pressure, as you'll come to find out.

Date: July 09 2024 11:34 PM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
Loving it so far
Author's Response:
Thank you!! The feedback is motivation to keep writing!

Date: June 21 2024 1:32 PM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
The last chapter was excellent. I love just how sweaty and foul her foot got and how close he was to death. I'd love to see some more foot action in the future
Author's Response:
Thank you so much!! Worked in some foot action into the latest chapter.

Date: June 07 2024 5:13 AM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
I'm loving the story so far and this is easily one of my favorite niches. I've never heard the name unwilling pred but I'm familiar familiar the concept and couldn't put a word to it. Your ability to write and describe people is way better than mine and inspirational. I'll definitely be keeping a close eye on this story.
A personal request is some inshoe and odor. Maybe she's very apprehensive because she knows that her feet smell or sweat a lot and she's embarrassed. Maybe she's worried that she'll hurt him too? It would be nice for her gentle shoeplaying to nearly crush him or break his arm or something despite her efforts. Alternatively, some sort of scheme where he cuts out a small body shaped hole in the shoes she wears to work most often. Maybe he's only able to convince her to let him stay taped to the toe section of the shoe because it's safest. After she gets to the office and starts fidgeting around he sneaks to the hole that he cut around where her heel rests. Could introduce some unaware aspects and near death scenes as he underestimates just how much her heel would push down on the insole. It could protect him just enough to meek him alive while lightly crushing him or breaking a bone or two. Maybe she's even putting some extra weight on her heels to avoid hurting him at her toes, where he's supposed to be at. If possible I'd love a bit of dry feet or callouses too, maybe he could ask her to not take care of herself for a week or something?
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for the kind words!! And those ideas you pitched are right up my alley. Another reviewer requested some in-shoe interaction, so that's definitely going to be what I work on next!
Stay tuned, hoping to have a new chapter up by the end of the week (like sometime on Sunday probably).
Date: June 06 2024 7:18 PM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
A reluctant pred story is a dream come true. Love the direction of the story so far. Would love to see some reluctant pussy/ass interaction.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for the feedback! If you wouldn't mind leaving a star rating, it would be much appreciated!
Re: reluctant pred - I know, right??!! Criminally underrepresented subsection of this community.
As for the pussy/ass, worry not my friend: we're getting there. Amy's shy, we gotta give her a minute lol. Like I said, I'm gonna try to scratch ALL itches with this one. I'm primarily an ass guy myself, so you'd better believe I'm gonna be prioritizing these two requests. ;-)

Date: June 06 2024 10:45 AM Title: Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict
Good start to the story, as far as requests, unaware feet interactions, inshoe. Would love to see the remote used to make him much smaller
Author's Response:
Thank you for the feedback! Unaware in-shoe was probably what was coming next anyway, so that's perfect!
As for getting him a little smaller, I'll see what I can do. The suit is out of commission at the moment, but it'll make a comeback and then some size shenanigans can ensue once more.