Date: February 19 2024 7:48 AM Title: Chapter 3 - Part 1
Really enjoying this story, and for a first time posting it's great!
The premise here is very interesting, especially since (for now) Tom is the only person who remembers his old life.
The dynamics on display here really hooked me, Jane and Jess both.
As was commented on by another reviewer, the dialogue here feels plausible and real.
And you incorporating more descriptions of the size differences and scale as well as Tom's interaction with such things (fingers, hands, shoes, etc) and the scents/sensations of everything is a great way to get across his predicament, physically and emotionally.
Loved the walking under the heel section (as someone who loves foot/shoe content in size content, that was great)
I also really loved the entire scene of him discovering her dildo and the fact she has to constantly get herself off due to his inability.
The entire scene was crafted so well, how you handled him being curious and climbing up only to discover the truth, the dialogue that followed with Jane and then the cold reality (and well written scene) of him being locked out of the room (It was so easy to visualize it taking place)
And the emasculation effect, Tom's inability even with all his strength/desire/wishfullness, isn't enough to satisfy his wife with his entire body, a single finger from her could no doubt do more.
That scene was just great as was the end section with Jess.
I am hooked on this story now and can't wait to see how this plays out (also agreeing again with the other reviewer, the gaslighting and uncertainty over what is real/what is happening I think adds a layer of intrigue here)
Is Tom dreaming? Was the previous 'life' he had a dream? Will this last? Will Tom begin waking up normal sized and no one remembers him tiny only to wake up again small?
So many questions, and I'm excited to see what happens. (This also has inspired an idea I may write out in future with the idea of someone waking up small and their family not realizing) so I thank you for that.
Author's Response:
Hi Vegetaboy, thank you so much, I read this review with a smile on my face. I appreciate the kind words. I will be posting more soon!
Good luck writing that story. The premise sounds great, I can't wait to read it😀
Thanks for the feedback once again, glad to know I'm doing some things right.