Date: August 31 2023 11:04 PM Title: Epilogue - After Care
I'm pretty bad at reviews but I'll say that I enjoyed this tale and it brought a lot of rare and unique aspects to the "genre." A tiny dominatrix using various tools to stay in charge despite the size difference is a nice touch, I found myself starting to wonder what exactly was going on here early in the story, and I like the reveal that the whole thing was a bizarre S&M scene using advanced technology. Overall good work!
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my short story, and that goes double for leaving a review!
A positive response is a precious thing, and given how much I admire and respect your storytelling abilities, it means all the more. I'm sitting here laughing at myself, thinking this is my "notice me Senpai" moment.
I'm glad you derived some enjoyment from my little tale. Like you said, it's an uncommon approach, but it was actually your "One Year Lease" story that loosely inspired TiFP. The idea of a tiny capable of holding their own (to some degree) against a giantess was an interesting take, and definitely an angle I wanted to see again. I'm sad to say I haven't seen much else like it. The fantasy series I've been working on for years was going no where, so I decided to branch out, challenge myself, and give something back to the community, even if in a small, niche way. So again, thank you. Thank you for your time, for your kind words, and for being an inspiration.

Date: August 16 2023 8:23 PM Title: Epilogue - After Care
Yo, tiny dom, let's go! I love to see it.
Story was really engaging throughout. I like the use of technology, namely the arches and the Succubus' Kisses; they were a clever and creative way of allowing the tiny to assert her dominance over Olivia's whole body at once no matter where she was at.
The relationship dynamic was a lot of fun. Early on, I love the moments where Mistress got a bit overwhelmed and broke character and Olivia just being into the whole thing even when her logic told her she shouldn't be. And then later towards the reveal, Olivia switching from sub to dom was awesome and executed perfectly.
Also loved all the metaphors and wordplay you came up with to describe things (like clit and caboodle, holy shit). And overall, the smut was super hot.
Would definitely love to read anything more from you if you decide to continue writing.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review! That's high praise indeed!
I'm glad the tech came across as clever and engaging, rather than distracting, which was a fear up-front. I definitely enjoyed the thought of playing with it - erm, within the context of the story, of course.
I'm also glad to hear appreciation for my wordplay! I'm no wordsmith, but I aspire to reach that lofty height; should I succeed through the medium of smut, it will be all the more pleasurable.
I definitely intend to continue writing. Eventually I'll step away from the crew, but for the time being I'm focusing on the Fab Four, their relationships, and their tech. I'm still blocking out the story, but I expect to have the first chapter of my next story up in the next 7-10 days. The ladies want to transition their projects into a business, but as with everything these days, money is a factor. As such, they will be meeting with some investors to showcase their sexy, nerdy playthings in the hope of securing some Small Investments. I'm excited to polish this pearl and expose it for your reading pleasure.
And again, thanks so much for reading, and that goes double for the feedback!

Date: August 10 2023 3:08 AM Title: Epilogue - After Care
Well, I was way off! Maybe. I don't know, it sounds like they still aren't sure exactly what was going on with Aidra.
Anyway, the big lesson I took away from this whole experience is that Oregon Trail is a terrible safeword! They clearly should have used a shorter safeword like pie or camel or ... I don't know, dysentery.
But this was a nice, wholesome ending to a story that, despite its kinkiness and occasional foray into the darker fantasies of our two main characters, really had a sweetly wholesome undertone to it throughout. Even early on, when there wasn't much clue as to why Olivia was "kidnapped" or who Mistress was, you could always feel a closeness between the two, and that connection really drew me into the story. So after all the mystery, sexual exploits, and near-death experiences, it just feels right to see them just lying in bed together and enjoying being with each other in the end.
Titty seems fun! And for the record, I think Titty Ticklers and Lotus Lickers is a fine name!
And I think you definitely made the right call to shift the earlier focus of the story on Olivia and Missy. The Aidra chapter was really good, but I don't think it would have been nearly as intense had we not had all the buildup with our two human characters. I'm a big believer in stories building toward something, and Aidra forcing/assisting Livy in swallowing Missy really felt like the culmination of everything we had read up to that point. If the focus had been on Aidra earlier, I don't think that moment would have been nearly as powerful, and Aidra's little monologue there at the end wouldn't have been so meaningful.
So yeah, obviously, great job with this! It was a joy to read!
As for your next effort, of the options you listed, I think following the "Fab Four" would hold the most interest for me. That Titty story sounds interesting as well, but from a narrative standpoint, I'm interested in seeing where this little venture goes, as well as if there are any other developments with Aidra after how Livy and Missy's night ended.
Well, whatever you decide to do, I look forward to reading it!
Author's Response:
Don't discount your Skynet theories yet! We'll have more stories in which to explore those possibilities in the near future.
I'm liking the idea of writing a couple stories following the Fab Four. I'm currently brainstorming a plan for presenting their products to potential investors. I think we could have some real fun with that, especially if at least one of the investors shows up purely on a friend's recommendation, without any foreknowledge of the products being demonstrated. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to thrust Claire into the spotlight - since she's the group mom and the only one without any page time yet - or if I want each of the ladies to take the lead presenting their own products. Either way they will definitely all get page time, and Titania is guaranteed to go off script at the worst possible moment, so expect sexy chaos in some form or another.
Thanks again for sticking with me and the girls through to the end! I look forward to presenting at least the start of the next story before the month is out.