Reviews For Chosen
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Reviewer: Odysseus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 25 2024 2:42 PM Title: New Diet

This chapter was good, though the idea that he can never eat anything but her toe jam forever seems like a lot to me. Like I don't know how he could keep that secret from Alexis. Maybe it's just for this day (and any other days she decides to do it).

I'm glad you like the popcorn idea. I think it would be fun to have Alexis and Delaney sharing the popcorn so they both get a chance to eat him. Maybe she magically makes him unnoticeable to Alexis, or maybe instead of popcorn it's gummy bears or something and she makes him colored like one so it's not noticeable. He could be eaten dozens of times in the course of a movie.

Her doing something casually while he's suffering is good. That's perfect for the casual eating above. Other ideas in that vein:

- I still think him sort of becoming a toe could be fun, where she goes about a normal day while he is trapped in her socks and slippers and shoes, ground against the floor or her insole, etc.

- Maybe when she brushes her teeth he ends up attached to the head of her tooth brush and scrubbed across her teeth? Or he could end up very small and tied up in a knot in a string of floss and dragged back and forth between her teeth.

- Maybe Delaney complains about a seat being uncomfortable, decides to sit on him instead. At first maybe he's laying on the couch and she just sits on him, but then she makes him small and uses him as a cushion.

- He could end up as a tiny speck on her deodorant, get applied to her armpit, then be stuck there during a run.

- Maybe as just a random scene, Chase is busy doing something, then suddenly he's tiny in Delaney's hand. She says something about her foot was itchy, uses him to casually scratch her foot, dragging his face across her sole to scratch it, then he just pops back to where he was originally. I like the idea of her being willing to use him for something so quick and insignificant so he can never be secure at any moment of his life

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