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Reviewer: dodo1500 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 16 2014 2:18 PM Title: Chapter 11: Sleeping with Alyssa


Reviewer: dodo1500 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 16 2014 2:17 PM Title: Chapter 11: Sleeping with Alyssa


Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 01 2010 12:08 PM Title: Chapter 11: Sleeping with Alyssa

holy $#!T. the cliffhanger ending was awesome. great pace to the story as well. can't wait to read where you take us from here.


Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 01 2010 10:28 AM Title: Chapter 11: Sleeping with Alyssa

So, Lila has stolen him back? Hmmmmmm!

*Begins tapping at his chin, meditatively, like a poor-man's Sherlock Holmes.*

I deduce that the only way she could sneak into Alyssa and Hanna's family residence, in the middle of the night (AND undetected), is knowledge of a spare backdoor key. Knowledge that Sophie was privy to, through her friendship with those two sisters. And, which she has shared with her own mother, in casual conversation, numerous previous times.

The questions, Watson, are these: Is Lila acting on her own volition, and without her daughter's knowledge? Or, was Sophie so desperate to get Little Nathaniel back, that she has agreed to share custody of him with her mother?

The next chapter may provide us the final clue(s).

Author's Response: lol nice Sherlock Holmes impression! And we'll find out in the next chapter. xD

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