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Reviewer: Pedroca045 Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: September 30 2023 6:27 PM Title: Chapter 2: A case of Mistaken Identity, a cigarette, a family of aphids and a violent beating

And now we get to the shrinking. I gotta say, you did a pretty nice job describing the "new world" Max has been transported to. I got the sense that I was shrunk with him.

As for the ants, they seem a bit too bloodthirsty for my liking. I understand that Lucy has caused so much pain and suffering to them, but some of the stuff they talked about doing to her... it gets on my "big brother" nerves.

Man, I feel sorry for Thorax. General Sting makes General Mandible from Antz look like a saint! It wasn't his fault that he shot the wrong kid. Like he said: his head looked like a girl from the back (that part was hilarious to me)!

As I've always said, smoking is bad for health. Not just to yours, but to any family of aphids that might just be trapped in a cigarette. Seriously though, that was a nice showcase of how small actions to humans can lead to disastrous consequences to bugs.

I can see now where Lucy gets her hatred of bugs. However, unlike her daughter, it seems that Rebecca mostly crushes them without knowledge. Still, my thoughts and prayers go to the families of these poor aphids... 😔

Back to Max, the ants once again have no chill! Good thing Princess Penelope was there to save him. So far, she's the only level-headed ant in this colony.

I don't have much else to say about this chapter. Next one though, things are going to get interesting...

Author's Response:

I did a lot of describing the new world since I wanted to emphasise how small Max has become. 

 As to why I made the ants so violent, I decided to make their behaviour as realistic as possible since from their perspective Lucy is a mass murdering genocidal monster who has killed hundreds of them and sees Max as her accomplice which is where they draw a lot of their anger from. 

General Sting is what we say all bark and no bite (most of the time....). He is a very serious man who takes his responsibilities very seriously which is why he shouts at others but he is not actually evil deep down inside unlike General Mandible from Antz. 

I decided to make Rebecca a heavy smoker to make her a stressed-out addict 

Yeah, poor aphids what can I say.... You can essentially think of this story as a darker more intense version of Ant Bully, Antz and all the other bug movies that you saw as a kid   

I think you love Princess Penelope's character later on in the story 😍

Thanks again for reviewing!    

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