Date: November 07 2023 10:09 PM Title: Treacherous Expanse
Enjoyable so far! I like the premise (fantasy, adventuring party, giga, all the good stuff) and the characters are all fun. The descriptions of her growth and massive size were pretty good. I think this most recent chapter could use more description between all the dialogue, and the dialogue could get a little wordy at times, but I do like the lighthearted tone the story has overall. It'll be interesting seeing where things go from here (will she wake up? will she "rampage"? will she be aware? There's plenty of directions it could go, so I'll look forward to how you spin it.)
Author's Response:

Date: September 03 2023 4:51 PM Title: Treacherous Expanse
@slogro Glad to hear you’re eager to continue the story, and incorporate some aware giga action!
If you’re looking for inspiration in regards to aware giga, the following stories should get you started.
Omega Keeper:
The Partner Project:https://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=12664
Author's Response:
I read these stories (after taking too long to do so) thank you for the recommendations! I am grateful for more story suggestions ^^